Please add RDF

Happens whenever the group has over 10 people. If you get the LogTracker addon though, it’ll show everyone in the raid (doesn’t show their spec, just their class) and gives a link to their wclogs profile.

Yeah, completely different experience for me. My balance druid is 4.4k, has mostly PvE gear (like 2 pieces of pvp gear). I’ll list myself in group finder as “4.4k balance”, get an invite, then get kicked with no response from the leader. Now I just make my own groups and refuse invites from others.


Yes, you did. Its the same talking points as the other 1 person so against it. RDF comes in and after that subs continuously dropped afterwards is the same as saying it killed WoW. You are linking 2 things together that has been debunked time and time again.


Tulpa’s aren’t real people.

I agree fully and very well said.

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I have literally never, in all my years of playing this game including giving Classic a fair chance on two max-level characters, ever had anyone I’ve ever pugged a dungeon with become more than some random guy I grouped with to get loot. I’ve never seen a single one of them again, be it on Ashkandi or on Benediction, without RDF.

You’re living in a fairy tale.


Sounds like you chose to not even try to make social connections.

But thats how you chose to play.

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Surprising absolutely no one, the anti-RDF guy is telling people “well you just aren’t playing right then”…


Not only that, he’s basically saying “I’m scared to go outside”.


Playing different than me doesnt mean right or wrong.

Every playstyle has benefits and cons.

One of the cons of being social is the effort and time it takes to maintain those social connections.

Them: No one ever spoke to me

You: Well you aren’t trying to speak then

Sounds pretty cut and dry to me. You hear one thing and automatically assume the worst of the situation


Blizzard should just add a bot option and give all player parties like double or triple loot.

You’re welcome, I just saved WOTLK Classic XD

I am hopeful (or full of cope at least) that we have a good chance of seeing RDF in the ICC patch. I dislike that it of all the features added before their time, or newly minted features like alpha/beta are all in but for RDF (hypothetically) we are told to wait.

Meanwhile BG queue from anywhere, the same general system as RDF, is allowed with zero issue. I get it because PVP is super dead outside of the brave dedicated few and on AV weekend. Though it is still a pretty annoying double standard at minimum, flat out hypocrisy at worst.

Good to see the same posts from the same people against though. Enjoyable to see people just consistently being wrong on purpose.


Preference on an opinion based subject cannot be right or wrong. Its an opinion.

Thats is equivalent to me saying “i like the color green” is wrong just because you don’t like the color green…

If you stopped promoting your opinions as facts you’d be called wrong a lot less.

Also, to put it simply, opinions 100% can be (and often are) wrong. Giving an opinion is not carte blanche to just say whatever you want and be protected from being called out for your inaccuracies.

For example, the opinions and information I try and put out in a discussion are based on patch notes, and the history of how this game has played out. What systems are still around, the subscription data of the time, etc.

What we have gotten from you is:
“I don’t like it”
“You have plenty of other games that have this function”
“People aren’t playing properly, just be social”

Can even feel the smarm and dismissiveness in this post.
“the rewards are too good for using it!”
“It will break down social interactions”

All of this is paraphrasing for sure but is 100% your repertoire of stock responses in RDF threads. I can find each and every full post example of the above before you claim I am “straw manning” you. You traffic entirely in conjecture and uneducated opinions. you have a surprisingly high level of entitlement when you post and do nothing but lowkey throw shade and act a victim when you have the choice to ignore RDF threads when they pop up.


What these people are 100% ignoring is titan rune difficulty. The bag is too good to ignore it when done as the daily heroic, it has to be manually formed so what i want to know is how are people being affected when all people are asking for is up through heroic difficulty to be in the RDF.

You want the increased tokens from the daily form a group for titan rune. Its like Red is saying no out of spite at this point and he makes positive statements about why RDF shouldnt be in the game. He isnt putting out “opinions” hes putting out things like “it will do x” “it will do y” and then when you push him on it they just leave.


It does really seem that way. at least others are more open about it when engaged.

It’s because there is no fact based rebuttal, or if there is nobody has put forth real evidence or cited anything. There is only personal preference on the side against, which is acceptable and fine, however using non-information is not a valid way to argue a point.

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Any “real” evidence toward RDF negatively impacting the game has already been debunked by the current state of the game without RDF, so all they have left to go on is vague statements of “there’s plenty of evidence”, and their own fragile ego toward the idea of anyone who hasn’t already been playing since day 1 even daring to try and enjoy the current content


Like saying “RDF brought about a decrease in subs” we can look at it, along with the complaints in Cata at the time, that its just not true. The complaints were about the difficulty not matching the rewards (not just from dungeons) Blood in pvp, Tol’Barad being poorly designed, Blood Dk’s getting 1 shot through 1 million blood shields in Firelands, poor loot tables like 1 1h strength based dps weapon in all of Firelands and it had a 1.4% drop rate, destruction being nerfed by 25% across the board along with having a pretty bad pvp design which was extremely easy to shut down with a cleanse. Thats just cata.

MoP had mandatory rep grinds, content doughts at the very least, WoD removed Flight and lost a ton of money, promoted that it would make people be in the world along with putting things in the world people would want to do garrisons, Trashcan… I mean Ashran which was basically ARAM and it lost 50% of its playerbase and no one was complaining or saying they were quitting because RDF was in the game. Not even in Wrath.


No see, RDF only doesn’t affect subs when we speak about wrath. The sub increase is CLEARLY due to fighting the LK. /s

Meanwhile the sub drop near the beginning of Cataclysm is attributed almost solely to RDF combined with the new higher difficulty of heroics in Cata. Which if we do get a Cata classic, will be last patch balanced more than likely and this whole difficulty argument will go poof.


Well, to be fair, some people did, I remember that vividly…but it was all just a bunch of hot air