Please add RDF

That part is correct at least. Their vision of Classic is people buying gold and doing GDKPs. Heroics dungeons mean nothing to the Team and they care nothing about players for whom that content matters.

Their Mythic dungeons are just fodder for their resume’.

Thats like saying ICC was removed and S8 was removed. They just haven’t come out yet. ICC is not here. Do you think that got removed now too?

If there is no RDF when ICC launches, THEN you can complain. Till then, its only spam. I nave never said I was against it. Infact, I am 100% willing to bet I have done it more than you have.

You know the irony of this entire thing? One of the retail posters here kept saying how he needs RDF in Classic, how he loved it so SO much back in the day… but he didn’t even have the perky pug pet…Something you get if you actually do RDF. As for me I have earned it on multiple toons in retail, I have done RDF a lot, much more than most of you have. I also noticed how I got mine done far before anyone in this thread ever did… all that put together kinda makes you all a bunch of hypocrites. Falsely saying that I dont like something when I very clearly do and like it more than most of you do.

Yeah, remember when Blizz announced before Wrath Classic launched that ICC was being removed and they have no intention of including it? LOL. See the difference?

This is incorrect as well. The fact is literally every other system in Classic, TBC Classic, and Wrath Classic came out earlier than original. So saying RDF needs to come with ICC is ignoring how Blizz has run this project from the start.


You cant remove it if it doenst exist yet. Was Cata removed from WoW Classic? Was MoP removed? Or are they just not here because they have not been added yet. Wait till ICC comes out, THEN you can complain about it not being here. But I don’t think they will add it anyways. Cuz it helps WoW token gold sales stay alive. No RDF means more people gotta buy their way into the dungeons to get stuff done and NO not Mythic dungeonss in Wrath. My god you are the third person to say that there are Mythics in Wrath.
Then you turn around and tell me I dont know anything.

Have they come out and said those don’t fit the vision of classic?


Then no.

Also, RDF isn’t content so it shouldn’t be limited to a content phase.

Quit quacking like a duck then. A rambling lying duck on a perpetual tangent at that.

Yes you can by saying “it’s not coming”.

It does exist. We know it exists. It’s simply been removed.


It’s more than that. Blizz has always used the last patch as the basis of Classic calling it ‘the most complete version’. So now suddenly that’s not the case? For ONE system? One system that defined the Wrath dungeon experience for millions of players. One system that makes it easier to group with players and have social interactions. One system that would reawaken the leveling experience. It’s all nonsense. Blizz removed rdf for one of two reasons. Either they can’t get it to work right, or they don’t want regular Heroics to distract from their Mythic dungeons that they’re so proud of.


Yup and when you ask these goons “why is RDF the exception” it’s all vague nonsense and screeching “IT DIDNT COME IN TILL ICC”.

It’s so very dull. And Blizzard started parrotting that idiotic line as well.


Given they can’t even get their god awful LFG Tool to work properly in basic ways after months I’m almost certain it’s simply that they can’t get the proper wrath style of RDF to work right and any other excuse is just gaslighting.


Show me once here where I said I dont like it. Post me a single one of your EU toons that has actually done the RDF system. You ever used the system, ever? I kinda doubt it. Really, truly do. I use it very often. I earned it on 7 separate toons in retail and got it before any of you who linked your armouries Telling me I dont like something. And just to show how out of it you RDF people are one of you even asked why I cared that they didnt have the perky pug. You have to do hardly any dungeons to get that pet.

Im 100% willing to bet that I got my perky pug before almost any of you here, I have done way more randoms than any of you here, therefore I have more of a right to speak than anyone here and I say wait till ICC drop to complain about it not being there.

Oh and also… more info the this poster who “doesnt know anything and makes everything up” according to you guys. Just remember that it was ME who told YOU that it comes out with ICC. None of you got that info on your own. You got it solely and 100% from me and me alone. So if ICC drops and its not out yet, then complain.

There was a comedian, Norm MacDonald maybe? Who said something to the effect of -
You ever pick on someone so much, you just want to thank them for all the good times you had?

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My guy, this thread is half you quacking like an anti RDF duck.

I extend my arms and point upwards.

Good lord, why? You haven’t, all you’ve done is post a date that anyone could do.

What is the point of this?

What’re you hoping to accomplish?

But since this is just another hill you absolutely must die on, here you go.

Hill, meet gravestone.

Did this before Cataclysm was over, what’s your point?

You have to play with 100 different people using the RDF system.

If you do a bunch of guild runs it takes a while to get.

But you’d know that being the knowledgeable person you ar… dangit, I almost said that without cracking out laughing.

(can’t include a link to my own character, but can to the forums, well done on these forums Blizzard, well done)


Seems to be the most likely answer. Their ridiculous BS reasons they stated about community, and spirit of Classic and their Pillars have all been proven to be lies.

Incompetence is the driving force for Classic.


I did it before Wrath was over. Thats my point. That I am not anti RDF. Never said I was. And I like it more than you do. You like it so much… then how come you had to wait until almost the end of the expac that came after it to do it all. I bet if I check your Wrath achieves, they wont match with someone who likes the RDF. More like someone who says it buy doesnt know what they are talking about…same thing you keep accusing me of doing.

And I also already told you that I am boosting this thread. Mainly cuz of me spamming this that has brought it up to that top. Now that it is at that top it can be seen and take off. As I said I want RDF ICC drop. Thats all.

Then quit quacking like a rambling duck.

Because I didn’t play 7 characters in Wrath.

I played like 4 that all had it.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The guy who lives on the forums making hundreds of posts against RDF. “But I’m not anti-rdf”. You can do better than that.

Also, I’m real hesitant to believe you actually played original Wrath, considering you keep insisting Wintergrasp was cross-realm back then. Which is factually incorrect.


Keeps asking for links for proof as well, doesn’t remotely respond to them when they’re posted and in the same breath goes “I used to link stuff but people didn’t read it so I stopped”.

He has no convictions whatsoever.

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My 371 posts vs your 4123 posts and Im the one who lives on the forums… right. Im not even 10% of your forum progress.

Not making any posts against it. many of my posts on this toon are outside of this thread. And I have said repeatedly that I am all for it.

From the person who claims to have posted on multiple characters this means… absolutely nothing at all.


Because there is none. Come on, Wintergrasp wasn’t cross-realm. The CRZ technology wasn’t even in the game until MoP. The guy just…says things. And hopes no one calls him out on it.

Add them up from your multiple troll alts and we’re a bit closer.