Please add RDF

Weird how you literally just explained the difference between M+ in retail and dungeons in wrath, in retail M+ is end game content because it scales to that point. In Wrath dungeons, other than the daily H++ are not end game content, and retail does have RDF for the non end game dungeons.


Will RDF be added for the ICC patch?


Except RDF helps greatly with the slog of leveling alts. I get it, some people play only one character, and thats fine. Their playstyle should not hamper people with different playstyles though.


If we had RDF then maybe we could see the other Northrend dungeons besides Halls of Stone, Lightning, and Violet Hold now and then


Control. Nothing more, nothing less.


Only the devs know. Maybe…

At ICC, 3.3.5+ it now be “as it was”.

Or not. Upside to that is then classic would be truly retail in a way. To get perky pug I’d see them release gamma or delta dungeons to get it. They like the greek alphabet it seems.

Perky will probably be here. and now channel 4 can have mount/pet carries. Just like retail…

People will charge, and people will pay. Hell people paid for slime kitty. and that mount was, to my eyes, fugly as hell. Their gold ofc, do what they want to be happy applies.

M+ is not end game. Dungeons are not. They have never been. Raids are.

Everyone ignores Snipy. And there really were more against it than for it. There’s hardly any threads here for it. Same group of posters asking for it again and again.

RDF didnt even exist this early into Wrath anyways. Complain about it when the actual patch it is supposed to come out in doesn’t have it. I laugh so hard at all these people who keep saying “I played since vanilla WoW and back in the day”… Um. Yea. No you didnt. Cuz if you did then you would know that WoTLK DID NOT LAUNCH WITH RDF. Its still too early to put it in yet. This is proof that not a single one of you here actually did play in any of the old vanillas cuz I have had to tell many of you time and time again how things ACTUALLY were.

So you all making up lies saying it is impossible to progress because of no RDF while old Wrath didnt even have it this early and also in TBC Classic and now in Wrath I have seen back to back people in full BiS. You people think that the lack of RDF caused this massive GDKP system? No it did not. That system existed in original Wrath too. It was called pot of gold back then but still. I have seen so many people on my server who have full epics good as can get. Having RDF that would not be the case cuz then you would have to go in with a random bunch of people and roll and rely on a computer to give you loot. I could go in there and roll need on everything even if it is 20 item levels beneath me. So with GDKP it makes it safe to have secured loot that is fairly distributed.

Its not my fault that you have no friends and therefore cannot get into any dungeons or participate in any from of GDKP system. GDKP was in original Wrath but the term doesn’t even come from Wrath. Now that it has a different name but is the same exact thing you all want it banned but none of you had any problem with it before? RDF didnt launch until near end of Wrath.

I’ll just leave this here from another thread. I just unsubbed again. I tried to play for 1 month but it’s just too miserable without RDF. Furthermore it’s super hard to grind low level dungeons over and over for items if I want to start Alts. (which there is no point in starting an Alt currently) I just don’t get why they are holding back on the best thing to ever happen to WoW and original WotLK. This MMO is just unbearable in today’s time without RDF.

If they add RDF i’ll come back and will be able to do content and enjoy the game maybe even meet some cool ppl in RDF.


Oh good lord, this complete and utter fail of an argument again? What raid was current in original Wrath when Dual-spec was introduced? In what original Wrath patch was riding skill lowered to 20 and the price reduced?


Its worked for pvp. And retail lfd.

I’ve met some cool peeps on other servers that way. I may have taken joking jabs at bene, as many do.

Buy many cool peeps are there. So is discord to chat if you really make solid connections.

I never got server identity. at this point its a reality check time. Some are on their server more for needs than wants.

Population for needs, or even ping. I have to be west side. East coast pings are just too high a route cost for my liking.

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Nah RDF is a crutch.

Neither did dual specs, the mount changes, our current talents.

Nor did H+, the Ulduar item level changes and a whole slew of other changes.

Out of the original version, never minding this new crap they’re forcing on us, RDF is the only exception (aside from the quest helper, but they promised we’d get that and people believed them).

You’re putting words into people’s mouths.

Ah yes, “I am better than you, PEASANT”.



M+ gear scales up to current raid tier, hence it’s part of end game gearing.

The daily H++ on the other hand is only relevant for the badges and could be completely removed while leaving the daily heroic just as relevant for most people.

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I hear this season’s raid was nice to the players so now the raid log is on wide open throttle. So the end game is farm this and leave.

Which means 10.2’s raid may make jailor seem like cake. And that one got so bad.

How bad did it get?

It got so bad they had to nerf jailor to close out top 100 hall of fame lol.

and its not like the usual 95 to 100’s of prior raids are scrubs.

All these ppl that say no to anything, Tmog, RDF, LFR, pet battles, what-not, act as the authority of the game, think they are the authority of the game; they are the authority on this game.

They are authority simply because they are the primary, favored target demographic; and the game, and game development, revolves around them.

This very same demographic endangered Wrath’s dual spec for a moment but the devs must have thought that messing with it was going too far; however, they had actually considered it, demonstrating their incompetence.

We, all demographics, all pay for the game equally, but we don’t all have equal representation when it comes to developmental policy.

The #somechanges was just an excuse to rewrite the expansions in the visions of the favored target audiences.


If you took someone who played WoW during the last patch of WotLK and asked them to play classic WotLK, they’d freak out.

Can’t have a system that was in the game, but can have tokens level boosts and some weird new dungeon system.


What I said was true. So of course you knew it to be true and so had to counter it by not even talking about it. All you people claim to have been here during original Wrath and yet claim RDF should be out now. It is not patch 3.4 right now. That is only 3.4 balance patch. Cuz actual Wrath didn’t even have a patch 3.4. Dual spec came out patch 3.1 original Wrath.

And also… are you SURE you only want RDF…“just to keep things Classic” as you people like to say. Cuz I dont know about you, but when I played original Wrath we sure didn’t have any WoW tokens in game.

You’re all a bunch of hypocrites and it shows. You claim to want RDF to keep Wrath the way it was, then argue that RDF and DS coming out are even remotely related when they came out one at the beginning of the expac, the other only towards the end. You want server transfers up all the time and keep begging for them to always be up when that was not the case last time, you all are perfectly okay with having WoW tokens added into the game. So yea, dont give me that line of crap saying that you want the “real” experience. No you dont. You just want your own custom comfy version of an imaginary Wrath that never existed. Dual Spec and RDF came out months apart from one another in original Wrath. You cannot compare one being here to saying that the other should also be here as well.
RDF came out on the very last patch of WoW. At S8. We are not even at S8 yet. Get to S8 and have no RDF then you can complain. As for right now, not a single one of you knows what you are talking about. You people have even been mentioning how you remember original Wrath having a shorter patch 3.4…um what? yea Wrath kinda ended on patch 3.3. So na. Go back to your private servers cuz you have the order of actual events really messed up here. RDF was not out this stage in original Wrath. Dual spec coming out has nothing to do with RDF.

DS did yes. It came out in original Wrath just about right when the pre launch event ended. Dual spec was there from nearly the very beginning. RDF came out at the very end.

You’re the same group of people I had to argue with saying that you buy PvP gear with gold and not marks in Classic when that one first came out. You people really do remember this game very incorrectly. RDF did not exist this early into Wrath. Dual Spec did. Those two events were spread nearly a full year apart. So you people comparing one to the other and saying that you played Wrath when it first came out and thats how it was before…no.

OK, so you don’t have a bloody clue what you’re talking about and didn’t play the original, that’s all you’ve just said.

Dual specs were added with Ulduar.

But you did.

The gear that was locked behind ranks were purchased with gold.

These are easily verifiable facts from a simple google search and you epicly failed to do even that.

And you’re the crap they cater to.


I already said in another post the difference between content patches and non content patches. I explained to you the difference on another toon, you agreed that I was correct on that toon. DS and Uld are two difference types of content. They do not exist in the same correlation with one another. The two are not related. I told you already the difference between gameplay patch and content patch. Uld is a content patch. DS is a gameplay patch as you have that forever and it effects your gamplay.

I already went over this with you using a different toon of mine to describe exactly that. You know the difference, quit pretending that you dont. Just as 3.4 patch right now is a custom Classic gamplay patch.

How did I fail when I have been right on every single point. You’re the one who can’t even spell epically correct. Now THAT’S the epic fail.