Please add RDF

Nice refutation! You are delusional if you think gaslighting me is going to work. Where is your refutation or are you just going to do the same toxic bs as everyone else that doesnt have an argument?

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No, it wont. Because I was in a guild that was raiding and was still either looking outside of the guild to run dungeons, doing hilt farms alone (literally in PoS solo killing trash and resetting) or using the RDF when it came out. Getting into a guild, and specifically a good one, doesnt fix the issue because many of us has been there.


Dungeon Finder is the “Looking for Dungeon” (LFD) system Blizzard introduced in patch 3.3.0

Patch 3.3.0 is a content patch that included Icecrown Citadel as a new raid instance as well as three 5-player dungeon wings in the Frozen Halls. Patch 3.3 was to be the last major patch before the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Is the lich king raid there yet? No?

Not only that, but why on earth would new players look at the current state of getting into group content and go “I want myself some of this”.

They just wouldn’t.


I’ll bet you $10 you’ve never ever said this about Dual Specs that didn’t come out till Ulduar.


One thing sir im not against RDF but most of the big features are released for big patches from blizzard perspective there is no need for RDF yet as its better to bring the hype of the lich king to the roof.

Also the dual spec its a good but less impactful feature than RDF.

This is factually incorrect dating back to classic having cross realm bgs from the second bgs were added, never mind summoning stones.

You’re objectively and provably telling falsehoods. You’re plain and simply wrong. And that makes your argument worthless.


Dual Talent Specialization (or dual spec ) was a skill available to learn at level 30 from class trainers for 10 Gold. Introduced in [patch 3.1.0], dual talent specialization was the ability to create and switch between two distinct ‘specs’.

Patch 3.1.0: Secrets of Ulduar is the first major content patch for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Among the highlights of this patch are the opening of the much anticipated Ulduar raid

Sire can you tell me how wrong you are?

My guy, it was added in the prepatch of classic.

So why is RDF an exception here?


Im because “the social experience” or w.e the want to call it they want to go by their initial statement to the very end until lich king goes live that way they will fill the boomers desires of their “no rdf” but will also please those.who want it because it will release at its “proper time”

Im all in for rdf what will be a real concern is if they dont actually it add then it will be a S***Storm.

So it has nothing at all to do with “when it was added” which was your claim, correct?

So you were just lying?


So having bis makes you more important somehow? :joy:

How much did it cost? :joy:

I guess only the people who are clearing 25 man raids should be catered to?

:joy: What? Let me see these numbers


No raid or dungeon was added before its time the rdf its a complete system that connect (battle groups/a few servers) it is a major update and if you recall classic has not done that.

Now they can do that but why now? As prog increases people will keep paying transfers to complete stuff patch.

Im not against RDF but i think it will not happen anytime soon (untill fall of the lich king)

You did not said that bro…

Thats like so wrong in many levels.

So your argument is that RDF, a game system, is a dungeon now?

Cause it’s not.

Again, why is RDF the exclusion here?

(well, along with the quest helper, but they, again, DID promise to add that lmao)


Is RDF content?


Random battleground queue is literally the same system as RDF but for PvP

Why did it get added early and no one batted an eye?


Hypocrisy :stuck_out_tongue:


Did you just ignore that I’ve organized pugs, guild runs, and GDKPs for almost 4 years at this point?

I’ve played with well over a thousand unique players. I can think of 3 that were genuinely new to WoW.

It’s a statistically insignificant portion of the playerbase. Clearly, because when you realize this a lot of Blizzard’s decisions make more sense. Why anyone would pretend this isn’t true is just lying to themselves.

RDF please. Dosen’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what people want