Please add RDF

Or, hear me out, to play with other people while levelling and even get into content without being gatekept.

You know, the whole playing an MMO with other people. I know this is probably a stretch to you.


If you didnt spend so much time click refreshing the forums on a region you don’t even play on then you would be a lot further along in the game. If you spent this much time in trade chat as you do here, youd have over 9k achieves in Wrath right now. I did by this point in original Wrath and right now I already have many.

My main is the same name as this toon, I’d need a fair chunk of luck to be further ahead in the game.

Danged wrists simply won’t drop and vanq tokens can suck a big one.

Also, is having a second monitor really such a mystery to you goons?

I don’t give a flying toss about achievement points.

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Well if it’s only kinda true, then it’s mostly false.


Youve said about a dozen nonsensical things in half broken english on this thread alone. You have zero idea why RDF is needed and seem clueless about the game in general. Nobody cares about achievement points lol nobody is using RDF to gear up. You are in your own little world, maybe its the language barrier because something is off with everything you’re saying lol.


Which is funny cause I’m on here with English as my second language being from the Eu and all :stuck_out_tongue:


only replying to so i can have forum activity for logs

only replying so i can add my character to wow logs

Lol yup, its better than his.

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The funny bit is many have said why we want it. Leveling.

I could not give 2 craps if I got a crew with 4 ninjya’s. I jsut want the xp. By not killing 200 boars. an Hour. every hour. for days…lol

I feed alts gold for cheap boes and/or cheap recipes (my s. priest is also my first tailor). BG honor or my 80’s cash in WG marks for 2000 honor packages. every 10 levels…I get pvp vendor options. I have gear options already. I’d take free drops ofc. But the xp is what is truly desired.

For me its the leveling xp. at 80…I get pvp gear. Deadly minimal to relentless (for unrated options) as desired. And all of that is well over heroic dungeon gear.

Non alpha/beta heroic that is. See I have been very open to alpha/beta is not even in the RDF as a tradeoff. Just like retail. In retail if you want M0 or more…its what lfg is for.


Or even emblem farming.

The culture that’s arisen with the junk titan rune they’ve added of skipping every boss possible makes it virtually impossible to farm emblems of conquest to get you started with gear or to downgrade for gems or what have you.

The entire focus is on getting emblems of triumph and you kinda need those for your gear.

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Lmfao i swear this is a troll theres no way your english is this out of wack

well i agree with you folks now, the RDF its kinda missing there i just hope they add it on ICC patch my hope for it being added before it its gone.

i agree with level you get access to alot of stuff which makes ninjas kinda meh, plus its not a 100% guarantee that every dungeon you get 4 ninjas.

It would be exceedingly rare to get 4 ninjas in the same run, and that’s not accounting for the improved need over greed system added with RDF.


What does this have to do with leveling? Which is what it seems like most people want RDF for. Never heard of getting full BiS gear from leveling dungeons.


Or even heroic dungeons cause that’s simply not where you get bis.

You get bis from raids which is wholly and totally unaffected by RDF.

It was a really stupid point he brought up that got shot down faster than he puts on socks.


Okay…go ahead. Wrath wants emblems at 80. In the leveling some really jsut want the xp.

In retail lfd…heroic was/is spammed for quests. For the mythic pro’s it was a Fast easy clear if they already did their 8. Why burn a key for trash quest runs if the vault is already done. Me, I went in 7/7 pvp. By x.1…this steam rolls the place too.

LFD heroic Gear was nothing to me, I wanted the say calling done. If a fresh level cap needed gear more I liked gaining positive karma. So a Trade window went up. But ubu.

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I absolutely do not want to “keep it classic”. I want to keep features that were in Wrath, in Wrath where they belong.

And in classic, it came out during the prepatch event. Nearly two patches early. Trying to claim that Blizzard should stick to the original patch cadence for one feature when they’ve almost NEVER done that for the entirety of classic releases is what I call hypocrisy.

Smack dab in the middle more like, how about riding skill?


None of us are stupid enough to ask for #nochanges. However… Hey Blizz, can you get rid of the WoW token? I never wanted it and have gone on record as saying it has no place in WoW?

Is your hypocritical self satisfied? No? Why am I not surprised?

Most of us, I would think …


Oh so you dont have any good gear at all cuz there is no RDF. Got it. By your own words that is essentially what you are saying.