Please add RDF

Citation please. Everyone I knew went out into the world to quest or farm while they were in the rdf queue. They’d get teleported right back to the same spot after the dungeon and just continued questing or farming until the next dungeon popped. Did you really know people who did nothing for 20 or 30 minutes to do a 15 or 20 minute dungeon? Didn’t they care about leveling that they would only play the game less than half the time they were on line? Didn’t they have any profession they needed to farm mats for?


So you played on 90% of the servers to get that information? One of several reasons I want rdf is so I can quest or especially farm for my profs while waiting for me dungeon to pop. I had profs on all my alts.

It’s funny. You and all your friends were so lazy you’d do nothing for more than half your time on line and then you call those of us who quested or farmed while in the rdf queue Lazy for wanting it added in classic wrath.


Blizzard will add Random dungeon finder
but it will not be the same as retail & it will not be the same as original wotlk

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Even if it’s exactly the same it will be slower with the much smaller population. But even if the ques are longer it will still be better than not having it at all. I hope it comes at least with ICC.


Yes its the majority population…just how the majority population now are raid loggers

I get that you’ve learned from trump that if you repeat something often enough it becomes true. The fact is you have to have evidence for it to be true. You haven’t got a clue what the 12 million players did in wrath when rdf was added. You clearly hung around with lazy people who sat in dal and did nothing while they waited for their dungeon to pop. I hung around with people who enjoyed leveling with quests, leveling up profs, and playing the game. Like attracts like. Since I like to level up alts and quest and farm while waiting for the dungeon to pop those who did the same joined me. Since you’re mostly lazy you attracted mostly lazy people to play with.

You weren’t there a 1000 years ago when it went live.

I dont want rdf cause it will make lazybones lazier and has a host of other issues

Ah yes, because skipping the grouping process is what makes someone lazy, not anything to do with actually clearing the dungeon itself

Also still haven’t addressed that everything you’re saying people are already doing now anyway, just afk waiting for a summon

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I’m sure it will. You convinced me. You and the people you played with are a clear example of that. But you can change. If rdf comes to classic you can choose to stop being lazy and go out into the world to quest or farm while in the dungeon queue. I guarantee that if you change you’ll find other people who enjoy leveling with quests and leveling profs. Just get away from your lazybone friends, get out of dal, and go play the game.

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And yet noone can explain what those issues actually are without making vague statements about “muh socialization”


Technically dungeons that a lot of people can’t be bothered trying to find a group for with LFG, especially in Kalimdor/Eastern kingdoms, cuz they dont have that much time to waste.

Very much this, it makes it so much easier to do other things.

This is the forum software they use, they have a blog post about forum levels and whatnot right here:

I doubt they’ve changed the trust level numbers at all, so if you’re active in the RDF debate it’s virtually impossible to hit trust level 3 since you get flagged too much.

My guy…

With claims like this and

… this, you 100% weren’t there.

I dunno what you think you remember, but it wasn’t the original Wrath.

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Not added, just … re-opened I guess?

Not that Mïiïs is ever going to answer that.

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Ill have to look up my old guildmates from original wrath are doing now and 90% of grizzly hills server that did the same afk/window out for trumpet sound… daaa daaa doooooo

People always like to claim they know much more than they know. The fact is you have absolutely no idea what 90% of the players on the server did. You don’t even know what 10% of the players did. All you know is what you did and what your friends did. And you told us you and your friends were lazy and just sat in dal afk while they were in the rdf queue. Try being honest for once in your life. How many people did you know enough to know what they did in the game and how many people were on Grizzly Hills server?

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For one thing you have no idea how small grizzly hills was. it was one of the smallest pop servers in original wrath everyone knew everyone. 90% were definitely afk on mounts waiting for the daily to pop

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The problem with this argument you’re trying to present is that you’re basing it on your confirmation bias of … being in Dalaran yourself.


I see plenty on my server who have done it.

You ask him who is he hanging around that is that lazy? Probably you. No content done on that toon this expac apart from a few failed LFR runs…

Play Classic. You’ll like it more.

I have been answering to a lot of people about a lot of things and I quit linking armoies and posting links cuz the people who ask for me to post them never click on them, the only views on them are from other people who end up liking my post cuz they know I told the truth.

And you do know that on many servers the RDF queue can take so long that you could have made your own custom group and ran that dungeon from start to finish before the tank even joins up for your queue. Unless you are the tank, then you’re set.

But as a DPS… those queues on some servers back in Wrath as I remember could sometimes be a minimum of 30 minutes. Then there is the part with RDF that ninja looters can no longer be held accountable, they wont be blacklisted on their server, they will take what they dont need that someone else did, leave and then you are sol. Or what if it is your tank who does that and then leaves? Usually when the tank leaves, heals often times books it too, so then you are stuck with 3 dps and dps have the longest queue. Then add to the fact that other people wanting to queue up to your dungeon wont be able to if you did too much of it because you are locked in until reset.

EU players are better. Also cuz there are so many countries to pull talent from and so many different cultures and styles of gameplay. EU gameplay is vastly superior. I think you are from the EU. I dont play EU anymore.