Please add RDF

Lack of RDF is the only reason I’m not playing what was my favorite expansion again. I’ll be 100% honest and say that I didn’t realize that Wrath began without the feature. When I started playing the feature was already available or perhaps arrived shortly after starting (I picked up WoW around 2008 or 2009).

I, personally, never saw the point of not having it and, with the addition of legal gold selling via tokens, the argument of “that’s how it was back then so deal with it” is out the window. IMO, Blizz seems to be sticking to their “no RDF” stance out of pure stubbornness.


Nah. They’re just lazy and/or incompetent and can’t get RDF to work right.


As most are there for “work”. Now in one chars guild chat I was social about hitting a not official but official games workshop reseller. They have levels of store rankings, its complicated.

Some even going you got something didn’t you…

Maybe, yes…a 40K rules book. How this hobby started back in 1992 lol.

that was guild chat. I treat dungeon chat like bg chat. Call outs and help! calls. GG at the end. In this content…4 to 119 (dungeon to 120 player BG instances) people I’d gather would not give a rat’s butt about my core rules book buy.

It has nothing to do with dungeon, raid or BG. And I get that. So I keep comm channels clear for that.

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but you enjoy doing the same dungeon over and over and over?

I think some of the anti-rdf don’t want this because RDF would force randomness. RDF with random would not be the same one all night.

They actually want dungeon X…10 times in one night. it has some liked feature. Easy clear, certain loot, stuff like that.

RDF would break this up over the say 3/4 dungeons for that range over the night.

Me, I like that aspect. I had retail lfd nights it was tour de expac. TBC to cata to WoD to even a “vanilla”. It keeps it more interesting for me.


Doing random dungeons defined my Wrath experience.

And to the person above…you can still queue for any individual dungeon with RDF. You just lose out on the 2 emblems from not doing random.


each to his own, but to me that’s like saying my fave part of the movie were the previews

I don’t understand the comparison.

I’d rather watch a few different movies than the same one over and over.

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you said dungoens defined your wrath experience, discounting everything awesome there was at endgame

They did, as they did for many players. It really opened up the endgame for casuals. First time you could just do dungeons and earn previous tier gear.

Not everyone wants to raid. Of course that doesn’t exist in Classic Wrath since Blizz removed RDF and effectively just made it a raid log game.


Yep. This is what item farmers in retail LFD did/do.

Boss x has your item, turn off random, and it pops when it pops. I did that often for callings. Only the 2 sl dungeons for the zone calling selected.

and when random drops were how memories were dropped…my say rogue turned off randomn and ran Theatre of pain till that memory dropped. So many ToP (only) runs…

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I know nothing about Retail. As far as Wrath goes there really wasn’t a reason to run specific dungeons at max level once RDF was in the game. You didn’t do Heroics for gear drops…other than the ICC 5 mans. You just did them for Emblems.

My angle would be leveling.

Even when this char leveled in tbcc some dungeons jsut never hit in lfg.

Mana tombs I could not get. Well you could, if tank’s price was met. I didn’t want it that bad really.

I asked in the forums at the the time why this was.

I was told MT is kind of a narrow level band, has no gear many deem vital and can be pita to run it seems. I’d not know, I tbh have only seen this place in retail LFD hits. It doesn’t seem so bad there. But yeah that is retail and its setup.

So not many rushed to it. Lacking gold motivation anyway.

RDF in leveling would help fix this. at some point its gonna pop. Run it or take deserter then becomes players 2 choices.

Or…turn off random and don’t check off MT. No reward off rdf, but no hated dungeon either. Pick your poison.

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How does RDF change this concept?


plz man we need rdf


More than I enjoy doing the same quests over and over, yes. Not to mention dungeon gear was usually quite a bit better than most quest gear.

Also I would rather have a bit of variety than just strictly one or the other. RDF made it nice because I could quest and prof while waiting for something new/different to do, made the game more engaging and entertaining. At least to me and part of the player base.


What does this have to do with RDF?


We have been doing the same dungeons over and over and over again aleady.

Thats all im doing them for right now except for ToC which can drop an in between weapon. There is 0 need for Titan Runes except for the increased current badges. Thats why there are so many skip dungeons.

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We do mythics in retail and there is no RDF for that. And that is end game play as well. No RDF for keys. You have only 88 likes with well over 4 and half thousand views. If Blizz still had dislikes then your thread would have been downvoted into oblivion. The majority disagree.

Lol, sure.

That’s why the first guy responding negatively to the thread has 0 likes at all.