Please add RDF

No. They want RDF in now. I said it does not come in until S8 hits and ICC comes out.

I actually kinda hope they still dont put it in though cuz it is funny seeing you all get so mad over something so simple. If you spent as much time spamming trade to look for a group for the dungeons as you do on the forums… you would all be full epics by now.

This isnt following original Wrath so you dont have an argument. Tell me when Titan Rune dungeons were introduced and why it didnt split the playerbase originally.

you quit acting like Wrath Proper is being represented accurately with Wrath Classic, its not.

That means they are raiding and this doesnt actually help what you are saying. I highly doubt you have BiS. I bet you dont even know what BiS means. It doesnt mean “epics” just to give you a hint.

And many of those people arent actually playing retail because it sucks so looking at our retail characters gives you absolutely 0 information.

Highly doubt it. Dont try to attack people for hiding behind retail alts when you are hiding behind an alt yourself.

M+ is end game content.

Why do you people constantly make strawman arguments instead of actually listening to what we say? Are you so bored you have nothing better to do than troll and lie? You are wrong about what we want, we dont want BiS which you think is just “epics” we want to be able to actually catch up.

Because you open your wallet and buy illegal gold to do GDKP runs doesnt mean we all do.


You got your Perky Pug from WoTLK RDF 12/25/2009. I got mine on 12/21/2009. Very clearly neither one of us is against RDF. RDF came in the first time to help people better clear ICC. RDF came out as ICC dropped. ICC isn’t out yet, so RDF isn’t either. Thats that. We got our pugs during original Wrath so very clearly, neither one of us is opposed to RDF. I have done it on 27 of my toons in retail have that achievement and I barely do any PvE at all in retail. So pow. Dont come at me saying that I dont like it or dont want it. I want it a lot but not until ICC comes out. If ICC drops and we still dont have it, then its time to make a fuss and yea… I’ll get pretty upset that it isnt out yet with the ICC drop cuz so many now just buy piloted runs and the such. RDF would remove the need to buy GDKPs… but that will cut down on WoW token sales so there is the slight chance that RDF may not be added.

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So what?

You are.

Thats not the reason it was released.

And? This isnt Original Wrath.

Why is this the only exception? Not to mention that Titan Rune dungeons were never out and it has fractured the playerbase, so this isnt the same game or circumstance as original. It was released in ICC because thats when it was ready, they wanted it out at launch.

Congrats, you can parrot Blizzard. This just goes to show you dont actually have an argument. Each and every one of your points have been absolutely dismantled.


No Im not. I have said multiple times that I am against it coming out right now. I am all 100% for it coming out when ICC drops like it is supposed to. It never came out into original Wrath this early.

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Yes you are. I guess you arent paying attention to what you have been saying.

A bunch of “you peoples”, getting our arguments completely wrong, trying to say that Wrath Classic is like Wrath… you are wrong. It should have released at launch or at the very least with Titan Rune dungeons. This isnt a good faith representation of Wrath. So why dont you people understand this?


I have said time and time again, it comes out when ICC drops. I dont want it before then. ICC is not out yet so I therefore do not want it. I got my perky pug before you did so I therefore like RDF more than you do so I have more of a right to speak on the matter than you do. I did RDF a lot. I have it on over 2 dozen toons that achieve. Ninja looters ruining RDF is a myth. That seldom happens. I like RDF more than you I am 100% sure of that. I played till I got locked out for the day on multiple toons. I did it on so many toons so many times. Im against it coming out NOW. Not against it coming out ever in the future.

WoW didnt launch with RDF. Quit saying it did.

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I like your style

It was released cuz the server pops were starting to get lower on some places and subs were dropping so a CRZ method was needed to pull more people for doing the dungeons.

Saying it came with ICC is not an argument for it to have not been out since launch or at least when Titan Rune dungeons were released. Tell me why the crusader seal vendor was released later in the cycle than it was in the original? Why was dual spec released earlier, why was the heroism heirloom vendor released earlier which cam out in conjunction with the crusader seal vendor, why is there titan rune difficulty that didnt exist at all?

You are 100% anti-rdf.


So which is it? Was it released because server population was falling (it wasnt) or to help people clear ICC which it didnt do either.


No Im not. I even said that I want it. I have proven that I began using it before you did, I have done it on way more toons than you have, I have more WoTLK dungeon runs than you very clearly… I like RDF…WAY more than you do. Lol. Oh and btw… when it comes out… Im gonna be better at it than you will. Pretty obvious seeing as how you underestimate me. You think that i dont want it. I just dont want it now. But not having it keeps people buying WoW tokens to fuel their GDKPs so that boosts token sales, Blizz adds RDF, no more need for GDKPs and also lot less gear bought on AH as the RDF will have a good rotation and the PoS, HoR dungeons amoung others will really mess up the BoE epics on the AH which mainly only cap at 200 ilvl while the bops will be in the upper 230s right from the get go with there being 260s dropping as well.

So it will kill token sales. That is the only reason they may not add it.

Server population failing made it more difficult to find people to gear up down ICC content.

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Want some tap water?

You havent proven anything except that you lie.

Quote me saying that RDF came out at launch.

Also just because you got the pug 4 days sooner doesnt mean what you think it does. You could have not had a guild to run, or raided, and i also would spend hours within PoS soloing it for the Battered Hilt. Clear the trash, reset, clear again.

You are just grasping at straws to try to save face at this point and its just sad.

Server populations werent falling either.


Server population wasn’t failing. Dungeon runs were just becoming harder to find which is expected as more people hit max level and gear out of them.


People also werent using RDF to get further into ICC, they used it to get enough gear to get into it.

The more this person types the more evident it is that they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.


Yea they were. Odd how you have the exact same low level classic poster liking all your comments seconds after you make them… alt swapping for post likes? Lol.

WoTLK sub counts dropped before the end of Wrath… that is a well known fact.

WoW Subscriber Numbers by Expac, in Millions : r/wow (

Look as I have said multiple times, the sub count began to drop towards the end of Wrath then rose again right before the next xpac launch and that pattern usually happens on like…um every MMO ever. And I made a typo there. It was falling, not failing. So i said failing in error. But those two are very similar anyhow.

Subs did start to drop in Wrath up until ICC came out and RDF was added. Thats an absolute fact. The fact that subs began to rise again after RDF was added kinda proves that it was infact a good thing… so now me saying that as I have always said that once it comes out during ICC time period. I did WAY WAY more RDF than you ever did so stop your trolling of me saying that I dont like it or that I am against it. I have never once stated that i am against it, only that i am against it coming into game at this time period right now. Oh. here we go again. I’ve had to say this about 50 times now? Think I will have to repeat myself to you people again? I sure do.

No where in my reply to you did I ever say that you said that RDF came out at launch.

Im not 100% anti RDF. Your the one lying about me and then having the exact same low level classic toon giving you upvotes… most likely your Classic alt.

Quit putting words in my mouth just cuz you suck at retail and dont dare post on a Classic toon in the Classic forums cuz then we all would know you are very bad at that too.

Oh was I really? Odd ow everytime you people think I am wrong you don’t say that I am wrong. You have never once said that i am wrong. Instead you just call me a liar. Thats what you keep doing to me nonstop. I just keep getting called as liar here. But. I was right. So who’s the ACTUAL LAIR NOW? Oh yea. That would be you now wouldn’t it. Sick of being called a liar by you people when i am not lying.

Because you brought it up, not me.

Yea I do. it means best in slot. I have used it correctly multiple times. That was your way of asking me what it actually meant.

WoW tokens aren’t illegal gold…

Nope. I have never once said that. I have on multiple occasions said how the two are very different.

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RDF is a cataclysm feature that was released early during the 1year ICC content draught.




Hey would you look at that. I posted proof that subs did drop a little in Wrath right up until around when RDF and ICC both came out. RDF DID help people gear up on their alts to be able to get into higher content and also into ICC. There were 3 main dungeons right next to it that gave very good gear.

Your the one who keeps saying I am anti RDF. I keep saying I am for it. like lol I just said it again right there… but you’ll ignore that too cuz it doesn’t fit your agenda to find a reason to argue with me. I have said time and time again that I dont want it to come out RIGHT NOW. It is to early for it. I have very likely said 50, maybe more than 50 times, possibly closer to 60 or 70 times on this toon and others that RDF does not come out this early into Wrath. it comes out later. Why do I have to keep repeating myself? And me saying that does not mean that I do not want it. I have never once stated here that I do not want it.

And I was once again totally right like what is your problem here? You people get on me for making up the info about the subs beginning to drop during the Wrath content drought. Then you kept saying “link info cuz you are lying so you cant” Then i said I dont want to like proof cuz i will once again waste time finding a link that I put on here that you go out of your way NOT to click on anyways. Clicking my link would prove me right and would stop your argument right there.

Keep getting your low level classic alt to like your posts, its cute. Also… Im not anti RDF. Just dont want it to launch right now, never said never. And yes RDF did help peole get geared for ICC on their alts. You don’t need full BiS to run ICC btw. or even a full raid group. And… I just taught you what BiS means. Cuz if you look at all my posts where I said it, I used the term correctly. You used the oldest trick in the book to try and tell someone they don’t know what something means, when it is you who didnt know it and as soon as they tell you, you that you didn’t know then you say “No I knew what it meant all along”… no you didn’t. Thats why you subtlety asked me to tell you what it was.

And i also proved to you that not only did I do RDF in the past and was for it, but that I began doing it long before you and also have the achievement done on multiple toons… 27 to be exact. Now that is A LOT of RDF dungeons. I also got all my Wrath dungeon content done far ahead of you. Kinda proof that I got help from spamming back to back RDF runs. Cuz I did those achieves on multiple toons.

RDF was fun back when I did it in Wrath. You down content so much quicker because there is no sitting spamming in trade or posting yourself into LFG and hoping someone sees it and picks you up.

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They’re a tap water drinker and a narrow minded thinker