Please add RDF

I’ll address your other points just as soon as you move past this one, either by accepting and admitting that you were wrong, or presenting the proof you claim you have in defense of your argument


Get back to it already then, the problem is that you bring up these tangents that people respond to and then you scream “go do your own research” at them for 40 mins and now you’re playing a victim.

Get back to your point and ignore people calling out your lies, it’s not like you’re not already doing this.


Already said. Which you ignored btw… that RDF should not be in game yet as it is meant to come in with correlation to ICC. The point of RDF was so that people could do back to back to back dungeon runs on their mains and alts in very little time and gear up to get ready for ICC on their alts or main toons off specs.

And I have stated as well, that if RDF still does not launch around ICC then you can complain as that will be changing from original Wrath.

Lots of people still have gotten full BiS without RDF though.

OK, so again instead of just repeating it for sake of getting the conversation back on track you’re telling people “go do your own research”.

OK then, brb, scrolling up through all your dribble from the past 40 mins of you going “do your own research”.


OK, why is dual spec different than RDF in this conversation?

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“Because I said so.”


I already answered that EXACT SAME QUESTION in this very thread just an hour or two or three ago. You asked it, then I answered, then you asked again, then I answered again, now you are asking me a 3red time…why? …oh I know why… you once again succeed n derailing the thread. My god you are persistent. You get kicked out of EU forums so you have to come over here now and annoy people here too? Go back to playing and posting on the EU threads. Make a new account there so you can post there again since you got locked out over there and are working on doing so over here as well.

I’m shaking my damned head at you right now.

Why is RDF different from dual specs in the context of game features added before “their time” in classic?

And since yes, you did reply to it earlier, what content did RDF add? Since you never answered that one.


How does one get full BiS when these are dungeons and they do not (I guess I have to say this, thanks H+/H++) as of current, drop anything close to BiS for ICC? the once a day emblem of frost “daily”? Now if you meant “pre raid BiS” sure maybe, but that’s not really a bad thing to run dungeons till ready to raid. I know I didn’t get full BiS from RDF the first time through wrath, most if not all of that came direct from heroic ICC runs.

Don’t need your permission at all. Game has already massively diverted from the original template that RDF not being included is only one part of that deviation. I do not understand those keeping to #nochanges this late in the game when clearly the company that presented the classic experiment as a “museum piece” does care about it anymore?

The reason you and others who view RDF NEEDING to be released with ICC as a sticking point of #nochanges while ignoring or handwaving other features that skipped the line get push back is because of the inconsistency of where some choose to apply no changes. Now I wont ascribe those all to you as that would be unfair, however to deny that there are those who do is short sighted.

People cheered for random BG from anywhere while still decrying the implementation of RDF. These two systems are essentially the same thing and with AV weekend soon BG’s will continue to be a replacement for dungeon spam.


Oh right, AV weekend tomorrow.

People really will just be out queueing and spamming AV, and yet nobody seems to say how this ruins WoW.

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I don’t care about pvp too much this time around, did my time in OG, but I 100% can understand the annoyance of pvpers when the best option for leveling is to spam BG’s. Flood the BG with people who just want in and out, who don’t care for pvp to begin with.


I think the thing is PvPer’s are probably doing any other BG or Arena. Everyone knows AV is a PvE zerg-rush with like 0.5% actual PvP.

It seems to be pretty well known that AV is the “get your honor gear from here before you actually start doing PvP”


#nochanges except the ones that I specifically say are ok” or something like that


Which wouldn’t be bad if people would try, but trying requires more effort than standing on noob hill with 20 others while 15 people try and hold towers and the remainder is AFK in the mines.

EDIT: forgot the one guy who thinks back capping StoneHearth bunker is a good idea.

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The worst offenses I saw during the last AV weekend was horde trying to turtle, but it wasn’t every game.

People actually defended the Frostwolf towers too, was a little taken aback by that not gonna lie. Admitted, this is in EU so it could be different I guess.

AV is best BG for HK farms for those who are looking to grind out for Bloodthirsty when the title drops, also much less chance of DRs on your HKs there so you have a greater chance of getting full unaffected honour the whole way thru unless you get to a turtle.

Towers and bunkers are worth 75 points at some times in WoW they are worth only 50. You can get the BG to turtle and farm HKs by capping SF GY even though that one benefits the Alliance more to have on the push and Horde more the turtle.

And no. AB is best way to get your honour gear, anyone who PvPs a lot knows that. With AV, you could get unlucky and find yourself stuck in a 4 hour long BG or even more time which you are most likely to lose as Horde anyways.
Very good job at derailing the thread once again btw. Randomly talking about AV when no one else even began to mention it.

I kinda just proved that I am better at it than you are though, so better not go in it unless you wish to get crushed by the Alliance. Very few people do any zerg rushes this time into Wrath. It is only after ICC launches and you get the S8 gear along with the raid gear that you can successfully push for a good zerg. I bet if I go in game and inspected you right now, you dont have a single toon with Blitz, you therefore never zerg and zerg rush is not the best strat for Horde right now.

You cap SF GY for a turtle and also a very good way to make most people angry. As that will force people into DR HKs and waste a lot of time.

AB is still best way to grind vs AV. And then doing WGs when they pop.

So another tangent without answering the question.

What content is added by RDF?

And now you’re gonna go on about how we go off topic and crap, amirite?


Was going to just quote the sections where you sound insanely arrogant but then that would be your entire post.

Notice how the conversation died down and became civil once you stopped replying?

I love a good turtle, seeing who runs out of reinforcements first is more fun than the typical “ZERG DREK GOGOGO” meta that is entirely to prevalent and has been since OG wrath.

If the BG would scale people could actually try and do turn ins and have a more realistic shot at summoning the “area bosses” into the game.

TECHNICALLY the need/greed interface changed to include the disenchant roll option. That’s more of a feature tied into it that I wish was stand alone already.

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That person who derailed the thread about being good at AV got my response, proved that I am better at it than they are so that should stop then from making any more posts about doing AV in here.

And also

None. But RDF helps you to down the content much quicker.

So since it’s a quality of life, how does it differ from dual specs?


Should really note here, RDF doesn’t improve your clear speeds in even the slightest way, but I’ll go with it just to get you to get to where you need to be.


Lol, lmao even.

AV in the levelling brackets is completely dead outside of AV weekend, but even then WG is better for HK’s, unless the AV match devolves into a turtle match of reinforcements to 0.

AV at 80 people can literally go fight off the bosses with 4 towers up, wheras in the levelling brackets people usually wait until 2 towers are broken then it’s a dps race.

Yes, backcaps can win games, but it doesn’t change the fundamental meta of rush boss, win/lose game, rinse repeat.