Please add RDF

Where is this a thing? Do you remotely understand how GDKPs work?


Yea I have described them a lot to a lot of you people here on the forums and I have done them before. When on officer of my old guild, we really did have our guildies buy their way into doing any sort of PvP or dungeons with us or any raids and we used the GDKP system for dungeons as well. For PvP you cannot do that. You don’t use bots to farm out the gold, you don’t steal gold from the guild bank, you don’t do any of that stuff to fund the GDKPs. And it is usually for a raid. ive said many times before here what they are.

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No you haven’t and no you haven’t.

Cause GDKP dungeons aren’t a thing.

The closest you get is buying a boost. Which I will totally believe you’d do.


They pretty much fessed up to selling a sort of boost up there, right?

I’ve gotta be honest with ya, I have absolutely no idea what he’s trying to say at this point.

Literally nothing he says has any relevance in reality.


You only got that one single guy liking your posts now. Gotta ask your friends to back you up.

Ive sold boosts.

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Are you seriously paranoid enough to think that people ask for likes on the WoW forums?

And if you are, why are yours curiously unliked?

Yeah, that’s not a GDKP.

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They are maybe seeing carries/boosts and mixing them up.

I see HoS runs often on whitemane/grobb. but they are boost runs.

and 65 to 70 pens runs never really died out on some servers. Ain’t no one gdkp’ing in tbcc leveling. Or raid. they if smart run cta weekends and get brutal gear on the 70 ding. That stuff is solid pretty much to 76. Not one copper spent there unless they gem them up.

The tokens bit is kind of true for levelers. Kind of…I did do this on my grobb paladin.

But part of that is I really need stamina which is not always on quest/mob drops.

Sometimes you don’t get jumped by 80’s and have a fighitng chance lol. stamina helps there.

Also, I was really bored stuck in my place with a slow moving typhoon lol. Then it came back for round 2. “cabin fever” set in a little lol. I’ve done worse with $20. Much worse…

So, what’s the best thing you ever spent $20 on?

I didn’t say it was. I don’t do GDKP. I said I’ve sold boosts. There’s a difference. GDKP is not selling anything. And it is not technically a boost.

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Neither do I, but I at least know what it is.

You’re here claiming without a hint of irony that GDKP dungeons are a thing.

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A cheapish set of tools for photography equipment.

Its like a multi tool. its a few sizes of allen wrenches (this is not as universal as one would like in camera gear world), workable +/- screwdrive heads.

Its been a godsend when I whip out the caged/rig more full blown setup. All for like 19.95. Its made by Small rig…free ad for them there lol.

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This guy is incapable admitting when he’s wrong. You guys roasted him about Wintergrasp too when he kept insisting it was cross-realm back in original Wrath. Instead of saying ‘oops, I was wrong’ he tries to change the narrative.


Its for loot distribution. Primarily used in raid but can be done in dungeons too. Ive already said what it is and all that before. You get 100% of all your info from Google and it shows.

You said to me that WG is not a battleground it is a zone and all that stuff because that is what Google search tells you that it is. You also go out of your way to refute anything I say because you can think of no other way to keep this thread going for your lost cause.

It was on Illidan server…I was there. But you’re the same group of people who argued with me and said that Wintergrasp isn’t a battleground and dint become one until just recently in retail.

No it wasn’t. You can continue to lie all you want, all it does is prove you don’t know what you’re talking about. Which, to be fair, is all too obvious anyway.

I’ve been watching this conversation continue for 4 months from the sidelines and it’s as pathetic now as it was when I last was here. There’s just two anti-rdf trolls who still haven’t made a single argument against why rdf shouldn’t be in the game.

The patch a system was originally added has never mattered throughout Classic. Literally no other system in 4 years of Classic got the ‘but it wasn’t until patch x’ treatment. Still, if Blizz had just said it was coming with ICC most people probably would have tolerated. But seeing the state of the game without it demonstrates it should have been added already by now. The dungeon experience is just a toxic, gatekeeping disaster. Which is a combination of rdf being removed and Mythic dungeons being added.

And authenticity doesn’t matter anyway. To talk about Wintergrasp again…yes it’s a cross-realm bg in Wrath Classic. So…you’re fine with that? But a Wrath system coming in an earlier patch is somehow a problem? Mythic dungeons are fine, but an authentic Wrath system is not? Tokens are fine? A few dozen other changes they’ve made for things that never existed in Wrath are all fine, but RDF isn’t?

There is no logic in the anti-rdf argument. None. There is no scenario, no perspective, no example or situation where any argument holds water. It should be in the game. That is a fact.


Explain how a GDKP dungeon run would work.

Tier 7.1 protector shoulders drop from the end boss, run us through how it would work.

No my dude, I say that cause that’s how it was and I played through it. You very, VERY clearly did not.


Can say comfortably that if this was the case 99% of those here pushing for it would mock those with zero patience to wait for it.

Massive difference between:
“Just wait, it’ll be out when ICC opens”
“No plans at this time”
“We never said no, or that it would be out before ICC”


You do Mythic dungeons in Wrath just like the other person who does M+ in Wrath along with Mythic raids? You do them too? Yes clearly it is ME who does not know what they are talking about. You’re the one lying here. If you had even one single level 80 in Classic then you would know that there is no Mythics in Wrath. Not as a dungeon, not as a raid.

RDF wasn’t removed. It just wasn’t added yet. It is too early to add it in anyways.

It literally was as long as they say “it doesn’t fit their vision of classic” which is bloody stupid.