Please add RDF

This guy just ain’t right in the head.
A real “gish-gallop” as well.

RDF is a system, not content
The dungeons are content
Is dual spec content or a system?
We should of got dual spec with ulduar, not launch then?

You are one of the worst trolls & all your posts should be removed imo


Whom are you referring to?

Ive always said that was not content. DS came out in 3.2 and there was no 3.2 this time around. It has always been 3.4. K? And 3.4 did not exist in actual Wrath. But you didnt know that until I just told you. Glad I was able to teach you something new today. Now go away.

And RDF IS a content patch. It was released along with content in WoW. It therefore was part of a content patch. Blizzard has never once released a patch for WoW that they have labeled as a “system” patch.

RDF helps to complete content. When it came out, patch 3.3.0, yea. That was a content patch. ICC was a content patch and as I have said multiple time, RDF came out as ICC came out. ICC is content, so therefore me saying that RDF is on the content patch,that is correct. Blizzard never did release a patch JUST for RDF to come into game. RDF came in game the same patch that other things did. it was part of a content patch.

That is a FACT. You cannot deny that ICC is a content patch. RDF is part of that patch, the content patch of Wrath.

RDF came out patch 3.3., so don’t go telling me that patch 3.3 WAS NOT A CONTENT PATCH… cuz it was. So I have said it once…more than once… and I will say it again. RDF is a content patch. I have never once said that Blizzard made a patch just for RDF. On the contrary, I have actually stated multiple times that RDF came out in addition to… content which I have stated here multiple times exactly what that content was. RDF came as part of a content patch, not a system patch.

So. I am right and you are wrong here. RDF came out on the same patch that content released, thereby making it a content patch. That is what it is. Dont like it? I wasnt the one who named these patches as such. You have a problem that the ICC patch that RDF also came out on is formally known as a content patch. go take it up with Blizzard. Post over in the CS forums and let them know that you believe they made a mistake in calling the ICC patch that RDF came out on a content patch. Tell Blizzard about the mistake that they made. Since you are so sure that it is indeed a mistake. ICC is not a content patch according to you. I think it is very important that you let Blizzard know of this mistake that you and only you seem to know about. Even I thought this was an actual content patch that ICC released on but apparently not.


"To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.

As for the community question, I used to … I think that 5 years ago, I would have answered this question differently than I would today. I was all about preserving the small realm communities, but already… Well, look at Battlegrounds, it’s a good case in point, because it doesn’t diminish social relationships that matter on a realm. Sure, everyone can bring up “that one guy” that they know, the ninja looter who stole his stuff. But I think your real community isn’t the whole realm, but it’s your guild and the friends you group with, and the cross-server LFG won’t undermine that at all. The Dungeon Finder – by the way, I think we just renamed it the Dungeon Finder last night – We designed it in such a way that it serves the need for guilds and groups and friends. You don’t have to always [join a Pick-Up Group]. If there are four guildies in a group who just need a fifth, they can do that. You can also use it if even you have a full five-person party.

Or, you can do it if you’re on your own and just want to run something, so I don’t think it diminishes it at all" -Rob Pardo

Looks like if the original dev team had their way a dungeon match making system ( at the time referred to as LFD) would have been in the game sooner than Wrath.


It is a system. Blizz released it early cuz you people kept complaining about the game being too hard so, yea.

The unhinged guy making zero sense, Aovona

I make no sense to those who don’t know how to read simple facts that I type. 100% of everything that I have said here is entirely factual. it is.

Like when I have to say the same things over and over and over again. Then have to prove what I say. Then I get called a troll and a lair simply for stating the facts. RDF came out on a content patch. There is no such thing a system patch here in WoTLK Classic… you would become very agitated too and also become unhinged if you were called a liar back to back nonstop for no reason when all you said was true then you prove that it is true and people dont even admit that they were wrong. My god. That is enough to make ANYONE begin to get upset and start to lose it.

RDF is part of a content patch, not a system patch. ICC came out along with it, ICC is content, not a system. I am therefore 100% correct in saying that RDF is from a content patch, cuz it is. Blizzard did not make the patch specifically for RDF. They made it for other content and it almost came out in Cata.


No i dont alt hop. You are also posting on a low level alt. Its just your bad arguments are catching up to you and you are trying to save face.

Wrath subs did not drop. The official sub numbers released by Blizzard prove it.

Yes, you said that i said it was released at launch. But if you cant back it up then you are a liar.

If you acknowledge they are different then a question still stands that i asked and you ignored. Why only RDF? Why is that the only system that has this “wait until the same patch/phase it was released in” nonsense thar you keep pushing?

So you buy WoW tokens to do GDKP runs? So you buy your gear, you dont earn it. Good admission of guilt.

The only one putting words in other peoples mouth is you.


Ok, all that being said…

Blizz please introduce RDF into Wotlk classic.


Ive always said I am for it. It’s just that I want it to come out when ICC drops, same as before. I’m trying to keep “Classic” a Classic. But knowing Blizz RDF will not come out… then I’ll be upset cuz it is needed for me to progress on some of my toons. I don’t fancy being required to join a GDKP just to get a few dungeons done. This isnt Wrath of the Lich King. its Wrath of the GDKP.

I can respect that, but…
That train left the station a long time ago.

Well the good news is that some of the dev team that helped make Cata are still here today so maybe it will be more like it was back then. As they will know how to do it a second time as they have done it before. Cata Classic might be more true to it’s form than all the others before it have been. Other than the WoW tokens coming in.

I understand your view point of keeping classic “classic” I do, but sadly that time has passed. The only hold out for those set on no changes is RDF at this point. (which is why people usually gang up on those saying “it should come out with ICC”.)

This rerelease is already so far removed from what original wrath was, deciding this late in the game to hinge on RDF as the last bastion of classic is silly. Almost every feature/QoL release was made live much earlier than it was originally and numerous new systems added.

No changes is somewhat admirable, sadly at this point it’s outdated thinking as much as most of us want it not to be.


I need the rdf now!


I just saw an image of Aovona, what was supposed to be there?

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What, where?

Is me pointing out that English is my second language making fun of your English?

And you don’t think me pointing out that you’re showing a victim complex is correct?

You’ll be back bumping the next thread and making it huge anyway, the cause keeps going.


Lmfao This giant book of a post is the most hilarious bait ive seen you do yet. I mean you’re either trolling or in an asylum either way I’ve left :wave:

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These distinctions did not exist in original Wrath and 3.3.5 was a content patch. 3.4 doesn’t exist. 3.4.0 was an everything patch. It added new gameplay features as well as new content. I’m not going to waste time looking at the differences between 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 I just want to point out your inconsistencies in talking about patches.

Those of us who are rational are ignoring seasons when it comes to patch cadence. There’s no way they’re going to match up simply because classic releases are on a much shorter timescale than the original releases were. Typically 12-18 months total in Classic compared to 24+ months for the original releases. That’s before I point out that Season 8 is PvP content and RDF is PvE content so it makes absolutely no sense to link RDF to PvP seasons. I mean … I can’t even fathom what a stupid idea that is.

Since RDF is a gameplay feature and not content, why are you so adamant that it should be released with ICC - in a content patch? That makes no sense. Why would a Wookie live on Endor?

RDF was released in the next patch after it was ready to go live. It’s just a coincidence that it was ICC and that it was roughly a year into the expansion and the expansion then lasted roughly another year. Based on every other decision made, RDF should have been released with patch 3.4.0 or as soon after that as was feasible.


That train jumped the track and dumped toxic chemicals into the local watershed a long LOOOOOOONG time ago.

Why do you pick and choose so much?

No. It is not. At all.