Please add RDF

I am aware, just saying I would like to know which expansion dungeons I was agreeing to join before joining as I dislike MoP dungeons.

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also words to the effect it was not being looked at at this time.

This is not a hard no either. Its more a cover your butt for when if you do change stance…you can say we never said no.

Remember its wow. The lead dev for retail is actually a lawyer. They never give absolute answers. Lawyers and philosphers…they don’t deal with absolutes lol.

And he probably passed some of the wisdom down to then lead Brian.

Yes add RDF please, with the Rune Dungeons, no one needs the gear that drops from them anyways.

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RDF would be nice but maybe too late for it. I can log in a tank level 48 and cant find any dungeon group for 3 hours and this is on top 5 populated server. So there is no point in logging in besides raid logging and that is quickly losing its appeal when there can be no alt progression. From what I am seeing people cant find normal heroic dungeons as fresh 80s either.


Is that a fact?

Doesn’t seem so.

Yeah it did.

4 full world tours, BOE 245s, BOEs 225s and 232s, a full Ulduar 10 run and a strong team around you.

Id imagine you guys hate to realize how easy it is to be relevant if you play the game with a group of people.

Not sure if sarcasm or serious…

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I’m being serious.

I’m being called a liar. I hit 80 and main tanked Algalon 25 in the same lockout.

It’s very easy to gear characters at this point, which is a fact that is in direction opposition to a lot of the narrative here that it’s difficult or even impossible to gear alts.

A more accurate statement is that is was easy for you to gear a character in a week.

Did you have a guild feeding you gear?

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That’s a fair point.

However, it’s what I’ve been saying in retort to these threads for a year.

Find a good guild. Contribute, be active and helpful. This is how WoW is supposed to be played.

It will always be inferior in outcome and experience to do it any other way.

Which doesn’t really help new players or alts without guilds who will carry them.

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Bruh there are basically 0 new players in classic.

Out of the thousands of players I’ve interacted with since 2019 I can count on one hand how many are truly new to WoW.

It’s an extreme minority that cannot have the game catered towards. All versions of the game are wildly unforgiving to new players because there are almost no new players.

I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s the nature of a game being 20 years old.

There aren’t many new players, ironically i just ran into one in a nexus run tonight.

But there are a lot of people who want to play alts, and they know what RDF allowed for alts that they aren’t getting now.

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I want a lot of things. I will admit that my situation is something not everyone is in a position to take advantage of but again - and I’ve been very consistent about this, find a guild. An actual good one.

Do a little research, some due diligence. Find a good home, and the problem goes away.
Birds of a feather flock together. Most guys that have large numbers of characters play together. Find them, and you’ll find a place where this system is completely unnecessary.

You are delusional its shocking the lack of awareness

Can your theoretical uetopia guarantee pugs groups at all hours of the day?

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Selfawareness level: absolute zero.


If all you do is raidlog and run with your guild, it really would look like there’s 0 new players to these people.

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People are more against RDF than the wow token.

Right? It’s so weird.

Something that was originally in wrath, bad, get it away, keep it out of the game.

Something that was never in Wrath as is often the subject of contention in Retail, yeah that’s perfectly ok no issues here.

I don’t get it.

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