Please add RDF

Na. Only troll here is you. You are harassing me now. Im very clearly not alt swapping here. Almost everyone here is arguing against me, not with me. And then there is the fact that you can easily tell when someone used a forum alt on the forums here. Im not alt hopping here.

Your the group of people who as I said before…have the same exact 5 people liking your posts here, sometimes seconds after you post them. Sounds like alts liking your own posts to me.

Prove that I have ONE SINGLE ALT HERE. Prove it. Cuz I dont.

Have you wondered why that is when you cling on to outrageous claims such as “my server was the only cross realm WG server”?

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You literally admitted that this was an alt you had to switch to.


You make it too easy. :rofl:

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Yea but I’m not alt swapping Look at the toon I switched from. that toon isnt in here.

There is one and one person only in this entire thread who knew who my posting toon was before this and called me by that name here. I have never used that toon to post here so I am not alt hopping

All those here accuse me of alt hopping, all trying to be such smart detectives… lol. Some fella came in a few hours ago and called me by my other name and he did it on one of his very first posts to me. Shows his IQ is more than all yours combined. Thats why it is me vs all you here… trust me, if I had alts posting here… I’d be using them to defend myself in this argument.

Cant believe you guys dont even have your perky pug…

Have faith. Brian Birmingham said they’d find a way for players to get it. Not like Blizz ever lies.


Most of these people dont actually the ones who posted on their retail profiles, i spotted some who did not have it. No perky pug means you dont do RDF which means you have no business posting here and saying that you do.

Claiming Wintergrasp in original Wrath was cross-realm means you have no business posting here, either.

But some people just can’t admit when they’re wrong.


Lad, you’re posting on a toon that doesn’t even show up on the armory going “Y U NO HAZ PERKY PUG”.

It’s peak stupid.


And for saying that post too much here… hm seeing as how that is the only other I used to post on these forums you add up 1,060+ 378 You get 1,438 posts from this account TOTAL. Between my two toons.

And yet IM the one who posts here too much and has no life cuz all I do is post… coming from a guy with over 4,000 posts? More than double what I got? Again, yet a another hypocrite.

Not at you, the other guy. But even you too have more than I do.

Got a guy with 9,599 posts here, got a guy with 2010 posts here, got a guy with 4121 posts here, got a guy with 3,581 posts here, got a guy with 10,376 posts here, got a guy with 10,665 posts here…

But um yea. IM the one who posts too much.

The emphasis isn’t on the amount of posts. It’s the fact that everything you say is against rdf (and factually inaccurate), then you turn around and say you’re not anti-rdf.

You might want to look up hypocrite in the dictionary. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Edit - But I am falling for the typical anti-rdf troll tactic, which is taking this topic off-subject about anything except rdf and the fact there isn’t a single argument as to why it shouldn’t be in Wrath.

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I never said that, all I did was call you a liar. Because you are.


Im not. Prove to me where I lied. You cant cuz I didnt.

You don’t have over 4,000 posts so I very clearly was not talking to you in that reference, now was I? No I wasn’t.

I tagged you in it, yet did not refence or talk to or about you in that post.

since they have been tutored by Ion…I predict now heroic gamma and delta (they like the greek alphabet) with small dash of KSM/KSH inspired achievement.

Keystone master or keystone hero for the pure classic folk. This is weeks of pushing higher keys for the “look at me” rewards.

Oh and a timer. cna’t have crews playing it real safe ftw. beat that timer y’all. I actually would like to see that bit. Rage rants about massive run drops once timer is blown make for great chat/forum reads.

Still waiting to hear a reason why RDF shouldn’t be in Wrath.


I expect all that in Cata Classic. They’re going to completely off the deepend with changes. Just wait.

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I never said it shouldn’t be. So you are going to wait here a very long time to hear that reason.

Yea another 10 months of you people complaining why LFR isn’t in Cata Classic… i cant wait. And then I will simply state “It didnt come out with Cata launch, it shouldn’t be out yet.” Then you all will say “OMG that person is anti LFR.”

Same thing will happen again soon. Very obvious why they make these changes and make every version of Classic worse and with more changes than before… cuz they want us to quit playing Classic and go to retail.