Please add RDF

I’ll take whatever your smoking my guy

Good lord this is certainly something else.

RDF literally does “produce players” though seeing as suddenly the pool is larger from people actually playing the game for dungeons.


You always go back to “need.” It’s never been about need for those who want rdf. Of course you don’t need dungeons to level. You don’t need quests. You don’t even need to level those alts. Why do you have 3 chars at 5k? You didn’t need to level them. Other people have said there are quicker ways to level than dungeons. Might be true. We’re not looking for the quickest way to get an alt to cap.

For us it’s about fun. Isn’t that why you leveled 3 chars to 5K? For fun? Or did you rush through the unpleasant task of leveling to get to end game? The game is a lot more fun for us if we do dungeons while we level alts. And doing dungeons is a lot more fun without the tedium and frustration of finding a group. We want to play the game. Not spend our time looking for people to play the game with. It’s perfectly ok that for you leveling alts without dungeons is fun or that looking for a group by spamming /4 is fun. Play the game how ever you want. But it’s not fun for us. Let us use rdf and if you don’t like it, don’t use it.


If no tanks are on they produce an a.i. tank?

Eventually yes. That’s the entire point of RDF.

Tell me you didn’t play Wrath OG without telling me you didn’t play Wrath OG arch from you here and it’s really REALLY REALLY obvious.


Because that’s not how it works. Say you add RDF. Players who don’t want RDF and like to go questing and doing some of the group stuff elite quests, they now have a smaller pool a players since some will just sit on cites and auto que. Saying it doesn’t hurt you makes no sense. The whole idea of no RDF was for a specific reason and portion of the playerbase. Why is being told no such a bad thing. If you don’t enjoy it then don’t play it?

A … smaller pool of players … to solo quest … ?

Can you please think about what you say once in a while?


Yeah some of those 2 hour ques were awesome. The idea that length of time doesn’t factor I to the equation is asinine and by that logic you don’t even have an argument for RDF, because of you wait long enough you can find a group manually. I’ve been playing since 2006 nice try guy.

All quests are solo quests? Crazy

Who cares, as long as it’s guaranteed at least you can do something else while waiting.

The situation now? You sign up in the tool, see that there’s nothing whatsoever going on and then you log back off.


You need a random grouping tool for normal dungeons when dual spec exists and don’t need to be specific specs to perform those roles.anywuas

There’s no one doing elite group quests outside of Northrend now anyway, whereas with RDF there’s actually a slight chance of this happening cause yanno, guaranteed groups mean people are safe to do other stuff.


I don’t even know what tangent this is?

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That’s no different than seeing a two hour que and logging off. You clearly don’t like the game so why play it. You want a lobby game go play cod or something

In response to you solo quest post lol. Questing is easy. Dungeons are easy. Stop making excuses

It 100% is.

I probably like the game too much despite Blizzards obvious attempts at ruining it.

Good lord, people are in the cities more now than with RDF cause of fear of missing out.

And who has said otherwise?

RDF is slower levelling than questing too. That’s not why I want RDF.


No they mean u sit in town alt tabbed lol.

Now your crying about fomo? All you gonna do is troll my guy. Go find a game you enjoy. I til then enjoy not having RDF

Just to make it clear for everyone what you’re saying right now:

You’re suggesting that RDF being added would cause people to sit in Dalaran for 2 hours at a time.

Your points are all over the place and really really REALLY stupid.


I’m not crying, I’m telling you why things are the way they are.

It’s the exact same reason we have mega servers.

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