Please add RDF

The only answer that really makes sense is they can’t get it to work with the dev time allocated to it.

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I know, and that scares the bejeebus outta me.

That level of incompetence is quite possible the only thing worse than how out of touch they are with their playerbase.

But then, we did go through an entire phase of King Ymiron stunning people with glaciate before that got fixed so it’s entirely possible.


And yet they have dev time and infrastructure to put into a hardcore realm…

When you want MS to take over the company because they seem more competent…


I haven’t really been following the hard core realm info since I’m not going to do it but what do they have to do except make death permanent? That seems like a pretty simple change.

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There’s a bit more to it, like adding 1 dungeon cap per day. And even adding perma death is a harder thing than some of the bugs the refuse to fix. Then it will be a new realm which will have special transfer rules from that realm to other realms…

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I think some if not many if like me are going…I only want 1 more 80.

I can wait till cata deluxe edition if still playing. 4 80’s keeps me busy enough.

60 to 80 I’d also have as wait for CTA AV for many at this point. that for me in leveling a few chars gave barely enough time to use the restroom, refill a glass of water between matches. Even say 0400 for the US west coast time zone. Even that AV scene was far from slow lol.

I have 1 level 80 besides my main and absolutely no desire to level outside of that despite wanting to actually play the game I pay for.


Because they thought they knew better than the old devs and the playerbase. But we all knew once Titan Runes were introduced and making them mandatory to stay with the rest of the playerbase (5 emblems vs 2 is a no brainer that its mandatory) that all other content was going to be dead and that there would be limitations put in for this new difficulty.

Now they are trying to save face by saying “if we were going to put it in it was always going to be with ICC” because they actually set that precedent (sarcasm) and also saying that there are issues in these certain areas that we all said there would be like they were the ones to figure it out.

They couldnt get older versions of WoW to work and had to get pserver people to do the work to make it work within the new game client.


Ion has taught them well. This gets him credit from lots of kool aid drinkers retail side.

I loved the people going see blizzard is good. they know what the deal is. See…good changes.

Changes recommended as far back as SL beta. But now it’s their idea! They Should have listened to beta testers in beta. I will grant 9.2.5 and even 9.3 did a fair bit to make SL not suck nearly as much.

and they will pull this crap again 10.2.5 and 10.3. Why I never rage quit it. I wait for 10.3 lol.

I don’t fuss over how it gets to 10.3 to not suck. I just want the usual x.3 magic lol.

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Yeah cuz /who is so reliable lol!!!

Oh yeah private server people are so good at making their own things hahahaha oh wait they just steal the finished product. No private server guy is remaking the entire system to work on the new game client the original game wasn’t meant for. And who’s saying they can’t figure out how to do RDF lol if that was the case they’d have said that to shut all you RDF clown up already.

I also love how the forum babies always say things like we called it we told you so. As if the forums don’t say yes no and maybe about everything that’s posted. That guy who always give the vaguest answer then after the fact come in all seee I told you so.

Furryflight isn’t that bad once you are level cap, what is absolute garbage about it is its leveling experience due to extremely bad level scaling where level 10s are gods among mortals and in general character power progression, where you feel weaker as you get higher level from 1-60, 60-70 leveling is decent barely enough.

What in the world are you talking about? It was just getting the old game to work on the new client, it wasnt remaking the game from the ground up. Blizzard was working with a private server and going through the issues, thats why these things even exist. If they didnt you guys would still be complaining about retail or not playing.

Wow you are extremely toxic. And those of us that were talking about these issues that were going to pop up… we told you so. And now blizzard is admitting to leveling dungeons, normal and heroic dungeons are scarce and they are looking into it and they said that specifically when talking about RDF.


You all really need to find something else to argue about.

10 months later arguing the same nothing. It’s not coming.

We would just play the game if it wasn’t a danged chore to do so. But with all the free time we’ve been handed by Blizzards terrible player awareness, here we are.

Lord forbid we want the game to be the best it can be rather than Cataclysm 2.0 release.


You will complain regardless it’s what you do.

You are claiming they can’t figure out how to do RDF. Acting like they need some private server tool to come educate them. Funny considering private servers are rip offs of others work. It’s not toxic, what’s toxic is the same damn crowd claiming they told you so on everything. Using forums as the vaguest blanket term or defense. My question is if the game is so unplayable how come the rest of us multiple 80s already? How did the rest of us manage? My question is why do you think leveling dungeons will magically start popping off. This isn’t old wrath player base. Your gonna be hit hard with que times since people aren’t really doing the old content and then you will come right back here complaining about how blizzard needs to fix that. Do what the rest of the world did move the frick on with your life already. The game is there use the tools you have to enjoy it it’s only there for x amount of time before we all move on to cata. Stop wasting it crying here.

Where are you getting that from?

You’d think I had more complaints about the game than RDF being replaced by H+ and H++ then wouldn’t you?

Oddly, I don’t seem to have?

Curious that, isn’t it.