just like how there are people out there that can level 1-80 (or 1-60 on era) and then immediately create a new alt to do it all over again because they enjoy the leveling quests, there are also people out there that would love to run dungeons, even if they get the same one multiple times in a row. hell, as it stands now you are more likely to get the same specific dungeons constantly because they are easier to get to compared to other dungeons in that level range (like horde 25-30ish, how often will a group form for Gnomer vs RFK?)
Yes. I agree. Of course there are people at each end that prefer. I feel overall that the average player, meaning the majority of players, prefer variety. I am basing that on the amount of feedback that players give about hating the thought of leveling again. My recollection of dungeon grinding through rdf at low levels was they also became repetative and boring. Because u would get put into the same exact one over and over. Until you finally gained a few levels and then u would get into a new dugeon and the repeat the hell out of that one. I would end up not queing for awhile to get a different environment by questing. For dps classes that was perfect. The que time gave a nice balance.
As for extremes. I wish the experience in bgs was higher. Then i wouldnt do questing or dungeons. I would only do bgs. Haha. They would have to give more gear drops though also.
You are correct and that is 100% the final nail in the coffin that made me quit retail. They gave in to the small but loud complainers of rdf and used mythic as an excuse to get away frim rdf.
Pugs in dungeons are single serving friends, RDF doesn’t change that.
You are the one claiming it’s something other than that. And of course refusing to admit that RDF is optional and in no way prevents you from preforming your group.
Rdf does change it though as not all pugs are “single serving friends”, because they are on your realm and can become more than that. But with rdf they are very likely not on your realm and cannot be more than that unless someone pays for a transfer or starts a new character on a different realm which vastly reduces the chabces of pugging dungeons ever becoming more than a “single serving friend”.
But that doesnt fit your agenda so you want to ignore it.
It’s not that it doesn’t fit my agenda it’s that it doesn’t reflect the reality of pugging.
And you are still ignoring that RDF in no way prevents you from pre forming groups with people who you want to group with and who want to group with you for reasons beyond just doing the dungeon.