Please add RDF

Yeah. So?

You’re the last person with any room to claim that someone else doesn’t know when something was originally released. I know exactly when it came out. I don’t care. I know that if it had been finished and ready earlier it would have been released earlier. So it stands to reason there’s no logical point in waiting. Same as dual-specs, lower level riding training and every other quality of life improvement that was released during the original Wrath expansion.

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Nobody is saying that.

Literally no one.

Not one single person.

This is a myth. Blizzard has decided when to add features in to classic releases completely arbitrarily. There is no such thing as “when it’s supposed to be”. That is a concept that exists only in your weird, warped mind.


As worded by Blizzard themselves…

“Players within the outdoor Wintergrasp zone will receive a queue prompt, and players in Dalaran may speak to an NPC within their faction’s area to enter queue during a short window of time. Once queued, players will be placed into the Wintergrap battleground, and shortly thereafter, the battle will begin”

The zone is a PvP zone, yes as there are the areas where you can go outside of it and farm stuff, but WG is a battleground. It truly is. It is in a non battleground zone. A world BG as it is. The area around it in the same zone is not part of the battleground.
WG is indeed a battleground. Thats why it is in the epic battleground rotation right now currently in retail.

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Need help moving those goal posts?

This was never the discussion. You said it was a BG in original WotLK.

Which is patently and blatantly false. A lie if you will.


And I said that for my post up above. I posted about Classic WG. it is listed as a battleground. I said in Wrath it is listed as such and I posted the quote about the Wrath version of it. THEY CALL IT A BATTLEGROUND. Read up. And quit selective quoting me to try and fit your losing argument here.

Here read this.

“Players within the outdoor Wintergrasp zone will receive a queue prompt, and players in Dalaran may speak to an NPC within their faction’s area to enter queue during a short window of time. Once queued, players will be placed into the Wintergrap BATTLEGROUND and shortly thereafter, the battle will begin”

Had to really stick it out there for you to read. WG is a battleground.

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So Illidan has housed many “interesting” folk a while now, huh? Its not like age improved the place. Many from retail illidan I like how they work, mostly. I just wished they did it quietly.

I have been playing since vanilla!

Okay, 17 years later and you still ghost cap? I’d…not say that part out loud.

That was never the discussion though?

You may as well have spent the last 20 posts arguing that cheese is better made in wheels than squares.

It’s pointless and stupid and just makes you look like, well, you.

And it’s blatantly obvious to just about everyone, except for maybe you, that you’re now trying to go “that’s not what I said” despite saying exactly that.

Go away.


No. You and i already discussed that you want to get into arguments with people here to keep this thread going and bumped up to the very top.

Thats why everytime I say something, you always try to refute it, then you argue the fact and then the exact same 3 people come to your defense.

I said WG is a battleground. You probably knew that it was from the very start. You just act like you do not know this stuff. And then you keep asking me to link (cuz links further help the algorithms to keep your thread boosted) and then ask for me to describe it. WG has always been listed as a battleground on every site ever. You and I both know that it is and always has been a battleground.

Now I will say something else, and you will say that is false and demand that I prove it. Anything and everything that you can do to keep this overly spammed thread going.

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Good lord, take some personal responsibility for the crap you’re spewing.

You’re lying, repeatedly.

And now that your lies are getting called out by multiple people, including people who are supposed to be in on your lie you try to backtrack.

It’s painfully obvious.

But it never was in the original which was the bloody argument.

I’m pretty much the only one keeping your thread going. It is top now, I go away it will die down, it will fade away and your cause will be lost among all the other RDF threads.

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I don’t see how it’s my thread?

I’d rather the thread dropped till a more truthful anti RDFer came along and quacked at this point, your drivel is pointless.

Isn’t this in your interest?

Why are you still responding if you believe this?

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I dont want Wrath to be changed from it’s original version too much. Thats why I keep saying I want it on ICC release. But knowing them we may not ever get it ever. So. I do want it, but not right now.

Plus there is the fact that no RDF means more GDKP dungeon runs, more people buying dungeon runs, so more WoW token sales. Blizz adds in RDF, they can wave a massive amount of the WoTLK WoW token sales goodbye. No more tokens bought to get good gear from the AH.

I honestly think that this might be a money thing, more than this is “keeping it Classic”

And I have zero problem with keeping this thread going btw. I know what Im doing by posting here this much.

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Good lord, not only is it way too late for that you’ve been screaming “wah you want no changes” as a derogative at people half the thread lmao.


Seriously, wat?


With RDF, you press a button you que up,you run, your done.

Current system, you need to find people to group with… but your gear is too low. So. You need better gear. You look in the AH. Nope… cant quite get that one, too expensive. So… WoW token.

You then find out. you need another piece of gear, but just one token wont get it for you. So… two more tokens. Then you find a group. But then they say… buy your way in. So… more wow token gold.

And that was just for one single toon and one person doing it. Now times that by 100,000 people doing that. That is hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single day that much can happen.

So you really think that it was a coincidence that they added wow tokens but not RDF? DF kills the need to buy those things, cuz wit RDF, you dont have to buy any gear from the AH, no need to buy your way into any dungeon run ever.

So then Blizzard would only be getting a standard 15 a month. So yea. No RDF helps wow token sales.

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That wasn’t what the wat was about.

You think GDKP dungeons are a thing?



It is advertised some for the dungeons, mostly the raids. And again, proved my point. I say something, ANYTHING and you try to refute it to keep me replying to keep the thread going because you cant think of any other way to do so without me. Just me and people replying to me and you is all this thread is now.

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Where is this a thing? lmao.

There are desperate people out there who will throw in lots of gold just to buy a GDKP dungeon run. I see it on trade every once in a while, mostly its a raid thing though. Not a whole lot of a reason to do it in any dungeon but some people do. But it is primarily made for raids, that system is.

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I don’t care.

It doesn’t matter.

By introducing the WoW Token into Wrath Classic Blizzard has proven that any of their arguments against keeping RDF were always in bad faith. Since there is no logic to keeping it out there isn’t any solid reasoning to delay putting it in. It’s just that simple.