Please add RDF

If anything, it just shows the strength of RDF with how it helped to maintain WoW’s peak active subscriptions for a year-long content drought

Many anti-RDFers love to point out how subs plateaued at its launch, but conveniently ignore the fact that content droughts, especially when they last as long as that, tend to lose subs, no matter how good the expansion said drought happens in. Nevermind that, as sub counts get higher, it becomes that much less likely to acquire more, and more likely to lose some, in general


What they also always ignore is that for a year before rdf launched subs plateaued. I don’t know why subs plateaued for the whole of wrath but that’s the fact of it.


That they even plateaued in a largely static game for a year is an accomplishment.

We saw a brief spike when Cata launched then people noped out big time early in the expansion.

What i find mind boggling is they didn’t need to change model. But they did in Cata. Blizzard seems to have got it right in D4 but man the classic devs just don’t get it.


Blizz if you’re looking at this thread give us RDF! It’s pretty clear it isn’t only wanted but also needed at this point. Waiting until ICC to bring it out is too long and it was too long back in the day. Enough is enough, give us the goodies!


Blizz has seen threads like this countless times by so many different people. It’s not as if one individual keeps reposting the same thread. They’re just being dishonest with themselves and arrogant.


People want as many alts as they feel are fun. Not only are people dedicating their time, but their money, as well. Acti-buzzard should be grateful for people using their antique sub model…instead of acting like they are doing us a favor.

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And most of you pro RDF weirdos, make outlandish and false claims about the system granting you fast Guaranteed runs. Or link data saying wrath was popular cuz of RDF. But every expansion that has RDF after wrath and even expanded Into lfr has less interaction than previously lol. Funny how that works both sides of you guys are crazy. The fact you still rage over no RDF shows you are spoiled and can’t be told no.

And 100% of you anti-rdfers have peas for brains because we told you the clear cut issues and it involves the player base not making alts to run dungeons much yet alone help anyone gear up once 80 aka running dungeons other than UBER ULTRA HEROIC MEGA GOD MYTHIC LEGENDARY DIFFICULTY dungeons while demanding 5k+ GS for titan and beta runs because they’re bad at playing the game of life and this need to be carried so hard that they’ll quit the moment they get the thing they wanted.

Edit: No dungeons = no alts = no dungeons = no alts and everyone at 80 refuse to run anything less than the above with less than the above GS.

Edit2: AKA screw everyone who wants alts and anyone who joins wrath late.


Fast? Where on earth has that been the case?

Guaranteed? Yes, that’s the point.

Not something anyone has claimed, what your side always claim though is that RDF killed WoW. Which is ridiculous.


Just because RDF exists in expansions after wrath, and they lost subs, does not mean it was caused by RDF.

Catas rewards didnt match the difficulties of not only the dungeons but the raids.

MoP had mandatory rep grinds and content droughts.

WoD they took out flight, said the open world would be filled and the garrison gave Mythic raid gear at times.

Legion had the artifact system, a poor legendary system.

BFA had warfronts that were a flop and islands.

Shadowlands was Shadowlands and an utter failure

DF is a GW2 mount ripoff with poor writing.

D4 they were pushing socialization, community building, build diversity and the darkest story they have ever told (all lies by the way).


You literally said that dude. You. Lol.

And rdf is not why wrath was successful. See how that works.

I got three chars at 5k and a lvl 72 hunter. With no RDF. And most of my guildies have more than I do. Crazy we did that without needing to do old leveling dungeons through an automated system. Crazy.

OK, where did I say RDF is fast?

Be specific.

Guaranteed. Which is funny because I’m not going down this rabbit hole again. RDF just groups doesn’t produce players. Lie harder

So link it, shouldn’t be too hard?

Go back to your 2nd post before this one. Guaranteed? Yes that’s the point. Yet here you are saying you didn’t say that lol. Clearly anything you say needs alot of salt with it.

Yes guaranteed groups, not fast.

That’s the whole point.


Everyone knows that Wrath was successful due to the housing bubble. First goes Bear Stearns overleveraged on CMO’s. Then go the various subprime culprits, wachovia, accredited home lenders, new century, countrywide. Then goes Lehman, in the same fashion as BSC. Markets plunge. Turmoil ensues. Out of the ashes, Big Bro steps in with trillions in bailouts. Markets RALLY. BUY BUY BUY. Automatic profits. Wotlk is released. BIG SUCCESS.

Who does a grouping tool that’s doesn’t produce players give a guarantee? That’s still lost on you I guess