Please add RDF

Still waiting for RDF to come back and play WOTLK classic, until its added I’ll be playing classic instead.

Classic was made without RDF in mind and its perfectly playable and a fun game without it, for WOTLK however its a nightmare for people who enjoy leveling alts like me.

Funny how I have absolutely no difficulty finding groups for dungeons in Classic WoW while leveling, but on WOTLK finding groups for dungeons while leveling is impossible somehow.


Classic era seems to be having a temporary spike(partly because blizzard also merged the vanilla servers so you end up with one populated server) since people seem to be killing time there. It’ll likely die down just like in did during the original launch, a few months into vanilla classic leveling dungeons were just as dead as they are now in wrath classic.


Like I said openly flaunting reporting over that shows your true colors lol.

I never once said I did not want it, now did I? Only you said that I said that. But as for being loyal to original source material. I notice how you people say NO CHANGES NO CHANGES nonstop, back to back…yet you people LOVE the WoW tokens. So in other words, you only dont want any changes if it makes the game an easy ride for you.

And btw. Who’s stopping you from forming your own group and putting a successful group together? Oh that’s right, YOU ARE.

You not knowing how to form a dungeon group is not my fault, it is not the fault of Blizzard. It is your fault. That’s why you have never done a single key this entire expac…cuz you have zero idea how to form your own groups. I know how to, so I down keys on KSM and KSH, but for people such as yourself who dont know how, you simply post on a Wrath Classic forum on a retail toon and then complain about a game you know nothing about. There are plenty of people in Wrath who are full BiS, because they actually know how to form a group. You very clearly do not. You are only capable of clicking a button to have the game to all the work for you.

I get max gear on all the toons I want to get it on. You can too, Only person stopping you…is you. This is my forum posting alt but even that in its outdated PvP gear is likely more geared than you are in Wrath.

Since you seem to play retail more, do more keys, get in the habit of forming your own group and there is a 100% chance you will be full epicced out in every single slot.

Dont do it if you dont want it. You can still do 100% of everything end game without doing H+. H+ is an added bonus, just like M+ keys are. Neither one is needed to complete the arenas, raids or RBGs in retail.

M+ and H+ are just added bonuses.

This would be true if they didn’t have any significant rewards beyond regular heroics, but they do so it’s not.


That part is very true, yes. Still, form your own group to down them and you will have no problem in the game. You seem to be well off.

That’s exactly what we’ve been saying about rdf all along. The point is you claimed, "you people were the HC group who wanted as little atomization as possible who also did so many Mythics in retail and wanted H+ to be added into Classic. Now you’re claiming we wanted the token. You’re stupidly wrong. You clearly haven’t bothered to read any of the posts. Those who want rdf didn’t ask for or want any of those added.


It is a little curious that there isn’t a single thread right now saying “please don’t add RDF” in the midst of all of these “please add RDF” threads really.

Are you sure you’re not thinking reddit? Cause that community is something else for sure.

You should probably just stop quacking then, maybe people will stop assuming you’re a duck.


I think insulting others because you have no argument speaks the loudest.


How does the wow token make it an easy ride? How does RDF make it an easy ride? If you are going to make that claim then back it up.

Who is stopping me from forming a group? Only 2 people being listed for the content i want to do. Or getting invites for something im not listed for. How am i supposed to log on when i can to form a group for say, normal ToC?


It’s seems like the people saying herp derp just form your own group are people who only ever dungeoned the first few weeks of each expansion and now either just raid log or only do the daily heroic and raid log. IF they play alts at all they clearly don’t try to dungeon on them.


I really only do 1 dungeon a day and thats the daily heroic.

And even then i dont make my own group because im not going to sit there constantly posting in LFG chat and refreshing the LFG tool. Ive done it sucks because you cant do anything else. So I list as tank and usually go to Icecrown or Storm Peaks for dailies, someone eventually whispers and invites and i head to the dungeon.


Well then show me where I said it. Come on. Go. I’ll wait. Oh wait… thats right. You CANT prove anyone that I said it because… I did…not…say…it. So stop making stuff up about me and asking your friends to like your post. I did not say that not even once. Just stop.

Buy your way into any GDKP, buy end game epics from AH, buy carries, buy full best gems and enchants…and you dont have to grind a thing, buy epic flying on any toon. So you honestly think that the tokens dont make it easier for people?

I can get a toon to 80 and have it in full epics just from WoW token gold before the end of the day. And have a Travelers Tundra mount and mech hog, all maxed out proffs, epic flight, all that…only because of WoW tokens. And can do all that in less than a day. And on multiple toons back to back. So dont for one second say that the tokens dont change the gameplay and dont make life easier for people.

Yea cuz all those threads were being spammed before Wrath launched. Are you capable of searching on these threads for yourself or are you so helpless that you are going to ask for me to link them and then after I link them, you wont even look at the links.

And also, I didnt say dont add RDF. Prove that I said it. I’ll wait.

Yeah, that is what everyone is doing… Please tell me more about your jealousy of people that play the AH, run GDKP, run carries, and have professions.

LOL! No, you can’t. Not from level 1.

What ever delusional drug you’re on… stop taking it.


By trolls and people posturing to be “hard core”. Both are absolute idiots.

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Tell me where I said from level 1? Where did I say that. Thats right. Once again, yet another lie because you know you are losing the argument that you started.

Any fresh 80 can get to full epics in less than a day. Ive seen it a lot. Buy tokens, buy gear from the AH, buy carry in a raid or a dungeon, you have full BiS. And also if you PvPed up to 80 a bit then you can get a PvP piece or two as well if you are truly that desperate. But yes it is VERY possible to have a fresh 80 in full epics in a day. I never once said you can get from 1 to 80 in a single day. I have never said that.

Think you should start asking yourself that, you are clearly delusional and hallucinating about people saying things they never said here on the forums. You know, that is a very serious medical condition when you think that people are saying things that they never said. You should get that looked at.

Lol. I bet that phrase burns you deep down inside. You dont even have a guild on that toon, havent in a while. Must suck playing the worlds most popular MMO and still not being able to find anyone who wants to play with you. My retail pally is better than your retail pally. get out of here, you are nothing. You dont even have a Classic toon. Thats why you gotta hide behind this retail toon and spam retail forums about not adding any RDF when all of your best accomplishments on your retail toon come because you had RDF to give you the easy ride.

You live in retail. You have never touched Wrath Classic. So just stop posting here please…thank you.

Ever thought the real reason they added in the tokens? So that way people can pay gold for carries. Blizz adds RDF, a lot of those token sales go away. Not about what you or I want. Its about what the shareholders want. Tokens coming in made it even less likely for RDF to be added in.

Yes add it. Token is in now so ‘nuf said.


So you masquerade behind veiled comments to push your agenda. Got it.

They can do that without tokens.

Funny that you mention that. I post that because every single post you made is aimed at everyone replies to, yet open ended enough to defend your ignorant stance.

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