Please add RDF

Ya 999999% Agree with you on that I levelled a character on benediction fairly recently And the amount of people I saw in the world I could count on one hand all The dungeons I did before 70 I soloed.

People have that social interaction now Through rading not Dungeons And wrath in not Vanilla People play wrath to raid and pvp For the most part they don’t do it to level.

There is the exception Like it for whatever reason you’re doing wrath hc but Like I said for the most part wrath is end game Focused Vanilla isn’t.

There is no good reason why rdf Should not be in the game I say # Bring in rdf.


frost dps dk but keep trying :slight_smile:

if its the community that’s trash and no on plays the game what does rdf change lol. but i deserve a perma ban lol keep spouting trash tool

tell us your bad at the game without telling us lol.

so you were given a straight answer, and because you don’t like it they are lying. and therefore you dont have to listen to them. you had 1 hour ques with 12 million players how long the que going to be with a fraction of the players? not rocket science. see how i said you morons use the playercount from then and act like its the same now lol.

Please add RDF


RDF pools the players who are actively on day in and day out, those who are not raid logging, those who are leveling alts, or are late to the wrath band wagon and allow them to get the groups and dungeons they need for gearing purposes.


Exactly, they just wanna gatekeep- No one should have what I have cuz I was here first!!


I think this is the reason they dont care, theyre done with using resources on classic.


Where are you getting fast runs from?

Guaranteed runs has been something we have been asking for leveling dungeons and regular heroic dungeons that are no longer relevant currently in Wrath.

I have played those expansions during their hay day to current day.

RDF (and LFR) aren’t really problems as you anti-rdfers think they are in retail.

Because reasoning behind it is bad.

This is not 2006-2009 pre RDF anymore, nobody goes to a dungeon and talk about how their day has been anymore.

Re-release of classic and Wrath without RDF hasn’t changed anything or achieved any goals that the development team was hoping it would, people now and days see as each other as a means to an end rather then a potential friend (I’m not saying that friendships during or after a dungeon does not happen), it hasn’t really made communities out of it as far I’m aware and server communities hasn’t mattered in classic since like mega servers became a thing.

At the end of the day, regardless what you think about RDF, its lack of existence hasn’t changed anything of what you complained about RDF, I used to think RDF ruined the game years ago but now that classic has been out for years now, the things I have used to complain about with RDF is pretty much present in classic right now.

Where are you getting the 2 hour queue from?

Minimum I get into a group in 5-15 minutes after queuing up, the maximum I have been in queue for is 30 minutes as a dps for a dungeon in retail.

2 hours is a maybe for queuing on raid finder for a previous raid tier.

Anti RDFer’s try to not resort to “Go back to retail” or “go play cod/LoL/Dota” (Mythic difficulty).

Also LFG is pretty much a lobby game for dungeons so. :dracthyr_shrug:

If anyone has a brain, they would tell you that sitting in Stormwind/Orgrimmar while waiting for a queue to pop is inefficient.

Your better off questing and queuing for dungeons.

Heres the thing, I don’t mind putting groups together… but whenever I put together a group for say a regular heroic dungeon, it may take more time then forming for a beta dungeon because simply the fact is that many people are doing beta dungeons or efficient ways to gear up like Wintergrasp every 3 hours and if you don’t want to do wintergrasp, your kinda left in the dust.

Leveling dungeons are kinda facing a same issue as well.

As I said to Tyrmaull. RDF isn’t really a problem your side keeps thinking it is for sub decline, there are problems that outweigh it more but given I’m responding to you and you will swear up and down that RDF is the cause of recent expansion failures when its not RDF is not the reason why those expansions failed.

Nah it can’t be held responsible.

I have played retail through its ups and downs throughout the years, through its downs, RDF can’t be responsible for them.

WoD was just a disappointment, it over promised on alot of things but when it shipped, it was a disappointment, Only thing from that expansion that was good was leveling and raiding imo. Did RDF cause this?

Legion at the end was a good expansion but it suffered early on in the expansion with bad legendary RNG and then this the expansion where it started the AP grind that some people liked or hated, Legions AP grind was alt unfriendly and was spec unfriendly because you had 2, 3 or 4 weapons depending on your class to level. Did RDF cause this?

BFA had issues throughout the expansion, you had azerite gear where if you acquire new pieces you wouldn’t be able to use them till you get to a certain level and traits are pretty much the most boring and uninspired, this got fixed in the next tier, essences were cool but they were alt unfriendly and sometimes your bis essence can come from content that you personally dont enjoy (cough conflict and strife for WW monks in PvE cough), Acquistion for corruptions come from pure RNG until they got put on a vendor and pre-vendor it was bad. Did RDF cause this?

Oh boy don’t get me started with Shadowlands…

I saw a couple of posts dropping R words at people from you… surely its not any of your doing… right?


No, them telling a lie makes it a lie.

We did not have 1h queues with 12m people.

Just because the overall pool is smaller, does not mean its going to take any longer to find a group. This must be rocket science if you think it would.

And reported.


Don’t you write your posts? I don’t think the forum mod just suspends people on a whim.

I’ve sometimes had 40-60 minute queues during very late night/ early morning server time on Grizzly Hills server when I played there. Used to be a small server around Cata so RDF and Raid Finder was a godsend. Im not a raid-type person, I’m in it for the story so raid finder was awesome. I’ve no idea about retail now. I haven’t played much since Legion.


Some dabblings there even at my play time on MG time (which would be its 0400 cali local time) I get maybe 5 minute waits if enough are in WOD.

If not enough in WOD…at 5 minutes it asks me “would you take any zone dungeon?”

I say…Yes!

and I am in a dungeon in now 6 minutes. As DPS, draenei lock. Apparently some are black listing this in the LFG. Nice thing about LFD…most take whatever to be done sooner lol.

This is in the 10 to 60 range. Currently at 38 on the draenei lock. I’ve after 2 hours had to stop signing up for dungeon. I couldn’t get some fun open world quests done. and I wanted to do the quest(s). Some parts of WOD are fun to me actually.

Stopped LFD runs of own free will…ran quests.

I’d gather with evoker augment the new black, 60 to 70 should be lively as people make evokers if lacking them.

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There were a lot more threads and posts about people asking to not have it than there are threads asking to have it.

Lol reported? What a joke typical RDF poster

Eh… even in vanilla the poles they did favored having RDF


Link proof. You should go look at the forums for all the threads against it. There were a lot more than the threads for it. And also… I thought you people were the HC group who wanted as little atomization as possible who also did so many Mythics in retail and wanted H+ to be added into Classic.

It’s also irrelevant because that was vanilla classic and people could make an actual #nochanges argument for not having RDF at that point.

Where as in wrath classic not only is RDF still more popular, now even more so since classic proved RDF didn’t actually cause any problems that people tried to claim it did, but RDF is actually a legitimate classic feature now.


LOL! No… No there isn’t. It was part of the original game. Deal with it and the stupidity of not wanting it.


This is you isnt it?

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What are you talking about. Those for rdf want no changes. We’re not HC and most of us don’t run mythics in retail nor did we want H+ added. Mostly we’re the casual players.