Please add RDF

More reliable access to a dungeon does not make the dungeon itself easier to run


We don’t even think about that. I don’t have a clue what is the fastest way to level. I’ve seen most people here saying that dungeons are not the fastest way to level. Who knows. I’ve never visited any of the sites that tell you the fastest way to level anything, not a class nor a profession. What we want is to spend our time actually playing the game not spend our time looking for people to play the game with.


No but luck of the draw buffs, free teleports, no effort grouping (which is also cross realm), and bonus rewards do make it easier and more rewarding.

Finding others to do grouped content with is part of what an mmorpg is.

Matbe you are just playing the wrong game then?

Sure, take them out. We don’t care

do not make things easier and you’re coping hard to imply otherwise

Good, getting a group together shouldn’t be an issue to begin with

The only bonus that comes with RDF is a couple of tokens, which we already have with the daily heroic quest in Dalaran


It really is quite the embarrassing look that someone on that side has to resort to such language because they can’t provide an actual argument :person_shrugging:


It isn’t. You can claim that every expansion from wrath on wasn’t an mmorpg because they had rdf. People make stupid claims like that all the time. There’s a lot of people who claim retail started in BC when they added flying. I just ignore that level of nonsense.


I just report it and move on. He’s showing you who he really is and he’ll likely get a suspension soon.


Yeah I’m what you wish you were in the game. I provide you the solutions and you cry anyways.

You’re showing the world that youre a whiny failure who takes no accountability.

I fear for the mental stability of anyone that wishes they were you


Guys who complain every day in the wow forums about the same thing every day for a year vs the guy who makes fun of said people.


One of us wants to do something that would in our opinion improve the game. The other is getting so butthurt over it they’ve started spamming slurs instead of doing all this group content they claim they have no trouble getting into

I don’t think your post is the insult you think it is…


And in my opinion, and in the guys running the game, it wouldn’t.

Looks like you lose. Stay mad.

Funny, because their most recent statement says they’re considering it for the ICC patch. We’ll just have to wait and see then. I do hope that, in the event they do decide to add it, you’ll be a little more respectful toward people

Oh who am I kidding, I expect you’ll be all over these forums complaining about how they’re killing the game and just slinging around even more slurs at people who disagree with you


You said this to me many moons ago, and never answered my question. Which ones have this same talent structure, secondary stats, classes, atmosphere, art design? How about demo lock which other game has that? DK?

The answer is none of them. If you dont want to play Wrath then dont play it, you go to these other games. We want to play Wrath, and this isnt it and I dont know why you have such a hard time understanding this simple fact.

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No, you’re calling me that because I disagree with you, and that upsets you


They are just saying that because they came on the forums to mess with people.


To be perfectly honest at this point I’m just curious to see how far they go before finally getting their forum vacation lol


Nah it doesn’t. You don’t even know what my opinion on anything is.

I just call stupid opinions stupid. I don’t care what systems blizzard adds or doesn’t add to the game, because I’ll play it anyways and not complain.

Denial is the first stage

…I feel like I’ve been here before recently :thinking:

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