Please add RDF

Cuz dual spec was certainly needed first. This sham is not my Wrath main but even if it was, the gameplay between enh and ele are miles apart as is the gear. Some circumstance call for ele over enh or enh over ele so you end up spending lots of gold respecing all the time. So DS being added in was very helpful to all that needed to run it.

yes but it does help you get into queues so much faster.

No, it most definitely cant.

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But why? And even if this is the case, why in the prepatch when RDF “can’t come till ICC”?

Would it not at least make sense to add RDF 2 phases earlier same as dual specs?

Tangent again, don’t care.

It’s literally the same as now, you can click a button and wait, or you can be proactive and form your own group much faster than RDF ever can (at max level, for beta dungeons since nothing else is done).


You don’t know what everyone did. You only know what you, your friends, and your guild did. You and your friends may have sat in dal afk waiting for your queue drop but I and all my friends, and my guild went out into the world and quested or farmed while we waited for our dungeon to pop


We post links to back up our opinions. If you disagree then we ask you to post a link to back that up. /shrug I’ve checked a dozen different links and they all agree up to the end of MoP since back then blizzard was giving the shareholders official numbers. Guesses after blizzard stopped releasing official numbers can vary wildly.

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You can post a link by putting a space after https. for example the page we’re now on.

https ://

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Put ` at the start and end of the link.

Not to be confused with '.

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Link posting comes with forums trust level. If I could explain how it works I would but honestly no idea. If you have the ability to post in “The lounge” forums you are at level 3 trust. Somehow I am trust level 3, couldn’t tell you why.

I swear it sounds made up but it’s real.

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Oh I know, I’m just explaining why I can’t. And I can’t be arsed the finagle to links so they have to be copy/pasted, especially not on mobile lol

I’m sure I’ve got at least one character here that’s trust level 3, but I’ve jumped around characters so much in my time on the forums that I couldn’t be bothered to figure that out either


I was there 1000 years ago when it came out in original.

and guess what happened people qued random dungeon windowed out and watched something on the internet while waiting for the trumpet sound…

I know first hand it will lead to more lazyness and disconnection if you want that type of game again i must say dragonflights that way ----->

Really? So you were in the room with these people that didnt use their time effectively?

The fact that you or anyone else has to use the “go to retail” argument means you lack any argument that actually has any substance to it and you have no clue what Wrath or DF was or is like.

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Yes I was in VENT the communication device we used in wrath when all my guildie would laugh and be like im watching so and so while i wait for this random to pop.

They also use to reward a orb for completing the daily random.
You want a lazy bones solution. Retail Is That Way ----->

That doesnt mean you were in the room with them. You were on Ventrilo (yes I know the actual name of it) and they wouldnt do anything else with their time in game? Just sat around? Didnt go out gathering? Doing dailies? Crafting stuff? If thats the case the people you were around were lazy.


90% of the time no they wouldnt do anything but afk while waiting for the trumpet and so will 90% of the population do the same thing.

You have to understand it makes people lazier and less interested just like someone who boosts a toon and loses interest because they didnt out in any effort and in turn makes the game less engaging and leads to more unsubs.


You cant make that claim because a few people you knew were lazy. Do you know what I did? I gathered, I crafted, did dailies, solo’ed for the battered hilt.

Even people in retail arent that lazy.

If you dont want Wrath, then go somewhere else. Retail is there with M+ if you want to make your own groups.


So we’re just going to pretend people don’t already sit afk in Dal waiting for a summon I guess


In my experience most people are lazy and cry if you do 1 extra trash mob because someone accidentally pulled it when they created the problem in the first place.

Come on dont act blind if you been around since wrath like me you know people most of them are lazy and impatient in this game.

Who in the world are you hanging around?

Again who are you hanging around?

Again, who are you hanging around? Thats your problem.

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Don’t you use facts and logic! Go back to your corner and sit down with those things that are true!

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You can find trust level by looking at your or anybody’s profile if they haven’t hidden it. I found the page about trust level some years ago but I forget how. What it amounts to is first no suspensions. Then you have to have made a certain number of posts and liked a certain number of posts. If I remember correctly it might help to make topics but that’s not required. I pretty much read it and discounted it because I knew I would get a suspension or two a year and had no desire to modify my behavior sufficiently to never get a suspension.