That still doesn’t change the fact that your not the arbiter of valid opinions.
okay if that’s how you spend your days I guess. Maybe if you had RDF you’d be doing dungeons instead of on the forums browsing threads that you don’t even want to browse.
If I didn’t want to browse it, I would not have clicked on it. And yes, I do enjoy wasting a bit of time pointing out people’s absurd value of themselves, like thinking that anyone that doesn’t agree with them don’t have valid opinions.
Maybe if we had more people who didn’t just dismiss others outright like that, our world wouldn’t be in the sad shape it is in today.
I mean…one of the biggest defenses against RDF for the longest time was that it would kill any player presence in the open world, and a quick /who shows that the world is dead already even without it…
If anything, it would actually help revitalize the world by giving the people who are just raid logging now more reason to level alts and actually play the game
Hello pot I’m kettle.
You’re using that wrong. Have I ever said your opinion wasn’t valid?
lol, lmao even
You pretty much said go to retail because it has RDF… So yes?
I can see you have reading comprehension issues since we’ve already gone over this once.
Wrath did.
If you hate RDF so much, Era exists, or better yet join the hype train for the new Hardcore server and let Wrath be Wrath.
You should keep up, we’ve gone over this, and I have not made a point for or against RDF, I have made a point that invalidating other’s opinions because you don’t agree with them is funny to me though.
It’s not “because you don’t agree with it” it’s because the points people make against it are usually, always stupid.
As I said before, I really am not here to listen to a regurgitation in the 500th thread for or against RDF.
I don’t really care either way regarding RDF tbh. But every day there’s several threads posted about it, and every day people argue, telling the one they don’t agree with that they don’t have valid opinions. And every day I see those thread, my only two thoughts are:
A) other people’s opinions you don’t agree with are still valid opinions.
B) that you can have the RDF feature by simply playing in retail, if it’s such an issue for you.
People come in here and say that they’re gonna leave the game, or quit playing, why? If the RDF feature is such a big deal that you’re gonna quit the game, just go play the version that has it. I’m not invalidating your opinion in saying that, I’m saying that if you don’t enjoy the game without RDF, go enjoy the version that has RDF right now.
Most of these threads people spend so much time on, instead of just enjoying the game for what it is. Even today, I’ve spent how long now saying to people that other’s opinions are still valid, regardless of your own opinions.
Actually, some points are valid, just like others for the RDF feature.
You’ll have to excuse me if I say I haven’t seen a valid argument against it. It’s always non-issues or silly things that don’t matter.
“It kills the overworld” - I haven’t seen many people in the overworld even in Northrend and we don’t have RDF to supposedly kill it right now.
“It didn’t come out until ICC!” - Okay, but like… we got several things early and even some things that NEVER existed in Wrath. We got dual spec early, we got queue for BG’s anywhere early, we got Tokens which never existed.
“RDF exists, go to retail!” - Is probably the silliest one I see sometimes.
The arguments I see are always so silly and you pointed that out perfectly.
Actually, you are, because you’re implying that RDF is the reason for playing the game. It’s not, it’s a tool that facilitates a good game by dampening the flaws it has, that being the tedious leveling process and near-inability to form groups in a reasonable time frame
RDF is not what makes or breaks a game - pro-RDF players won’t “just play retail” because they don’t enjoy retail, with or without RDF. And anti-RDF players won’t play retail even if it didn’t have RDF, because they don’t enjoy retail. You’re marginalizing both sides of the argument by reducing their talking points to “just play x or just play y then”
You act like you have some moral high ground here when in reality you’re just antagonizing both parties
Textbook definition of a troll…
The funny thing is, Anti-RDF people would typically enjoy Retail more. RDF is mostly a levelling tool there, in the endgame most dungeons that you’d actually want to run won’t allow RDF. Mythic 0 and above need group finder.
Random battleground queue is out which… let me check my notes… ah yes, came out in 3.3.3, after ICC released.