Please add RDF

So another tangent without answering the question again.

For someone who constantly whines about going off topic you sure do seem to be causing it a lot :thinking:

No one has said that RDF queues will be faster than the current system. In fact, I specifically told you this:

But that was just another point you didn’t answer and instead just went on a tangent.

It’s almost like there’s a pattern here.

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If they are not faster, you cant select your own group and so thereore run the risk of getting ninjad or getting lagged by a different region with poor connnection, or not having the ability to make the group with your frined who know the fight or also run the risk of some brand new player who just came into Wrath for their very first time, they join up as a tank for a faster queue and your group ends up wiping back to back and all you end up getting out of it is a repair bill and wasted time and then the epic dropped that you have always wanted, the ones your friends said they would left you have and then someone else ends up rolling need on it, you inspect them… they didnt actually need it, you did. They rolled for their off spec. And then you think to yourself… none of that would have happed if you had just joined up with a group of friends instead of doing LFG.

It simply cannot be a surprise to you that you can’t select your own group in RDF at this point.

I don’t think even you know what you’re trying to say right now.

You think RDF is cross region?

So do that in RDF if you’re this paranoid about it. There’s literally nothing stopping you.


Just like there is literally nothing from stopping you from going back to the EU forums and start playing over there again. But you would rather sit over here. Even though yea, these forums are much more alive right now. Maybe that is why you are posting over here?

Literally playing right now and responding to topics on the EU forums on the rare chance that they appear.

This is just another tangent.


Its clear some don’t even wander in retail.

it likes rep/renown. Alot. As dps you quest between hits since you can get some hammered out in the leveling (60 to 70). or make that all up on the ding.

And retail scales to basicalluy 71. its not like wrath or even tbcc where you can CTA AV that level cap…and then go steamroll the rep lol.

also as I have said in these threads many times…sitting afk is the worst possible way to level in retail. I can pick up a level on draenei lock WoD questing in even my 8 minutes waits sometimes.

30+ and flying? Its bonus objective sweep time. And treasure chests. Nice juicy xp there really. or sit in a city…for an extra few hours. I won’t judge them. I will laugh…but not judge lol

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You cannot get BiS from dungeons. Tell me, which dungeon drops Bulwark of Algalon? Or Heart of Iron. Girdle of Bloodied Scars?

None of them do, so you cant get BiS from dungeons. If you arent equipping the best in that slot then its not BiS.

Im not even playing DF so you trying to insult me through this character is meaningless.


This is essentially how i lost my trust lvl 3.

Had someone using multiple accounts to spam report all of my posts and he openly stated he was doing so. Its sad that having a different opinion than someone else can result in them trying to silence you, but thats life.

Could be worse. Some forum snafu this week had this char basically wiped out back to zero posts. And thus I begin again!

but…my wrath hunter keeps her 400+ post count when I used her in the past. Its not been the first time, oh well.

Did you change realms or name change? That can cause post count to reset. Which is part of why i use this character for my forum activity. No risk of that happening or me losing notifications because of it.

Realm change like 2 weeks ago. is what it is, don’t post links much so I’ll live,

Another troll statement

Era is that <------- as well.

Such silly statements, huh?

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i have no clue why people have to be like that lol

Do you wake up every morning look in the mirror and go.

“Today’s the day I’m going to say the most obnoxious stupid statement that I can come up with?”

Because that’s what you’re doing.


Blizzard still looks at the flagged material after it gets auto hidden by the system. If you lost it then you did something wrong.

Not only that but if you hop characters you arent even able to log onto the forums, if you hop accounts there is no way for Blizzard to track it.

The person who was spam reporting all of my posts was using myltiple accounts to report all my posts. And ironically the one that actually got removed of my posts was the one quoting him saying that. Though i didnt get a forum vacation from it.

Give me RDF so I can finally make a badass Prot Paladin and pull 1/4 of a dungeon in each pull. I want to stress out random healers to the point of tears.

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Just hit 30 on my new Hunter, and despite being listed in the LFG tool since the moment I left the Draenei starting zone, the only dungeon I’ve done so far is a Stockades run that I just finished. Solo. Because I had no group and needed to do the quests


I click on every link someone posts. I look for data to support opinions. I can’t remember you linking anything. It must be pretty rare if you’ve ever done it

But you just keep patting yourself on the back. No one else seems to. I scrolled up and didn’t see you get a single like in your previous two dozen posts. I don’t care much about likes but you seem to since you brought it up. Let’s do a little comparison. You have 1620 posts and 552 likes so about a third as many likes as your posts. I have 2229 posts and 3.5k likes so more than a third more likes than posts. And to make the comparison have a little more depth there’s Noxranna with 300 posts and 667 likes, more than twice as many likes as posts.


Just took my free transfer off of my dead realm to… oh wait, the free transfer is to other realms with little to no Alliance. I’m transferring off of a server that just had 8 people in all of Northrend to a server with 300 Alliance server-wide. Thanks Blizz! Give me some freaking group finder at the very least.