Please add RDF

im not against it. i’m just pointing out that 99 percent of what you say is wrong or twisted lol. i can be neutral and still argue one way or another based of actual fact. lol

Blizzard lies. Corporate propaganda is part of every company’s press releases. We don’t know what the internal dialog was on rdf removal, or on any of the decisions blizzard has made. If you trust what they tell us you’re the one drinking the kool aid

ok waco lol

OK, what have I said that is wrong and twisted then?

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Because they are a troll. I mean they are calling you someone who is crying for asking for RDF. I am pretty sure they are laughing on the other side of the keyboard.

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Not to mention how they recently changed their stance anyway, so that particular argument of his is just another non-starter.

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go back and re read all my posts to you. i’m not your mother i’m not gonna hold your hand .

funny rdf is in the game?

Ok, unpaid corporate simp.

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I’m relatively certain I’ve responded to all of them and every time you’ve gone on on some tangent instead of responding in term anyway, so this is just you hurling out more crap that has no bearing on the conversation whatsoever since you won’t back it up.

Was that what you read?

talks about being unpaid, cant afford his sub lol.

you the guy who literally never actually responds to anything lol all you try to say is its GUARENTEED BRO and YOU DINT PLAY OG WRATH. i mean sure it must suck to be wrong all the time and be forced to log into wow everyday and be confronted with that fact. don’t worry one day cata will come and MAYBE then they will let you have rdf.

i mean asking 20000 times isn’t asking anymore lol.

See, this is why I make the claim you didn’t play OG.

If you don’t even know how RDF guarantees a dungeon run I just don’t know what to tell you.

Wouldn’t care, I’m not playing Cataclysm again cause that expansion is trash.


I still have enough gold in retail left over from BoA to get a couple of months of sub time. And at 5k for a token I could get a few months for classic. With the classic token no one needs to pay for a sub anymore. I don’t care enough about $15 to even use my stored gold for a sub. I’m retired and I haven’t had to touch my retirement savings yet. I’m even saving money from my SS most months.

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I’m willing to bet Tyrmaull is a “tank for hire” and is scared of losing his free income because RDF replaces him. lmao.


Bruh, you’re arguing for a community, a community that divided into sub communities called guilds and stick to talking to said guild if at all, fun fact though, most people don’t talk in guild chat. All chatting happens in discord if any at all.

The game has a dead anti-social community that demands 5kGS for H++ (beta) because they’re god damn bad at life and need a carry.

You cannot deny this and any denial proves that you’re a braindead troll that probably deserves to get perma banned from the forums.

TLDR; The community is dead, the community is anti-social, the player base raid logs 99% of the time and twiddles their thumbs playing minecraft.

Who said Wrath was successful because of RDF? Go ahead I’ll wait. It wasnt me.

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You should speak for yourself.

Some people think that rdf was the main reason that there was no sub loss for a year during the longest content drought in wow’s history. But that’s not the same as saying wrath was successful because of rdf. Wrath started with over 12 million subs a year before rdf was added.

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