Please add RDF

It is indeed. I’ve seen it many times dating back to the old forums. One of my guild members had his alt account banned from the forums for doing just as you said (he had temper problems).

This is a fantasy. You either don’t do many dungeons, don’t level many alts, or mostly raid log. I was in a great guild in old game wrath, we had a sister guild we often played with and friends lists. I always asked in guild and friends and almost always got 1, 2, 3 players to join my group. But we rarely got a full group. So we’d join the rdf together and fill out the last slots. I was easy and quick and all my friends did lots of dungeons and leveled up more alts in the last year of wrath then we leveled in the preceding 5 years. Many of us had an alt of every class going into Cata.


So absolutely not 5 mans which is the only thing affected by RDF?


I love how the people claiming to be masters of socialization think that friends are people who do whatever you tell them to do whenever you tell them to do it.


I have done every low level dungeon in wrath. All it takes is asking the other lobies on /who and adding them to your friends list to invite them again later.

As long as you dont out level each other, theres not a surplus of alts out there right now.

Yes that’s all it takes because you’ll all be playing the same amount of time so none of you will out level the others. From 1 to 80 you’ll all be leveling up together at exactly the same rate.


Yes because obviously everyone the same level as you wants to instantly run a dungeon with you as soon as you whisper them out of the blue.


So you are just a troll. Got it.


the biggest wow token forum post is all pro token. Plus all the people in this fourm arguing against RDF have zero posts about the wow token. Just look at their posting history.

You have zero posts about the wow token. Actually trolling

That happens to some of your friends? Make some new ones and check /who again. Had had consistent success with me.

It happens most of the time, because I’m not rushing to cap with a bunch of friends so we can raid log. I only rush to cap with my priest so she’s ready to heal raids. With all my other alts I play when I want, move to a different alt when I want, and just enjoy the journey. I’d like to do that while doing a lot of dungeons but for that most of us need rdf


And some guild may be on the raid log plan.

The dual edge to “find a guild”. it can work. or one can…join and quit several of them to get a good one. Maybe…they could hit up 5 guilds and sigh. Lets try guild 6.

People in guilds are like some people married for a long time. Some of those people go duh its simple, find that right one and its easy.

Some tend to forget the few years of finding the dates from hell. Or the “psycho” partner. They seemed fine at first…its at 3 months Mr/Ms. Hyde showed up and Dr. Jekyll said I am out, they are all yours.

I in the past have taken the path of the casual. Its not a great guild play wise maybe, but cool chill people. I stay for the company and accept its jsut raid loggers. Not helping move on much…but the chat is good.

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Massive S*** Storm. It’ll be enough for a lot of WotLK classic players to just up and quit. Specially if they don’t add in the Triumph from dungeons as well.

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I don’t like WoW token, WoW token is in the game. I still don’t like it, I don’t use it. WoW token has no baring on the topic of this thread with one exception, my aforementioned comment, “I still don’t like it, I don’t use it” You can do the same with RDF while the rest of us that want it use it to level our alts and gear up. All I see there is a win win, you play the game the way you want and I play it the way I want.


the orginal reason why i posted about the wow token was because people who are anti-rdf always say it was brought to the game in the lich king patch. So logically those people should also be in the wow token fourm posts talking about how bad it is. They are not doing this.


Or for any other change for that matter. They’ve built up a boogieman in their heads about how RDF specifically and solely killed WoW which is so incredible stupid.


Most of these anti-RDF people are just trolls. They are inconsistent at best, they run off when they are held to any standard, they dont answer questions and some of them even go so far to say they are pro-RDF while simultaneously linking the decline of subs to the introduction of RDF (which do not and have never actually lined up).


Exactly, RDF was in the game A FULL YEAR without any ill effects before Cata launched yet the antis have a hard-on for this incredibly moronic talking point.