Please add RDF

Got into a group for Scarlet Monastery. Then a storm knocked my power out. Twice. And now bnet is having issues

I think my Hunter is just straight up banned from dungeon groups :upside_down_face:

When ever someone says this I think they must be projecting. When I look at a character I think they probably have 4 or 5 alts because I had so many alts in the original game I didn’t enough room for them on one server. In BC I created an alli server, transferred my alli alts there to make room for more alts on what became my horde server. So I don’t draw any conclusions about the player based on one character. If you don’t realize that the character you’re looking at is only one of several you must not be leveling other alts.

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if you’re not a fan of repetitive things, but plan on leveling by doing the same dungeon over and over…you’re gonna have a bad time


You do know it’s possible to do dungeons…and quest, right? Get bored of one, swap over and do the other


I got suspended from the forums for being mean on my pally…so people say. Then when I log back to post after suspension is up, I have my trust level exactly where it was and those who i got in that argument were all gone, never saw them posting again. So Blizz does indeed look at the flags. My suspension was over next day I logged back on without an appeal submitted. Sometimes they are fast to act, other times they are not as much.

Most my posts that get flagged are overturned, most that I do flag get greyed out super quick. So it’s all about the luck. They dont pick favourites here so no need to start with the conspires here. This toon has only a few thousand posts, they reset upon name change or faction change sometimes or server transfer sometimes as well. This thread has gotten so off topic for so long Im surprised they haven’t locked it by now… probs dont want another one to start.

RFD like LFD can mix this up.

LFD will give alliance RFC for example in retail. and thus adds 1 more lowby dungeon if done in RDF. Horde can get stocks, why the hell not lol.

20 to 30 has a few dungeons. RDF/lfd can feed them all. Mix in that night elf dungeon that sits unloved since as a night elf I will even say it’s a pita to get too it. from astranaar. I get level 20’s in SW not rushing to the place.

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i don’t think that’s what seraca was talking about, sounds like straight up hates questing /shrug

I enjoy grinding dungeons even if it is the same dungeon over and over.

I hate questing period. It’s not fun, it’s not engaging, it’s just a mindless slog with no interaction what so ever.

The world is flat out dead no one does instances and the only time you see someone else while questing is probably farming ore or herbs.

I fail to see how this is hard to understand.

People play League of Legends or other MOBA’s and it’s the same map every time and they’ll play 10 or more games in a row per day, it’s repetitive.

I fail to see how people can’t see the difference between dungeons and questing. It really boggles my mind.

I swear we have all these people that are self proclaimed geniuses and can’t understand that people like different things.


Not really dungeons are there to break the boredom of mindless quest grind from 1-80, you can do a random dungeon from time to time to change things up a bit and do each dungeons minimum 1 time as you level through the game and even if you do multiple times the same dungeons it beats having to redo the same quest chain for the 50th time solo.

Some people actually enjoy dungeons spam and that is fine, other like myself enjoy a balance of the two between quests and dungeons, however do not know anybody who enjoy solo quest grind from 1-80 over dungeons spam.


@ Mïiïs-sulfuras
Sir, with respect, whatever point you think you making is being disregarded because you are being needlessly antagonistic. You should join the debate club in school when you return in September so you can learn how to communicate effectively instead of antagonizing everyone. Most of your posts come off as juvenile at best, trolling at worse.

Yes, I was in the Requiem (3D6) with Kalyisto (may she rest in peace) and Kaaous. I left when Kaly passed away. Yes, the Server was very small. This is why Blizz linked us to Area 52.

This is why I actually read the quests and don’t play with heirlooms. I like to level and engage with the storyline. I’d still do dungeons if RDF was in. I don’t do it now because it’s tedious and I have better things to do with my time like watching paint dry or grass grow.


That is a thing I did too but after you did lore master for all zones multiple times over the years (Like easily 50-100 times) at some point you no longer truly care about reading quests or get immerse in the story.

I did the classic/TBC/WOTLK quests so many times by now I could do all the quests without anything to tell me where to go or where the quests are located on the world map, something I’m sure a lot of people would have trouble with.

The way I’m still having fun in this this game after so many years is by re-rolling alts in a endless cycle and level them in dungeons while questing in my favorite zones. (Skipping most quests.) something I cannot do on the Blizzard WOTLK classic since there is no RDF and trying finding dungeons while leveling is tedious and unfun.

This is why I just stick for now to private WOTLK/cataclysm servers since without RDF the game is just not enjoyable for me due to my play style.

I could go play Retail if I truly want RDF, but retail is garbage and the gameplay is unfun in general the dungeons are just boring speedruns and getting carried by level 10 twinks or level 70 with monster dying so fast you can barely even cast a single spell before they die.


I liked to do all the quests and lock my character’s levels at the expansion I was leveling in. ie 60 for the classic area, 70 for outland, etc. Butt blizz destroyed that. Now everything is 1-60 and it annoys the hell out of me…lol



Had someone try to get me removed entirely from the forums cause oh no, EU and all that. What’re ya gonna do.


You know you can just quit now. Arthas was already killed over ten years ago.

girl preach


Bump. It’s ridiculous this dev team is stuck on it’s high horse thinking they know better than a majority of the players.


I’m leveling my 4th/5th alts simultaneously to stagger out my rested XP and the questing fatigue is real. Dungeon quests give great XP but nobody wants to do them anymore and spending the time to find a group is hard because of the lack of tanks/healers. RDF could at least give the players more agency to queue up and go quest in the meantime. Instead of spending time spamming in the LFG channel or messaging people in the LFG tool that seldom respond.

Edit: Also wanted to add that this narrative that RDF was the death of social group interactions is really not entirely the case. I’m sure most of us have made our way into pugs and the extent of most social interactions with our party members is usually something like:

“summs pls”
“summs inc”


Don’t forget about halfway through the dungeon the tank or healer says “oops, g2g” then the group disbands. 10/10 social interaction.


haha right? And good luck finding a replacement!

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Or someone is trying to access beta difficulty when everyone signs up for regular, then someone hits a zombie and you are then saved to the instance and the group falls apart and you cant join another group because the timer was started and it wastes an entire day.