Please add RDF

Thats yourself you’re talking about now. You’re the one with nearly 10x my post count. You have 3x as many posts as I do in this topic.

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Certain zones that are not affected by the feature, including:

  • [Wintergrasp]

’ * [![Mists of Pandaria [Patch 5.0.4] Added.’

You’re trying to pretend that CRZ was added in Wrath, specifically for Wintergrasp, when it wasn’t added until MoP and specifically excluded Wintergrasp and your “proof” is to just go on the Illidan forums and ask anyone who might still be playing to corroborate your claim. Even though the patch archive provides evidence against your claims. Heck, the actual forum software has changed at least twice since the end of Wrath.

Good lord, no.

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Yes. You get your info copy paste from a Google search, it does say that. However. There are two different types of WG that you can access. When you go there to queue up for the BG by talking to the NPCs or are in the zone when it starts, or when you go in and join up using the queue. Go in game and I can show you. I can log in to two accounts. One will do it the first way I stated, the other will do the second way.

WG does have CRZ as I see people from other servers on it. CRZ means people from other servers are in your zone. And I can show you how I can do both versions of WG at the same exact time. One where I queue up the other way that is done server side only, not in the raid group, the other using the raid group method. I can win one and lose one at the exact same time, then invite you over to my toon that lost and show you that it does indeed show as different. Thats the difference between the battle being done on a single server vs it being done on a mid range server. It’s an exploit so I’m sure you’ll back out of it, but it is very doable. I have done it before. Very good way to have both versions up at the exact same time for farming reasons.

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Sure, but it’s also in my interest to keep this topics on the front page, so …

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Which is a danged sight more than you ever did btw. There’s zero evidence of your claim that your specific server had cross server Wintergrasp in Wrath.

Cause it never happened.

There really wasn’t in the original Wrath. It was a zone, never a BG.


Watch me leave and you people will lose your main reason to stay here. Pretty much kept going by you people replying to me. You can find someone else to badger.

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Yep, thank you for keeping the threads up :slight_smile:


We need you to stay here?


No. I went to Wowpedia, the fan site dedicated to archiving World of Warcraft information including patch notes as well as undocumented changes. There are a lot of things I remember from playing WoW over the years, plenty that I have forgotten, and even a few things that I have misremembered. Not them. They’re the historians of WoW. So while there is a remote possibility that they’ve recorded information incorrectly - it is far more likely that they got it right - especially when everyone who isn’t you is in agreement.

I might be willing to concede this point that it currently has CRZ, but only the zone does, not the battleground and CRZ did not exist before MoP.


They WHAT?! Do they not remember Wintergrasp? It was imbalanced all the way through due to faction imbalance. I remember there being like 5 horde and like 40 alliance and the horde would have that stacking buff that increased damage and health.


Wrath Classic is not Wrath Proper. In Wrath proper WG was for that server only because that is how you gained access to VoA. You could even flight path over WG or fly while a match was in progress and if you flew you would get a warning that a match was in progress and to either join or be teleported out of the zone.

WG was not a cross realm zone. There was even number imbalances and the one that was outnumbered got a buff. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and didnt even play Wrath.


This still happens btw, it’s incredible “fun” to be 140 vs 13 or so Russians with 27 stacks of tenacity.

And by “fun” I mean “you just wait it out cause fighting those tenacity stacks is as far removed from fun as an apple is from the sun”.

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There is no 1v1ing thats for sure. You just have a team that occupies their time so they cant do objectives.

I only really played WG if i was bored or wanted to do VoA. Now i just get my daily heroic done however long it takes and then log off and go play The Crew 2 until i go to sleep.

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On Illidan server Blizz DID add CRZ for WG. WG is a bg based on the server and back in Wrath we had 55,000+ Horde and 800 Alliance… so um yea… Blizz added CRZ for MY server during Wrath. Illidan is a Horde dominated server by a long shot.

Hey you can go and ask on the Illidan forums if you don’t believe me. You know whats funny about this thread? I have been called a liar multiple times and everytime I end up proving myself to be right, your mean to me the whole way through and then… yea you just stop talking to me as soon as you get proven wrong. Thats pretty much was this thread has devolved into. Me saying something, people calling me a liar and saying that I am wrong. Then people demanding I link proof. But then those who ask me to link it dont click on it anyways. Im right here. Illidan used to be one of the most imbalanced servers in the world. It has been 99.99% Horde and for most of it’s existence. I remember playing Ally on that server back in Wrath and seeing people from other servers with me there on my Ally toon. Illidan really was that imbalanced. And it really did have to have help from other servers to pull from in order for the Alliance to even be a thing there.

You’re going off of Google searches which can be altered. I’m going off of actual facts. I was there. You were not. So dont talk about something you dont know about.

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You actually have to provide a link before you can complain about people not clicking it, this is also almost verbatim the same deflecting that another forum poster uses.

Fact is there is nothing supporting what you are saying, nothing. Can you provide anything to support your stance from the time period of original Wrath? Honestly want nothing more here than just a page of links and a mic drop, but what we are getting from you is aggression and “trust me bro” statements.


I told you I quit posting them because they didn’t click. People don’t ask for you to post links because they want proof, they do it to waste your time.

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Then you are unwilling to back your claims, since your reply is deflection.

“it’s not my fault that I am not posting proof”.

You’re gonna have to take the L on this if you refuse to post supporting evidence.


Oh yes. You are totally right. Illidan has never been Horde dominated by well over 99% ever in its history. The actually truth is… it is known for being the most balanced PvP server in all of WoW history. It has been known for having EXACTLY 50% of each faction. There was never any Alliance pulled from other servers in the Rampage battlegroup.

It has always been and always will be the most balanced server in all of Wow’s history. Is THAT what you wanted to hear? Cuz you really seem to think that I made the whole thing up about Illidan being that imbalanced and actually needing to pull from other servers. Even though they did pull, Illidan once went almost an entire year with zero access to the WG raid for the Alliance players. But yea. Go ahead and believe your little lie that Illidan is a very balanced server and never had any problems ever.

Just ask around. No one who you ask about Illidan will tell you that I was wrong with what I said about it being so imbalanced that Blizzard really did have to bend the rules just to help it and also it was the very last server to get other servers merged with it on Horde side.

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Because I know the truth. You’re the skeptic here who is making up lies saying that Illidan server was never that unbalanced.

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Deflection, my question is in regards to proof of CRZ being used as you claim. Illidan being unbalanced faction wise is known. Illidan being the only realm to have CRZ prior to MoP is not anywhere confirmed besides you claiming it. Either back your claim or take your L but stay on point.

Never said this.