Please add RDF

Hard to even do the daily heroic when people gatekeep so damn hard.

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Which is silly because Beta heroics are so brain dead easy compared to Alpha heroics.
I used to hate HoS, but the new affix buff makes that so fast and easy now.

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It was the difficulty vs the rewards. This was happening even in raiding so its not the tool itself that was the cause of anything. It was a fundamental flaw in the design. “Harder” instances and raids with weaker items… thats what it was.

I didnt see a single “im leaving because RDF exists” thread, post or anything in game. So its not the tool that is the cause. People leave mostly because Blizzard doesnt respect the players time. Difficulty vs reward, if you dont get it right people think they waste their time and leave, take out flight and make it take longer to travel along with having no reason to have flying mounts people feel like they wasted their time and leave, content doughts = loss of subs and so on. RDF is a tool just like chat channels.

I can tell you one reason to have RDF… getting into the role and difficulty you list yourself as. Im listed as a Tank for heroic difficulty for the daily… get invited ask if its for Heroic and they say “yes H++”… i leave group. Then invited to another group when they already have a tank. I dont have tank or dps listed, just tank.

There is nothing I can say to people without looking like a jerk so I just dont say anything. They cant see im listed as a tank? They cant see that im listed for a regular heroic?


The Brann event is such a snoozefest :sleeping: but that’s a given. H++ is fun with the buffs you get, i agree.

Because you get laughed at when you make those kind of threads. So instead of announcing to people they are quitting, they just quit. Quietly.

Or they invite you as a role, or difficulty that you arent looking for. Only 3 listed right now for the daily heroic on heroic difficulty on my server. Even for Titan Rune Beta there are only 3 listed.

Agree, people hate feeling like their time is wasted for minimal improvement. Cata itemization in the first tier was PAINFUL. Nothing felt like an upgrade till firelands.

Then in firelands you had to hope to get an upgrade. 1.4% drop for the 1h str axe. Could drop from anything… but it doesnt mean that you get 1 drop for every 100 enemies killed, and then you fought other people on the AH for the few that were ever on there.


Skip RP button please!

The most disappointing affix is the CoS one, just “we added a larger add” and that’s it.

UK and UP are pretty bad as well.
“You know how we added buffs to players in all the H++ dungeons? Lets do double debuffs for UK and UP!”
-some blizzard employee

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That would be great haha. The first COS H++ i did the other 4 people didn’t know about the grenades so we just killed the giants normally lol.

I like how the debuff to buff concept in Utgarde works in concept, but I dislike it in practice lmao.

I asked what the downside was and the only answer my group gave was “we run out of time for the drake?”

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I’d actually say the fire debuff is fine and makes UK/UP not that bad. The worst thing about UP is having ice spawn under you while stunned by the final boss.


Yeah that last boss is pretty terrible with the debuff. I’m just confused to why there is no buff from extinguishing the fire with the ice or melting the ice with the fire (whatever RP reason you want to give) just considering the other dungeons have buffs, that’s all.

Uh… there is?

If you extinguish yourself from the fire debuff by touching snow you get 50% increased crit chance.


Oh, i did not know that lol. CASE CLOSED!

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You have no idea how bad I wish this mechanic was “touching grass” not ice…

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The “Touch grass” Buff is gained when pressing the “Unsubscribe” button


To be fair, there are more giants than there are grenades anyway, so you prolly have to kill a couple of 'em either way, depending on where your waves spawn.

Not sure why anyone feels the need to make concessions on a wrath feature? Cross realm and teleport are 2 things that should remain. Cross is self explanatory and teleport is for us working folks that have a very short time to play after work, daily…lol.