Please add RDF

That is correct. I don’t play retail anymore. This toon is my “achievement” toon so that people as slight minded as you can see my achievements.

With your mentality, you would know long before I would.

Oh the posturing!!! HAHAHA! What ever helps you sleep at night. :rofl:

As are you. You are entirely inconsequential. Do you really think you matter that much? What an ego trip.

I’d be glad to post on them just to laugh at you.


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No I dont. You made up a lie about me here on the forums and people are going to believe that lie and like your comment if i dont go out and say that I never said that.

You dont play Classic, not one single bit, thats why you got to hide behind that toon posting over here.

Never said they couldnt. Go play Classic and stop posting on that crappy paladin.

Here’s one, smooth brain.

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Well good for you. And so odd how you keep getting on me about doing drugs when you’re the one in a guild named Cystal Myth. You tryna say something?

Also still never said I didn’t want it, never said i did. All I have said and have been saying is that it is very possible to do the game without it. I was expecting you to post on a toon that sucks as much as your paladin. At least that one is kinda good, better than my Classic Wrath DK and better than this toon too.

What does that have to do with anything? Of course it’s possible to do the game without doing a single dungeon. It’s possible to do the game without doing a single quest. It’s possible to level by just killing mobs. I had a hunter to farm for my holy priest that got a lot of levels just farming cloth. I met a guy in Vanilla that was leveling by just farming herbs, only killing mobs he had to to get the herb. He was in the 40’s when we chatted. I don’t know how far he got. People do stuff like that on rp servers for rp reasons. That it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s fun for most players.


Do you not understand the saying I was referencing?

You’re using all the same arguments as the anti RDFers are using.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and all that.

You’re quacking and walking like a duck.

Also, I haven’t asked anyone to like my post, what utterly insane paranoia is this?

Yeah, so have you considered they weren’t about Wrath?


This has only ever been brought up in Wrath forum threads. RDF is already in retail. Has been since Wrath.

RDF did not even launch when Wrath did. It was not even in most of Wrath. It only came out after ICC came out.

So ALL you people saying “I played Wrath back in the day and we need RDF now cuz it was in in original Wrath.” Um. no. Once again I can call all your people’s bluff. Quite obviously NONE of you played during original Wrath or else you would know that Wrath only added RDF at the very end.

And every one of these RDF threads has been about Wrath. It existed on private TBC servers. And in some of the Wrath servers it came in first patch. Is that where all you people are getting your info from?

And yes ONCE AGAIN. I am calling out the liars and hypocrites here, you as well. I will say once again. I want this to be CLASSIC as much as it can be. And in that case, RDF did not come out until the very end of Wrath. Wrath Classic did not relesase on actual 3.4. It released on 3.4 gameplay, but it is NOT 3.4 that Wrath came out on.

So. if Wrath is like it was in the past then RDF WILL come out at the VERY END OF WRATH. Stop LYING and saying you all were there from the very first day of OG Wrath because clearly you were not. Not a single one of you has any idea what RDF is and has no idea that RDF did not launch when Wrath launched.

This is why I keep asking people to show their retail toons when they ask for Wrath. So far only ONE person has and they did RDF back in the day and they are against it coming in right now too. RDF did not come out this early in Wrath so chill out, quit making up so manyt lies about how you are unable to play Wrath because you don’t have RDF and how back in the day you were doing so many dungeons all because of RDF. NO. YOU. DID. NOT. When Wrath first came out, there was no RDF that came with it.

it is very obvious that well over 90% of you never stepped foot in Wrath when it was out in retail I even saw someone saying that we had it back in TBC the first time around. STOP IT. Quit getting all your info from Youtube videos of people playing Wrath.

Wrath private servers were very popular back in the day. They came out after Cata launched. As they wanted to mimic the current game back then, those private severs show gameplay of people using RDF in Wrath’s early patches.

So stop with the spam about not having RDF and claiming you miss it so much because it was there back in the day… it wasnt. Everyone of you is spreading lies and misinformation about RDF right now.

The vast majority of you had no clue that RDF and LFG were two separate things until me and multiple other people had to tell you. You all are clueless about the game. So quit posting about it.

So I scrolled back to sept/oct 2022 and back then there were more threads asking for RDF than not.

Feel free to do the same, unpaged forums are an abomination so I can’t link back there.

Heck, there’s probably more threads to lock and unlock Skyfury than there are against RDF.

How is Skyfury doing these days anyway, shows no logs or arena fights there.

This tired old crap when we’ve had dual specs since day 1 of prepatch.

In that case you’ve utterly failed. Now run along and sit in a brand spanking new LFG tool for your brand spanking new H++ experience.


So proud of yourself to be posting on your first ever DK. My DK had the Its over 9,000 achievement early 2009 and that was just on that one toon, achieves were not account shown back then. You’re only 2k in. Better step on it… you’re rather slacking.

This is something a lot of people have pointed out and admit happened. While it came late in Wrath, technically, it was still a part of the Wrath lifecycle.

I was there, I know RDF came in at the ICC phase of Wrath. There is no lie here, just your misplaced rage.

Except if there is something that has been proven with this release of Wrath, this is not CLASSIC anymore. This is a weird mess of Classic, Retail, and a “What If?” version of the game. If you want pure classic, then ERA is for you.

Again, you’re correct.
However, if Blizzard can release Wrath with 3.4 gameplay, why couldn’t they release it with 3.4 quality-of-life changes too? There is NOTHING outside of outrage like the anti-RDF crowd that stopped RDF from being added from the beginning of Wrath.

Citation needed. The most recent Community Council video stated there was a “possibility” of RDF coming near the end of Wrath. Nothing is set in stone. There is still a fight going on about if it will, or will not, be released with ICC.

I knew the difference. Stop speaking for me.

Lilthica - Dath’Remar (Oceanic)… Feel free to go look me up.

Cool. That’s one out of a few million… They mean nothing in the big picture.

Again, technically correct. Man, you love repeating yourself.
Again, however, my experience back in the day was that I did more dungeons once RDF was brought into the game than I did when it wasn’t around.

But I do miss it, I’ve stopped playing because of it and went back to leveling alts in Retail for the most part and playing FFXIV as an alternative. I’ve spread no lies about the LFG or RDF systems, just used personal experience and the experience of others to create a factual opinion based on those experiences.

Look, Mïiïs, you have a tiny bit of factual information in your posts and repeat those points over and over again in some rage-based attempt to discredit others. For your own sake, step back and breathe. Some things in life are not worth raging over, and this is one of them. I hope that once you calm down that you will look back on this post and reply with a calm head. I actually worry about your mental health after this post above.


I kinda have to with these people. See how many times it takes for most of them just to get one single point across? Like the fact that everyone here keeps saying I am anti RDF. No. I have never once said that. What I have said is that I am against changing Classic. So if these people are too, then they will know that RDF didnt launch this early in original Wrath. I HAVE to keep repeating myself over and over again. These people just dont get it. Look how many times I have had to say i am against changes to Classic, then how many times I had to say that I am not anti RDF. I have said more than once that I am against it coming into game currently I have said it is likely to come into game later. Oh and yea… btw people are going to read this and once again say that I am anti RDF… they will they never stop doing it.

Literally quacking.


Yes, because as I have already said to you and to multiple other people so many times Classic launched on patch 3.4 GAMEPLAY. It did not actually launch on patch 3.4. And dual spec was in 3.4 gameplay. RDF was added to help people find groups more easily to down ICC. You have very clearly shown that you never did play during original Wrath either. As you also know next to nothing about it.

RDF comes out to help people find groups super quickly to help them gear up for ICC.

Dual spec came out very first patch. Just looked at one of my toons that was there during original Wrath. so it did come out before 3.4 and RDF did not come out before 3.4. That is why we have Dual spec but not RDF yet. And even prepatch was announced to be 3.4 gameplay.

With every quality of life change but RDF (and the quest helper, but they promised to add that after all, surely it’s coming any day now, aaaaaaaannnnnyyyyyyyyy day).

RDF is quality of life, nothing else.


I’m sorry you feel that way, and I see others are causing you to be defensive and repeat yourself. This is what I meant at the end of my reply. Time to step back, breathe, relax, and go do something else for a while.

So I ave noticed. I too wish people would stop hitting people with that label as a discredit mechanic. You have your point, it is factual, however, others see that as an attack against other things you have said. Thus the label.

This is unfortunate. Classic is no longer classic when you look at things objectively. Wrath has had the most changes introduced over its original version.

Vanilla was Classic in every way, and it was fine.

TBC was about 90% Classic, but changes where beginning to be made.

Wrath is really only about 50% of what it used to be, with changes happening on the whim of the development team. All people are asking is that ONE change that happened late in Wrath be brought forward for the good of the game, to bring back players who left because they have been ignored/forgotten by these changes. There’s nothing wrong with that.

You might see Wrath as a “Classic” version of the game, but as the saying goes “Change is inevitable”. Wrath is not Classic, it’s not Vanilla with a new area to play in. Even in the old days, Wrath was changing for the whole game made over time, as it could be again.

I’m sorry that people have been mean to you over this and I hope you the best in your play time in the game. After all, that’s what these games are meant to be about: Enjoyment.


Early Dual Spec…
Early BG queue…
WoW Token…
3.4 class balance…
The creation of new glyphs entirely to rebalance some specs…

Just to name a few things off the top of my head. But let’s just ignore all that and die on the RDF hill specifically, huh?

Nevermind that, if they do implement RDF it’s most likely not going to be until the ICC patch at this point anyway, so, that would literally be the only thing out of this list that IS unchanged from original Wrath


Nope. They announced Wrath was coming out 3.4 gameplay. Dual Spec was added patch 3.1. RDF did not come out until way after 3.3 launched. It comes out just as ICC does. That was around 3.3. We are not in patch 3.3 yet. We are in 3.4 gameplay, but not actually in patch 3.4.

Dual Spec and RDF came out months apart. The two are not even remotely connected.

I am genuinely impressed at how many hoops you’re trying to jump through right now. Including ignoring literally the entire rest of my post. Good job


Buy your way into any GDKP? People were doing that well before the Token. Payouts were around what? 73k i think it was.

Do you know how much money it would take me to gear out my prot warrior from Tokens? Its close to 1 token per slot and some being 2-3 tokens. 60 dollars for northern barrier is just dumb.


Cuz you are making things up and saying that RDF should be in game.

3.4 gameplay means Dual Spec as that was a 3.1 thing. 3.4 balance and gameplay. It was the 3.4 CLASSS BALANCE gameplay.

Not 3.4 actual patch. Cuz if that were the case, we would have launched WoW with ICC and S8. Dual spec is a part of the class balance, hence why that 3.1 feature came out when the 3.4 patch did. This is not actually patch 3.4… Wrath would have been over months ago if it had truly launched on that patch.

Why some of you say I keep repeating myself? Cuz I kinda have to say the same thing over and over again just to get my point across. And I have to get more specific each time.

You people complain about everything that Blizzard does ever. And now you people want Cata? Why? So I can suffer thru another full expac of people complaining about class balance and content date releases? You people cant even handle Wrath. Quit askng for even more.