Please add RDF

One is content and one is quality of life.

It doesn’t matter jack in this case cause both were added in patch 3.1.

The patch that gave us Ulduar is the very same patch that gave us dual specs originally.

Your dumb rambling doesn’t change this, and there’s simply no way your nonsense is memorable enough for me to connect the dots to you having posted this dribble on another character.

If you’ve had “this conversation” with me before it’s as it relates to classic and that’s not what we’re discussing at all.

Patch 3.1 is what added Ulduar and Dual Specs. They were put into the game at the exact same time.


Yes but I already told you the difference between content patches and gameplay patches on another toon, well over a month ago. DS is considered gameplay, Uld is content. Anything that effects your toon is gameplay.

RDF probably wont come out, but even if it does…still too early for it to. So quit spamming for it.

There was no difference in the original.

Magically there is in classic unless it’s about RDF, then it should be the same.

It’s blatant hypocrisy.

So why isn’t RDF in the game again?

Yeah, the hypocrisy on full display.

Thankfully not your call to make, however many toons you have to go through to post it.


But Blizz said that for Classic there would be. It allows them to add stuff such as WoW tokens which most people hate cuz it helps GDKP stay alive. So this isnt actual WoTLK. Cuz if it was… I would like it 10x more than I do this version.

And in terms of classic we’ve been getting features early and usually at the start of the expansion. Dual Spec is an example of that, so RDF not being out from launch is the hypocrisy in classic wrath.


OK so, again, why is RDF the only exception (aside from the quest helper that they promised would come, see how their promises are always true)?


DS came out very first patch, RDF came out vey last patch. So… complain about it when very last patch is out and its still not here. But still you should see how many posts were against having it in anyways.

Blizz is thinking of restarting WoW. So it is possible that our retail will be deleted, and this Classic is the beginning of WoW 2.

And those posts could justify that in vanilla and TBC by #nochanges.

An argument which doesn’t apply in wrath where in fact the opposite applies as RDF is a legitimate wrath feature that noone can provide an actual reason shouldn’t be in.


6 months in, a quarter of WotLKs lifetime.

6 months later was patch 3.3 with ICC and RDF.

Good lord, if you actually want this with the dev team who struggled to bring water back to Wintergrasp for 6 months I’ve got a couple of bridges to sell you.


I still dont see a single one of you asking for their to be no WoW tokens while you go all on about how you want no changes. You are true about the no changes part? How about asking for their to be no WoW tokens. Or ask for the sever paid transfers to be shut off as in original Wrath they were not always there at this point. But NO. You people will never ask for that. Blizzard sees you not asking for those two things to not be removed, yet asking for RDF to be added in earlier than it was before…so yea. They know that none of you actually want Classic WoW. You just want your easy mode dumbed down version of it. I dont see back to back posts asking for H+ to be removed, do you? Yea so um…you people in fact do not want an actual Classic WoW experience. You just want the easy mode version.

I never said I want it. I said Blizz is thinking about doing it. And of course Asmongold found out they were thinking o doing it so he make a whole video about how it would be such a great idea for Blizz to restart WoW…yea. They want to and they might actually do it.

A lot of people who want RDF have in fact objected to both the tokens and the other garbage changes like H+ that have been added to Wrath classic.

So yeah…


Oh so you’re a mind reader, OK, that makes it so much better.

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Blizzard made a tweet saying that they were considering doing it. The ability to read doesn’t make me a mind reader. Of course you still live in Europe so you believe in all that witchcraft stuff.

Yes they are. Thats it was created and why it gives the same ilvl of Mythic Raids. Participation is down with M+ though because DF is a bad expansion and lazy.

Thats not what the polls have said, and why are people that were against it are now for it?

So this is a catch 22, not many threads yet when new ones get made they are reported as spam because there are too many… mull that over for a while and get back to us.

Some things in Wrath Classic didnt exist at all in Wrath Proper, and some things didnt exist in early Wrath that were there from the beginning of Wrath Classic. Some things also released later than they were supposed to.

No, it should have been in place from the beginning. And if we complain when its the “actual patch” then its just not getting added ever.

We arent making up lies. Original Wrath didnt have Titan Rune difficulty which adds to the issues.

Who has said that?

This doesnt actually refute the arguments for RDF.

You arent getting bis from dungeons and even now. The only dungeon people want gear from at the moment is ToC. Everything else is for emblems.

Having RDF however would completely stop being invited to stuff that you arent listed for. Just last night I was listed for H OK because it was the daily. I get an invite, the leader said “CoS reg H” so I left. He then whispered me with “Why leave?” “You left group and then relisted yourself wasting my time!” No, he wasted MY TIME because he is a failure at reading. He seen someone that was listed and did a blind invite and then blamed the person he blind invited. With RDF if I am in queue for a certain dungeon I will get that dungeon and im not going to get someone that failed 2nd grade reading to chew me out while having me on ignore the entire time so I cant respond to his bs for wasting his time due to him being incompetent.

Im not here to make friends, if you are playing WoW to make friends your life is empty and you should be focusing on getting your life together.

It’s funny how when you google this there’s nothing but conjecture and conspiracies, you’d think if they actually tweeted this it’d have hit the news.

Is this really a road you wanna go down? :wink:


? THat would mean sylvanas does not “die” to meet the Jailor.

That be some #nochange. If anti rdf (a 3.3.5 code level feature…what we are at btw) is like this about a feature most at this don’t even use if raid logging pros…they are gonna love that change.

Hell I got flack for saying fixing Uther to either not be in ICC dungeon, or if he was there in toga. small graphic change that fix the lore.

Not even a #nochange there. It be a lore fix. The dude at this point is wearing a toga on the other side. Bastion goes to battle in toga’s.

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You people say that about every expansion…, claim you are so upset that you are unsubbing, yet none of you ever end up doing that. Yea “This is the worst expansion ever, Blizzard is dying” Hm… Never heard that one before…lol Only since WoW first launched.

What do you mean “you people”? And no we dont, DF is objectively bad and its losing players just like Wrath Classic is.

Where have I said that?

Yet the playerbase is losing players so people are at the very least not participating in Wrath Classic.

So why is PvP in DF so bad? Its only has about 1000 players between EU and US that are above 2400, hardly any healers that want to play because its a slog and you can lose rating from winning the majority of your games in solo shuffle, M+ is falling in participation.

I see you anti RDF people always ignore 99% of a post and try to address the non-important parts of a post because you cant actually address anything else.

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I dont know what they are thinking with this proposed “restart” of theirs. They already had one restart when Cata came out and this time they are thinking to have yet another but with way more of a system restart happening. I hope they dont, especially if they do have the plan to have Classic become the new WoW and become WoW 2.

We all asked for Classic…actually for Vanilla a second time, none of us asked for a WoW 2. This current Dev team couldn’t pull it off. I saw WC3 Reforged, Diablo Immortal, Diablo 4. Good examples as to why NOT to allow the current team to restart WoW into their own version of it.