Please add RDF

RDF came out on patch 3.3.0. Wrath ended on… get ready for it little goober. oh thats right …and WoTLK ended on 3.3.0. A little patch called Fall of the Lich King. You know… The Lich King. Perhaps youve heard of him? Na. I actially kinda dont think that you have. He is the guy who was once Arthas. Go Google who Arthas is since you seem to very clearly not know much of anything about the game.

RDF came out patch 3.3.0. Wrath ended patch 3.3.0. FALL OF THE LICH KING.

Um lots of you have. Also. Kinda just caught you in a straight out blatant lie right here.


You are up here LYING and getting likes on your LIES. RDF came out on the very content patch of Wrath. 3.4 is a balance patch NOT a content patch. Learn the difference. Because there is a BIG difference. And yes S8 came out in patch 3.3 S8 was the final season of Wrath. S9 was season 1 of Cata. Blizzard names the last season after the expac that it comes out in. Cata ends at S11 so it is therefore known as Cataclysmic season. S4 was season end for TBC, that season was called Brutal but was almost called Demonic as it was a demon themed expac, Blizz scrapped the idea as the TBC was not the final battle against the burning Legion. S8 is Wrathful and it ends on patch 3.3. Wrath Classic is on patch 3.4.

Glad you got so many upvotes when you were 100% wrong on your comment there. You werent even half of a percent right saying that S8 is not the end season of Wrath or saying that RDF did not come out last season of Wrath. S8, ICC, came out Wraths final patch of 3.3 and Wrath ended on 3.3. Wrath ends S8. There is no S9 in Wrath. S9 is Cata S1. S11 is Cata final season. TBC 1,2,3,4 Wrath 5,6,6,8. Cata 9,10,11. Season 12 is MOP.


Ive told many of you the difference between a content patch and gameplay/balance patch. WoW Classic is mainly doing it by balance patches and not content patches. There was no 3.4 in original Wrath. So Wrath would have been over the very second you logged on if it really was a 3.4 content patch.

LFD and RDF are two very different things. The fact that you people keep using them
interchangeably further proves that none of you have any clue what you are talking about. People do not spam LFD to get heroics done in retail. You use RDF for that. LFD is for Mythics and other custom groups.

You people don’t know the difference between LFD and RDF. You already have LFD in Wrath Classic right now currently. You do not have RDF.

In retail RDF is spammed for leveling I hardly ever see LFD being spammed for any sort of leveling. Getting an LFD group for leveling would take a few hours at mimum as everyone else would be doing RDF and so wouldn’t go into your custom group finder queue for your pick up group, also know as a pug.

LFD was common nomenclature for RDF before RDF’s usage became more popular.

It’s the same thing, the dungeon finder.

Why you are so bent out of shape trying to force subjective semantics, is just pathetic.

It’s ok. I know. We’re polarized on the issue, which is why we will get RDF vs RDFless servers in the future. I don’t want to play with people like you anymore than people like you wanting to play with me in this game.


No. LFD is when you use the game to create a dungeon and you pick your own group, it is not a randomized group. The LFD is when you select your own group and then do a random dungeon or can go to the exact select spot of that dungeon to do a specific one.

The RDF is 100% random and all you do is press a button, the game selects both your dungeon and your group for you, you are then teleported to the dungeon that you.
chose. In retail you can do LFD to do Mythics, you cannot use RDF to do Mythics in retail as that is not you putting the group together with help of a Blizzard dungeon finder tool.

The two are very different, so quit saying that they are the same… cuz they are not.

LFD already exists in Wrath Classic right now. People want the RDF. But RDF did not come out until Wraths’ final content patch which we are not at yet. You already have the capability to log in, make a group, list your group and use that group listing to do dungeons… that is LFG on LFD feature.

I’m saying the nomenclature is the same. I know they are two different tools.

They find dungeons.

We didn’t need you to point that out for us in context.

Without cross-realm, automated functionality, which is what we want.


You people wanted Wrath Classic and now you got Wrath Classic and now you cant handle it because it is too difficult for you so you want them to add in a feature that wasn’t even in the game until the end of original Wrath. It came out when ICC and S8 both launched.

You people are WRONG. Wrath never had RDF put into game this early, it was never added before ICC drop and before S8 drop. It was added end game. But hey guess what? Im going to have to endure a whole nother year of all of you complaining about LFR not being added in during Cata launch. lol. All these people here claiming how they “want to relive their old Classic days” and not a single one of you ever played if very obvious. Like that silly tauren warrior who said he remembered grinding out his R14 in original Vanilla and how difficult it was to collect all those PvP marks to get his gear. Yea… thats the mindset of the people I am dealing with here…yea. You bought your Classic R14 gear with marks back in 04.

We also didn’t have CRZ in original Wrath at this point either. There were some servers that didn’t even get CRZ until just recently. Like less than a year ago. So no. Dont give me that line that you had your CRZ to help out in Wrath.

CRZ was added when people got free xfers off of the mega servers and so the queues got longer on some and shorter on the others and it was actually to help Wintergrasp battles mostly and so was only done on some servers as many had no need for CRZ in Wrath. Yet another post and yet another lie.

CRZ was also first put in for WG only, then it came in for RDF. CRZ was not put in for LFG before it came in for RDF and LFD later.

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Yeah except we don’t, we got Wrath Reforged and since it’s Blizzard, well…


Wintergrasp wasn’t cross realm in the original version of the game.

Another easily findable fact by the way.

Cross realm play before RDF was limited to battlegrounds and arenas and started in patch 1.11.


Illidan sever Wrath ended with 55,000+ Horde and 800 Alliance, so yes WG was made CRZ for my server of Illidan. Otherwise Ally would have no one to play with there. Ask ANYONE who played on Illidan during original Wrath and they will tell you the exact same thing that I did. That Illidan WG was the first one to become CRZ as it would have been Horde controlled 100% of the time otherwise. And we are talking about the CRZ as it was added for Wrath and I said WG.

Cuz this entire topic has been about CRZ. And yea it first came in for WG only back in Wrath the CRZ did. WG is a zone, the battlegrounds are not zones so they are not effected by CRZ…wrong again. Cross Realm Zones. Battlegrounds are not on a specific realm. You port to a specific place set up just for them, they are not mixing realms to go there, you are mixed from realms at that location, but your own realms do not go to that location to participate. Wintergrasp exists server side, the other battlegrounds in Wrath do not. So WG can be CRZ. Ashran can be CRZ, world battlegrounds can. Dungeons can as they exist server side. Battlegrounds port you to a different place that is not on your server, it is on your mid-range server that it is hosted on, Blizzard calls those battlegroups. The early BGs were not CRZ, they were mid rang server hosted custom locations that was not officially cross realm zone. Only locations that exist on your specific server can be cross realm. Arena and battleground grouping is done differently. And no. Patch 1.1.0 was first patch and patch 1.1.1 had no battlegrounds in it. So there you go, yet another lie I have caught you in.

Arenas and RBGs use the same custom server type setup that regular battlegrounds do not use. Patch 1.5 had the first battleground added in, patch 1.7 had the second set added in. WoW Vanilla did not launch with battlegrounds…it just didnt. And arenas did not come about until TBC. They are hosted FROM the server but do not take place ON the server. Just as WG is hosted FROM the server and takes place ON the server until only just recently where it no longer does which is why you can go there physically to queue up for it in retail and not be grouped with anyone at all while the battle is going for everyone else so you get your own version of it with your win or lose not being affected by the win or the loss of the actual WG that now exists outside the server system. You go with a friend in retail and you go join up for WG by queueing up at the physical location and your friend uses the in game PvP queue, you will have one of you in a BG were there is only one person, the other will be in a full raid vs raid group.

Hosting WG on the actual server location caused a stack overflow and lagged out the server so it now exists in a separate location when it is group played now, now that it has been added to the actual PvP rotation. WG is now hosted on a mid range server where as before it was only posted on a single, unmerged server.

See? You were wrong, YET AGAIN. Glad you got some likes though for always being wrong. It was I who taught you the difference between LFD and RDF. Or how I had to teach you a content patch is not the same as a balance patch.

I speak German as my first.

But here. My broken English? Let’s fix yours, shall we? I quoted you… hm

You’ve* English* " ,and seem" <----- oxford comma there. I could keep going on, but just about every sentence you made there making fun of my English has an error in it. I dont care much about the grammar here. I can fix 100% of all your grammar errors that you made there.


I never said it is not needed. I have simply stated that it did not come out until ICC and S8 dropped. Neither has happened yet. I had over 9k achieves this late into Wrath on original version. Lots of us did.

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No, it wasn’t.


Go post on Illidan forums and ask people if what I just said there is true. It was. We had next to no Alliance on Illidan back before Wrath ended. So CRZ was added. Every single person knows that what I said about Illidan in that statement there is true if they played on Illidan. They made it CRZ for the Alliance side.

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We’re on the internet and the internet doesn’t forget.

Link anything that remotely hints at your claim being a thing.


I claimed that Illidan had 50k plus or so in Wrath for Horde and about 800 Alliance and that the Wintergraps on Illidan had to have other servers filling in for the Alliance because they never stood a chance. Only Warriors from Above and the guild it merged from as well had any presence back in Wrath for Ally side. I have a toon in that guild. I played Ally and Horde on Illidan back in Wrath. I KNOW how the server was back in Wrath. What I have stated is true. Anyone on that server will back me up and say that it is true. All you have to do is go to Illidan forums and ask around. Every time I link something it gets ignored anyways. I waste like 30+ minutes of my time looking for a 15 year old link that no one ever clicks on. So, no. Sick of doing that. You want proof that what I said about Illidan server is true, go and ask people who played there. Players in current guild Catnip used to be in the guild Expert on Illidan. Expert came from WFA for some of their members. Like wow…once again you are wrong.

Thats why you are refusing to go post on the Illidan forums and ask about WG cuz you know they would all tell you to get lost, to quit wasting their time and that yes, it is true. Then you would cry and finally go back to Europe.

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I’m not interested in your claims that aren’t backed up by anything at all.

What you’re claiming simply isn’t recorded on the internet at all.


No, I’m refusing to do your research for you unsubstantiated claims for you cause that’s simply not how arguing works.

If you make a claim that is outrageous like “my single server had cross server WG enabled in the original Wrath” then the onus is on you to back up that claim.

And if you think about it for just a second you’d see why I’m not doing your research for you.

Cause you’re literally trying to sell the idea that a single server had cross realm enabled.

How would that even work?


This whole argument is a straw man, you are conflating two different groups, people are well aware of when RDF was added. No one asking for RDF is making any of the other arguments you have sited hear. You know this, stop being disingenuous, you are very dishonest.


Bgs did not come out until patch 1.5, arenas were a TBC thing, not Vanilla. So not patch 1.1. They came in TBC prepatch. Patch 2.0.1.

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I didn’t say patch 1.1, I said patch 1.11.

Just to clarify cause I’m really starting to doubt you understand it.

11 is greater than 1.


No matter how you said it, still wrong. I am seriously the only person who is correct on this entire thread and it is hilarious. Why bother to quote your 1.11 when that is still incorrect. Arenas did not come out in that patch, nor did any battlegrounds. WSG came out almost an entire year after Vanilla launched. No BGs patch 1.11. No arenas.

See you’re just trolling me now and this is why you got kicked off of posting on your original account so had to come over and make this new alt one. Then get an army of alts to like your own posts. I’ve been right on 100% of my points here. What irony that the person who made fun of my English made so many errors in his post to me. …And um…lol English is capitalized. So yea. Thats what you guys do here once you know you have lost an argument, you resort to insults and trolling.

1.1 was a content patch. There was no content added in 1.11 so they are considered the same as this is concerned. 1.1 was a content patch, 1.11 was a PvE balance patch. I’ve told you maybe close to 40 or even 50 times that the two are different and the difference between the two and why there really is no need to argue the semantics between the two and that you can have multiple balance patches before getting a single content patch and that all the numbers after are still considered 1.1. It is part of the same patch. Thats even how Blizzard words it too. Also, no Arenas and no battleground existed in 1.1.

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Actually, you’re right.

Cross realm BGs were added in 1.12, not 1.11.

And what is the relevance of this? Why does it matter if no new BGs were added when cross realm bgs were?

Again, these are easily google-able factoids and the internet simply does not forget even if I do.

Oh yes, victim complex is really what your personality needs :+1:


You were making fun of my English and the guy who did so got upvotes. I have not made fun of anyone personally here.

Keep the spam going. idk. Lol. Blizz will just shut this thread down and you will have lost yet another chance at making this happen.

Okay and. Why you make fun of my English. Like what’s your problem here. That’s harassment too btw. All you people keep wanting to say my English sucks when I have said time and time again that this is my second language. What… you only speak one and I was still correcting you on your one and only language? yea. Shows how pathetic you are. have to resort to personal insults as soon as you lost your argument.

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