Please add RDF

Bruh I have literally read people saying it was the most popular it ever was right around when the system was added, therefore the system is the reason for WoWs popularity.

No. What kind of bad faith questions are you asking?

This is a simple thing to understand. How many people do you want per server to be looking for heroic dungeons? 10%? Think thats fair?

So lets say there is an arbitrary 10 servers for the US and each server has 1000 players each. That would mean 100 people are looking to do heroics across the entire 24 hour day. RDF would take those 100 players of each server and put them into a pool together making the pool of players to pull from 1000 people. Significantly higher.

So I dont know why you are even arguing that it doesnt produce players, nor do I even know what you mean by it. Do you mean that it wouldnt bring players back to the game? If the people who said they would come back when RDF is added are to be believed, it would produce players.

Or do you mean something entirely different?

So its no different than now where you skip group quests? And why would the pool of players be smaller? Just sitting in a city is inefficient. You should be questing in between queues or else that downtime you lose out on exp gained.

It literally doesnt hurt you.

To push “socialization and server community”. Thats the exact reason Blizzard gave, and where is this socialization and server community?

Because the reason for saying no is a lie. Its like telling someone they arent allowed to buy a car because a horse and buggy would be better and faster. Dont spit in my face and say its raining.

There were no 2 hour queues. This is how we know you are lying. Even at 3am I wasnt having 1 hour queues as a dps. I wasnt even having 30 minute queues. A 20 minute queue was a long queue, otherwise it was around 12-15 minutes.

Why? Why were you so lazy that you would just sit in town waiting for a queue? Its inefficient for not only EXP when leveling, but basically everything else at max level.

For me, yes. But here is the thing, there are game modes that the majority of pro-RDF people arent advocating to have in the RDF. But you clearly dont read anything and just go hyperbolic mode. Titan Rune alpha and beta shouldnt be a part of the RDF system. That means you get to form your own groups manually for this content.

Thats you.

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I haven’t seen that, but you can find someone saying everything no matter how off the wall on the internet. Most people know that wrath started with 12 million subs and maintained that number until cata launch bump to 12.5 million. That’s been well discussed with posted graphs at least a dozen times here.


Yeah well maybe this helps you understand why no one except the 10 posters on here care about it anymore.

Hard to take a side when the arguments for it are bad.

It didnt hurt it.

It was the most popular around the same time the RDF was added. That doesnt mean that the system is the reason for it. But the subs didnt fall during that time either even though thats the claim your side wants to push.


Subs never stopped falling after the system got put in.

Surely this must mean the system must go.

Yeah, you and the nine other posters that are against adding rdf.

Just posting the arguments are bad is the way fools discuss issues. Any one can just post your arguments are bad. People with intelligence and education address the issue and make rational arguments why they think the arguments are bad.


I don’t have a side.

I’m a neutral individual reading both sides because it’s entertainment.

Turns out one side tends to be a little more cringe to read tho.

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That disinformation has been debunked a dozen times here. Subs plateaued for the whole two years of wrath and got a 500k bump at cata launch. There was no drop in subs for a year after rdf was added.

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Ok what about after that year?


Really? Are you sure about that? So for the entire year why didnt the subs fall after it was introduced? Why did subs falling actually correlate with other things being release or removed? Like WoD with the removal of flight and the introduction of garrisons? They said there would be reasons to go out in the world and flight would hinder that, yet people sat in the garrison collecting mythic gear from the mission table and they were selling flying mounts on the store yet you couldnt fly with them.

But you want to say it was RDF that caused that… right?


Nah pretty obviously only RDF can be held responsible.

How many of your posts have been deleted in the last month? I know of at least a dozen. How many suspensions have you gotten in the last month? You’re just the most recent anti-rdf troll to join the debate. With the deleted posts and suspensions to prove you’re a troll.


I don’t delete posts.

I get suspended because you guys report my posts not because of any of my own doing.

Clearly rdf wasn’t the reason for the drop in subs since they had zero effect for more than year. There must be other reasons subs dropped several months into cata. Many people attribute the cata drop to the harder dungeons at launch, the destruction of old world azeroth, changes in the talents etc.

Yeah sounds like a bunch of copium huffing to me.

Clearly the only thing that can be held responsible is the dungeon system, and it’s obviously why it’s not included.

Sorry to tell you.

Blizzard has deleted at least a dozen.

You get suspended by blizzard because your posts don’t discuss the issues and just insult people in extremely nasty ways. But I’m glad to see you being much more careful. Sometimes babies need to be spanked before they learn how to behave in civilized society.


Sorry you’re not capable of basic understanding, comprehension and lacking severe awareness of one’s surroundings both in and out of game.

The community is dead, deal with it and go play call of duty if you want people to talk to.

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And taking absolutely no responsibility for your own actions as per usual, it’s pretty obvious to anyone why this keeps happening :wink:


The funniest thing is he’s just not smart enough to insult people in ways that don’t get you suspended. And he’s so easy to bait into getting another suspension.

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