Please add RDF

I realize I can always count on you to keep bumping the thread. Even though all I do is laugh at you. And you actually think someone at blizzard is reading these threads. That’s the funniest thing of all. All they know is it’s an issue that’s not going away.

It’s just not.

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I think all that proves is whoever can do that absolutely no lifes and has no job.

I cannot see a scenario where someone who works has that amount of time to level AND get geared up enough.

Also wow, do forum vacations only happen on the offending character or the offending account because why else would the obvious troll switch characters midway through their rants?

Take around 40 hours if you speedrun leveling. Then you can probably get carried throught h++ and get up to 4.4k in 8 hours or so. Some crafted gear and boe, some luck with voa and onyxia and you could get to 4.8k which could be reasonable for algalon. But yea its doubtful on your own to get there or even in a week even if you have a lot of spare time.

It’s not at all possible to do, it’d require way too many emblems to do and you do have to get to level 80 to start getting those.


Algalon dual wields (1 sec swing speed for each hand) and each hand hits for a base damage value of 77k physical damage per swing. That’s double that of patchwerk.
He also does his quantum strike ability every 3.5-5 seconds, for an additional 35k physical damage instantly that can not be dodged, parried or miss. And then there’s the phase punch that hits the tank every 15 sec, which is also unavoidable. Tanks have to be VERY geared for this fight.

Even with joyous journeys, heirlooms and rested xp, and finding four other people willing to carry you through world tours all day for several days once you hit 80, there is no way you would be geared enough to tank algalon in a week.

This did not happen.

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It definitely didn’t happen, the anti RDF crowd are notorious liars.


Because there is no other response that your illogical statements actually require.

Im glad you admitted you are disingenuous.

Obligatory “add RDF” post


As you add more content, more difficulties, you have to have a way for people to actually be able to find each other. Its literally that simple. “make friends” is not a solution.

Im getting whispers for Tempest Keep runs for a mount, ++ when im not even signed up for it, dungeons im not even signed up for.

If people are desperate to find / fill groups. The fact that /4 has people spamming it, inviting whoever pops up in the LFG tool regardless of the difficulty / dungeon selected as long as there is a shield beside their name send and invite, means that something has to be done and this “make friends” bs is some pipe dream pushed by naive people that clearly dont play the game.

So you have to allow people a bigger pool, and the best way to do that at least for dungeons, up to heroic at the very least, is cross realm RDF. Its just so blatantly obvious.


Oh boy a classic “Go play retail” or “go play other games with an RDF similar system”.

Some people want to play wrath with a feature that is part of it.

People can do this with AV weekends in this version of Wrath.

People can do this with Wintergrasp to get starter gear for raiding.

Either way your logic is mind boggling about RDF being too efficient for leveling or gearing while not acknowledging AV for leveling and Wintergrasp for starter gear for Beta or raiding.

I dont care if Luck of the draw ends up getting removed.

Does not make the run harder, easier or change the dungeon drastically, Gundrak will still be the same dungeon as it is right now without the affix.

Yet I can take a look at low level LFG, regular heroics and alpha if you want me and i can tell you why RDF is needed there (or Cross realm LFG).

Also server communities stopped mattering when mega servers became a thing… also if you are a jerk tank but you were also a really good tank, people would still play with you regardless of your reputation.

Still barking up a tree about this? fine I will resurrect this discussion we had in a 5k thread months ago.

24 gold means nothing in today’s economy, infact I can get double that gold by doing a beta or alpha, I can do a short daily that rewards more gold then a random RDF heroic. In retail, I can finish a dragonriding race world quest in 40 to 60 seconds depending on a race get like 500 gold roughly where as retail gives like 100 gold or something.

Badges start fading from relevancy once you get what you need, the only things you may need is a raw gem to ask your local JC to cut you a gem but thats dirt cheap considering your running Ulduar and TOGC regularly every week.

Idk about those solutions you provide.

If you are trying to find people to do a regular heroic or an alpha, good luck because I was skimming through regular heroics and I saw like 5 people listed and it was 2 healers and 5 dps and then looked at alpha and there were like 2 people on my server. Fresh people be doing wintergrasp or getting carried by their guild. In short, most people are doing beta dungeons then doing alpha or regular heroics.

Also leveling is kinda a single player game essentially till you get to 80.


just add the damn rdf boys


Suspensions are account wide. This troll is obviously a multiboxer with multiple accounts.


if they do I will immediately start playing again…lol

ahh, there it is. The real reason the antis don’t want rdf.

Thanks for your support! Blizz has never said “We will never add RDF to Classic so stop asking” Therefore they are open to considering the idea.

Do you know why Final Fantasy XIV has male Viera when the devs said the female Viera was the last race they were doing? Because determined people took to the forums for a whole expansion constantly requesting male Viera. The moral of the story is if you want something bad enough keep asking for it. It’s how Classic even exists.

the cata RDF prioritizes those on your server so that’s the one that should be implemented. :slight_smile:


Actually, until the recent dev interview this was literally the stance with the whole “we don’t think RDF is in the spirit of classic”.

Which is, of course, utter hogwash seeing as they’ve implemented mythic+ lite and the token which are definitely not in the spirit of classic, but not a peep about those.


“we don’t think RDF is in the spirit of classic” is not a hard no. :slight_smile:

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Prioritizing people on your server doesnt mean it ignores people from other servers. Its like how the Chromie time works when looking for dungeons, it will look for dungeons within that expansion until a time threshold has been met then expands the search to other expansions. You get a prompt, but still who doesnt say “no I dont want to play the game”?


I do wish it would tell you which expansion’s dungeon you have been moved too when the queue pops after that prompt. Would love to skip the MoP dungeons. No I am not an ookin dooker thank you.


It opens them all up. You can get anything. It just finds you a dungeon.

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