Please add RDF

Completely agree, when people bring up RDF being optional the anti RDF crowd likes to tangent into how RDF suddenly becomes mandatory because of all these supposedly awesome things it does. So it’s relevant to remind them of their gas lighting.


Not having RDF is a huge miss for the overall community. It doesn’t interfere with the gameplay of those not missing it, but it absolutely makes the game far less enjoyable for those that do miss it. Unfortunately the influencer negativity engine which was run simply to make $$ for those influencers, has crippled this part of the gameplay.

The user experience for many of the community is significantly more difficult and unenjoyable wanting to play the “classic” game and being stuck in a land of difficult, drawn out group finding for dungeons. Many of us are no longer kids, our windows of opportunity to wait for a group are reduced and it’s more important than ever for the efficiency to be improved to find greater enjoyment.

I think a lot who argue against RDF either are those that have good friend communities, more time or availability, or simply like to comment or argue.

This is the one aspect of the current classic experience that is quite disappointing for me. Spending time trying to make the current group finder “better” I just don’t get. I think some folks were convinced initially that RDF was a mortal wound, but they do realize that getting groups is difficult and a disincentive for portions of the community. From that came some experimentation, which I believe is showing itself to be quite ineffective. Those that were already forming groups well enough, continue to do so while those that struggle with it have been struggling more and more. As the community shrinks (yep), availability shrinks, and with normal, heroic, alpha and beta for each instance, finding a group for anything other than the top level is brutal. Alt’ing experience is painful.

I don’t want to play retail, it’s an ARPG and bares little to no resemblance to the “classic” experience. I want to play in the classic world, I want to level all the alts in the classic world. RDF makes that experience much more enjoyable.



No. Never said it killed wow. I said it changed WoW. It made it more modern. Stop interpreting stuff I never said

Okay and technically patch 1.1 changed WoW congratulations on astutely noticing that changes are changes.


Not in a meaningful way but yes it did change wow

Right so just pointing out RDF was a change is not helpful.


No, you directly linked the decrease in subs to RDF which has been debunked time and time again.


They didnt say it changed WoW. Thats just the new thing they are trying to save face with.


See… this is where your issue is…

Someone told you to go play era… yet you obviously disliked being told that, why tell someone to go play retail when wrath of the lich king had rdf in the base version classic wrath started in? (3.3.5a the last patch of wrath).

Historically speaking classic was all about keeping everything as it was when it existed. AKA #nochanges yet blizzard went against their initial word and gave us a hyper gimped wrath to play in. I can almost guarantee you the lack of RDF is to flat out kill off classic wow. They know Cata will die without it even though they intend to release classic cata. Sad truth.

Expect classic to be dead shortly after cata arrives and there’s no rdf. Have fun with that.


for the love of god pls

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The open world is so dead pre-70. I’d be ok with some kind of compromise to the system. Like the finder matches you, but you still have to walk there. Or is it being locked to below 70. It’s just something to break up the monotony of leveling. I quest for hours with that crappy version we have now, and nobody joins. Just fix it. It’s already basically retail with extra steps. Just make it like retail with those extra steps. It just seems stubborn and foolish.

Now I can buy a boost and buy a token and GDKP myself to a full set of gear like some pay to win game. #nochanges.

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It’s also pretty much dead post 70.


Yep funny how that work I couldn’t be bother to finish this alt since I would rather play Classic hardcore blindfolded while having an angry cat claw my legs off that have to level solo from,1-80 again since dungeons while leveling are even more dead than Old Blanchy in cataclysm.

Meanwhile if I can queue random dungeon from time to time while leveling, I can endure anything no matter how bad and slow leveling may be, dungeons to me are just something to change things up to give me a (Pause) from the solo quests grind.


RDF also helps the low-pop server problem substantially; however, it takes money out of Blizzards pockets so likely why we haven’t gotten it yet.


But don’t worry the daily dungeon is alive and well with people asking for 5k GS to join!!


I love how I saw a video for fresh 80 gearing, recommending people to do the 2 daily dungeons for the emblems.

Nobody wants a fresh 80 in their H++ and nobody runs Normal/Heroic anymore, so that’s a great guide.

The other thing the guide mentioned was pvping, prefferably WG to get honor to buy Deadly.

And even that isn’t really good because people meme on you for wearing PvP so it’s like how do you gear a fresh 80?

The answer? GDKP or if you’re already an established guild member ask them to run you through NEO/Ulduar.

Just so you can run content that drops Ulduar 10. It’s so laughable, they created catch up content with a carrot for veterans but the veterans are just gatekeeping the alts/new players.


Because they made it a chore to do so.

H+/H++ is everything the playerbase hated about Cataclysm heroics.


Yep if they wanted people to spend more time in heroics they could have just added a second and then a third heroic daily with none of the + garbage.


my tinfoil hat says they’re waiting last min just to wait to pull it out in icc. then that way they will milk the last bit of wrath before they go into cata (if we get it). they will release icc when there’s a lull in games and add rdf. everyone is gonna come here and subs go on the rise.

i say do it now bc over at retail its actually a bad time bc dragonfart is so bad rn lol.
its about to be SL tier bad in all honesty but different topic lol.


With their recent stance change that would seem to be the case, but why did we have to wait this long for their stance on this topic to change?