Please add RDF

How are tokens and RDF connected? If anything, bringing people back (RDF) and people enjoying the game…would increase token sales.

On a side note, see buzzard couldn’t help snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with D4… showing more lack of decision making skills. Bravo buzzard bravo :clap::clap::clap::clap:

God I hope Microsoft drains the swamp…lol


You try again. You know that WoW Classic averaged at 4 million subs, TBC ended in 7, Wrath made it up to 8 at average and that the highest ever sub number was over 12. That was an estimated 12, some put it at 15 but never below 10. And that is very outdated information you have there…i guess Google didnt help you much.

I dont like fat orange ogres. Dont use that term. He didnt make anything great again so there is no need to attempt to revive already forgotten quotes.

Every other graph shows the same. Do you want to include a source or just wing it again to just keep being incorrect?

Try again.


Please dont.

It will just kill wotlk when everyones in dal afk waiting for the trumpet to signal their dungeons ready.

Lazy bones want this go back to retail its right over there---->

You are the one making it political, the saying fits and there is no copyright on it.

But I see your response is also typical…in trying to tell other people what they can… can’t say. That also, seems the RDF discussion… can’t make this stuff up.

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Another trolling statement, especially since era exist…and you can go back to it.

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Evens global, analyst, wowhead, Statica,Venture beat, Reddit,News blazer. Your info has not had their site updated in years. They have been gone for almost a decade now. You are one of those people who goes to Google and clicks the very first link you see without ever viewing anything else. Thats how you got that graph cuz it is the most common one shown.

Resorting to ad hominem and not at all providing any real data, contradictory or otherwise, is bad faith arguing and shows you have nothing tangible to support your claims.

The data is the data regardless of if you agree or don’t. If you disagree provide actual supporting sources beyond:

This is not a source, this is not verifiable information, it is you having nothing to back your incorrect claims.

Please, post a verifiable graph/data set supporting your stance, otherwise you are caught in a falsehood and using insults to try and back out of it.


I told you multiple sites that you could go to instead of the very first image that pops up on Google search. Not my fault you refused to go check any of them out. Whats up with you people always asking me to post links or to post vids or post my armory and you people never click on them anyway and just keep arguing with me. I just told you many sites to go to. Get to it.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so dedicated to being wrong


MMO champion

All their graphs match my own. I am not going to post your sources for you. Defending your argument is your responsibility.

They agree with the graph I posted, if you disagree please post a graph supporting your side.

In our discourse you have posted zero links and provided zero sources other than handwaving reddit and WoWhead. Post a link to your source directly or I am going to continue viewing this as you defending a lie you posted. I will click it as I am not the one being dishonest in this exchange.

“go to reddit” is not a source, where on reddit? which post supports yours? this is not you providing a source, this is you being dismissive because you know you are incorrect.

INB4 more dismissive tactics.


Why do you want other people to do your work for you? You say that graph is wrong and yet you want others to do the research for you to prove it wrong.


I just tried to post about 10 different sources that all disagree with Miiis but I can’t post links so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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No the subs did not drop off at the very end for a couple of months. The official charts are out there.

Depends on how you define play. Technically doing 1 dungeon a day is “playing”. But thats not the overal consensus on what play means. When people give overwhelming thanks because a group was formed or people say “finally” means that people arent getting to play the game in the manner that they want.

Its 3.3.5 gameplay patch. 3.4 is what they designated what they would call this version of classic. Blizzard admitted to that. They even said they were going to use the 3.3 balance patch if not 3.3.5 balance patch.

No you try again, and these werent estimates, these were official Blizzard numbers that they used to put out until WoD because they seen a 50% drop in that expansion.

No, they have never put it at 15, not the official Blizzard graphs. Those always showed that it peaked at 12m and never had a dip in the subscribers in Wrath. They plateaued but they didnt drop.

There is nothing to update since Blizzard stopped posting sub figures in WoD.

You mean

Guess what that shows. No sub loss in Wrath.


Cuz you people are so desperate to ask for me to go out and find the links that you want me to view. Why do I have to go and find something, then waste my time doing so, post it and no one ends up looking at it anyways? You people ignore any link I post cuz you know it will prove you wrong. I just waste time with this and also Im not your servant. Why do I have to go out and waste my time finding a bunch of links?

Yes it is. And doing that many can actually get you to full BiS.

So, exactly what you’re doing now by ignoring all the sources other people have been posting that disagree with your statements?


Ta da. You asked the golden question. If you find it absurd you have to go and find something then why do you demand other people to do it? Don’t you think other people don’t want to do it as well?


So instead of just posting your own you go “do your own research” instead.

Which is monumentally stupid, but yanno.

Who has ever suggested as much?

You make claims, you have responsibility for those claims.

Such as you saying “RDF came out a while after 3.3” which is just blatantly a lie.


Simply wasting your time as you all wasted mine by spreading lies about how Wrath should have RDF and that it is broken because it does not have RDF. But RDF was not a thing until right around ICC. So still too early for there to be an RDF in game as it did not exists last time this early in Wrath. As I have said multiple times before I have never said I am pro RDF or anti RDF. All I have said is that I do not want it to come into the game right now as this is meant to be Classic with zero changes. You add RDF right now and that is a change to the order of things.

So are you for Classic no changes or aren’t you? Cuz if you ARE for Classic no changes and yet you want RDF to be added right now, then you are a total hypocrite.

If RDF does not launch when it should, THEN you can complain, but as of right now. RDF did not exist this early into the original Wrath.