Please add RDF

Again, not right around.

On the same day. With the same patch.

In fact, ICC opened later in the day so RDF was technically (which I think you’ll find it the best form of correct) available before ICC. Never mind the literal gate keeping of ICC with it’s wings unlocking over time.

But you seem completely unwilling to accept that you’re lying about this so we’ll just leave this lie to sit here as well and you’ll never respond to being called out for it.


Stop deflecting. I’m calling you out on ignoring the evidence that other people are presenting, refusing to present your own, and then claiming everyone else is ignoring your evidence. Please address this, then we’ll get back to the rest of that


So I finally after all this time got you to admit that RDF coming out is in direct correlation to ICC dropping? They did that because everyone had done all the heroics, done the other raids and wanted to get into ICC. Many of them did not have the proper gear to do so. And there had been a small few who had unsubbed due to a content drought during this period. Finding groups by asking guildmates are asking in trade didnt work well joke it was close to 30 to 50 minute spam LF tank in chat to get into some dungeons on some servers. So. RDF was added to keep people around so that they could more effectively gear up on alts or with friends to beat ICC.

Your the ones deflecting. This was meant to be about RDF and why it is not out yet… and as SOON as I proved to you people that it did not come out this early in original Wrath, you all decided to deflect over to talk about sub counts in hope that this thread will get locked and then you will have another reason to start spamming again asking for RDF.

Your goal is to bring this threads topic out of RDF discussion to derail it, get it locked and then have the reason to make yet another RDF thread. Cuz we all know that there is not enough forum threads asking for RDF.

What? Yes, in OG RDF came with ICC, just as dual specs came with Ulduar.

This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.

You’ve yet to explain why they came at different times in classic whatsoever.


You mean like what’s happening right now? Queue for the Beta you want run, sit in dal, wait for 2 people to afk flight path there, summon, run dungeon.

What’s with all the absolute smoothbrains over here going “RdF OveR TheRE aT ReTaiL!”

Bruh, it’s Wrath lmao, what expansion do you think introduced it?


You were the first one to mention subs.

Stop deflecting and address the point, then we’ll get back to the others


Yes, because it was a part of my statement, it was in the sentence and you people saw that as an opportunity to start an argument. which ironically you once again are doing as I am once again now no longer talking about RDF, but rather about the subs… which is what you wanted.

AS SOON as I began talking about RDF again, you brought it back out of that topic when I was the one who just brought it back in, more proof that your one and only goal is to derail this thread in hopes it can get locked like the others and then you can start a new one to continue your spam. You know as well as anyone that the only two things that are guaranteed to start an argument 100% of the time are class balance threads and sub number threads. You saw me mention one of the two, saw your chance and took it.

You are upset that I PROVED to you that even if they are going to add RDF, it will not be until around ICC launch. And I keep saying AROUND ICC since they have had the habit of not launching things in the exact order as before. If it does come in, it is most likely to then, not before.

Glad to see the tantrum is still going on. /s

“It’s not my fault I made an erroneous claim and can’t back it up! It’s everyone else who is at fault!”


Please stop deflecting and address the point of you doing the very thing you’re accusing others of


LOL, I’ll take things that hasn’t happened yet for $200 Alex.


Your the one deflecting here. I am TRYING to talk about RDF. You people keep going out of your way to derail this thread. You dont even have an 80, you wont benefit much from RDF. That must be why you keep changing the topic out of RDF.

Like why the Hell cant you people just say on topic.

Okay fine. So all of you just trolled everyone here. You actually dont give a crap about RDF and just wasted everyone time because you are all going out of your way to refuse to keep talking about it. Starting and keeping arguments going with me is much more fun for you people.

The problem is that your very basis for talking about it is based entirely on lies and you never respond to anything that calls you out for the lies or what you think RDF would do to the current games.

You just gish gallop all day.


We tried, then you decided to start making incorrect claims. Kind of hard to have a discussion with someone who cannot admit to posting incorrect information or accept correct information when presented with it, this creates a barrier to continuing the discussion.

Now if you want to stop deflecting, admit your rather small inconsistency, and move the discussion forward, that is more than welcome.


You certainly never did.

I just tried again twice right now and both times you ignored it and started arguing with me.
Okay I had it back on subject. 44 minutes ago, Nox intetnionaly derailed the thread and got it off, then I got it back on again then was immedialty taken off subject.

Just look how many times I have tried bringing this thread back to the RDF topic and each time you three derail it. It is 1 vs 3 here.

One trying to stay on the RDF topic with 3 trying to make that not possible.

So that is why it is next to impossible for this thread to move forward with any amount of RDF discussion.

There, I updated the armory for you. I could also post on my DK instead if you prefer. Now, would you please stop deflecting and address the point of you doing what you’re accusing others of?


Acting a victim.

Should they add it with ICC it would fall along the line with how wrath originally ran but not in line with how other classic rereleases have handled similar features (Dspec, RBG, etc).

If it had been announced that it would be released with ICC then I think less people would be miffed about it and it would only be the players who are truly never satisfied posting for it, not those who enjoy the feature and find it a boon to the game.

However that was not the case, it was a “no plans at this time” which turned recently into a “we never said it would be prior to ICC release”. Two very different statements.


So what is the point you want to go back to RDF on then?


Look at this one post that I made to bring the topic back which you ignored… there are only 3 here who keep derailing this thread, you are one of the 3.

1 hour ago. I was posting about RDF which is what this thread is about. Not about subs, not about class balance, not about wow tokens, not about any of that stuff, you people keep talking to me about that stuff and to other about it in order to derail and get this thread locked and restarted so that way you can make yet ANOTHER RDF thread which you will then derail and cause to get locked again.

Very clearly cannot talk to any of you 3 about RDF. I have been trying for hours now and you 3 refuse.

Lmao, this guy is trying to hard to pretend his blunder never happened and is now pretending to care to get back on topic.