Please add RDF

I think the reasons blizzard gave are total bs. Why is not accepting no as the answer a bad thing? The reason we even have classic is because people did not accept no as an answer even after being told no dozens of times. It is because some people refused to accept no as an answer that you get to play classic.

I’ve unsubbed. At any moment my forum access will end. I think lots of people have unsubbed and many more are only raid logging. That’s not good for an MMO. The lower the population the less resources blizzard will put into the game.


No I’m saying you just will sit in town doing nothing. Your saying you log off right away if no RDF. I’m saying how is that any different than now. Your still doing nothing. You have no reason to bring up fomo. Fomo has literally nothing to do with wrath none of it is fomo. You clearly don’t like wow yet you still here paying. Again enjoy not having RDF for awhile longer my guy.

Ahh the classis I’ve already unsubbed line you guys love using. See you next week my guy.

Given my past history of the game I can tell you for absolutely certain that no, this isn’t how the vast majority of players play with RDF.

They queue and then go do stuff exactly because the dungeon run is guaranteed no matter how long it takes to get that run.

Take it from someone who has actually played Wrath very clearly unlike you, the world is more alive with RDF than without it.

And this is such a stupid take as well.

If I didn’t like the game why on earth would I spend time arguing with a rock about improving the game?


What’s interesting is you ignored all my substantial arguments to only address this. Because you’ve never had a counter argument. Fact is I can no longer play the game. I’m in the lag time between my sub ending and the forum getting the message. I’ve unsubbed before. There’s a few days lag time but soon I’ll be gone and I’m sure you will celebrate that.


you think what you like is more important than others that’s the issue. the version you are playing you clearly don’t enjoy. like you go into a rage over something that actually isn’t gameplay changing. its not a new mechanic or spell or quests or lore or raid. your complaint is you don’t want to put forth effort to find a group. that’s your sole argument. that’s called being spoiled. you clearly take things personally as you repeatedly try to imply that only you know what actually happened back in wrath og. using a game that has nowhere near the player count it had before and claiming the auto que wouldn’t have any diff outcome lol. acting like a 2 or 3 hour que would somehow change your playstyle and act like the normal person would agree with that, when in reality you would all be right here moaning about que times. the games world was considered the most “alive” vanilla-wrath. funny only one version had rdf. in the grand scheme rdf is a miniscule thing yet here you are raging over and over acting like you are better than everyone lol. and you do it form some lowbie alt HMP lol. keep throwing your cash at something you hate so much guy your clearly a very healthy individual lol

i don’t need to address anything when you use cop out lies like that lol. you other concers all you did was ramble about they gave us a bs answer and you claim that people throwing a fit demanding classic is why we have classic. which is another lie lol. we have classic cuz of private servers and loss of potential revenue. but is that nonsense what you want me to address?

No, I think I know that objectively a game being focused on gameplay rather than a chat channel is better for the game.

And that’s all this is about.

But I do, in fact, I very clearly wish I could play it more. I just don’t want to cause of the chore they’ve turned it into.

Exactly my point. It’s not gameplay changing. The gameplay is fine. It’s just the journey you have to get to the gameplay every. single. time. you. want. to. group. with. anyone. for. anything.


Do you really think this is a gotcha?

No, I was very clearly saying you didn’t.

I’m well aware that just about 12 million other folks played back in the day. I’m just 100% sure you didn’t.

It quite literally would and did.

OK, if you actually play the game do a /who on various zones and tell me how any of it outside of Dalaran is alive.

Maybe a couple folks in Icecrown and Storm Peaks waiting for a raid, assuming they’re the ones who bother going to summoning stones rather than spamming 123 in chat.

Good lord, stop with this argument you goon. I clearly like the game. That’s why I want it to be the best version it was.


Also, for someone who seems to think everyone else is angry, your sentences sure as heck got more run on and harder to read. You sure you’re not projecting here?


No that’s not the issue. We’ve asked blizzard over and over and over again to poll the rdf question. They’ve never done it and we can only guess why. What I’d like to see is the number of players that have unsubbed and gave “no rdf in wrath classic” as their reason. That’s what I said. If blizzard is going to make such a major change to wrath classic they should at least have some idea what the majority of players want. What I want is what they told us classic was going to be. As accurate a recreation of the game as possible. They said, “warts and all.”


I think it’s a lie when you claim rdf harms socialization in the game. I think you’re lying when you claim people chat in the dungeons you do. I think you’re lying when you claim it’s easy to get groups. I think it’s a lie when you claim to do dungeons while you level.


that’s well and fine because blizzard knows otherwise. see ya

it doesnt matter what the majority does or doesn’t say… the whole point is blizzard made their choice and spoiled children are now throwing tantrums over a year into wrath lol a poll doesn’t change that.

yeah so long as its what YOU think is best any one else doesnt count lol.

That’s right blizzard does know. They know how many subs play classic only, both, or retail only. They know how many dungeons are done per day. They could make a pretty little graph from day one of wow to DF and from day one of classic showing the changes in raw numbers or as a percentage of players. They know how many people have stopped playing classic. But here’s the thing.

You don’t know.

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Oh ok, so you’re just gonna devolve into victimhood then, gotcha.

No, I don’t think your opinion matters on this cause you’ve clearly never played the OG and have a messed up perception of what RDF actually did that simply has no bearing on the truth whatsoever.

And frankly, just playing the current Wrath tells you everything you’re saying is wrong as long as you actually play the game with your eyes open. But you do you.

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i think if blizzrd knows and they love money right? that their choices would reflect that data. but sure keep drinking the kool aid

lol still sticking to your schtik that i didnt play og wrath lol? im 32 started playing in 06. i know how things went. i also know rdf is not a savior or game changing feature. i used rdf and probably would if they implemented it. what you don’t see me doing is lying and throwing a fit demanding changes to a game when i didn’t get what i want. gonna say im playing a victim card when you sit here trying to talk about grammar lol. i can clearly show all my chars i post on them i dont hide on an alt claiming to play the game lol.

Based on what you’re saying, absolutely.

OK, so let me ask you.

If it’s not a saviour or game changing feature, why are you objecting to it being added?

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the rest of us will continue to play and enjoy the game without the temper tantrums lol. hopefully you find something enjoyable to do with your time aside crying here lol

Do you not have dual monitors where you can see notifications while you’re doing other stuff or what?