Please add RDF


That’s not an opinion or a preference. That is someone stating A is true and you stating no it isn’t. If someone says “I like the color red” you can’t “debunk” that.

You’re completely missing the point here.

Your comprehension isn’t really a requirement for the world to carry on as it does…

I’m not defending one side or the other here. I’m just stating what is happening, being completely objective.


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This. I dont know what makes this so hard to understand in the forums.

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Finished TBC earlier today. In fairness, I spent little time actually searching for a dungeon this time around, as I just never wound up grabbing any dungeon quests in the questing route I followed. That said, I certainly never saw anyone advertising for any dungeons either

Dungeons ran:

2 Blood Furnaces, 1 actually from the group finder, and one after being randomly invited out of the blue by a guildmate with no notice, and that one was with a level 80 tank so I got no exp for it

Next we’ll see how Wrath leveling goes, and this time around I do plan to be in the group finder often, because my usual quest route for Northrend does pick up quite a few dungeon quests…

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I remember seeing people advertise for dungeons in General chat a while back, but I never see it anymore at all lately. And LookingForGroup channel also seems to just be basically endgame nobody cares about levelling dungeons.

As I’m not levelling a lot of chars currently, I can’t talk about the levelling part of finding dungeons, but finding groups for daily heroic isn’t really hard currently. Plenty of people looking for groups and a lot of them dont care what gear you have as long as you don’t come with some kind of heirloom gear (which you really shouldn’t considering it drops Ulduar gear)

Oh that’s very false.

From experience, especially the dailies nobody wants you if your GS is “too low” and that bar is usually way above what the content even drops, it’s hilarious.

When you’re a fresh 80, fully grinded out Deadly/Furious (just to inflate GS) and it’s still not good enough? Just to do the daily for tokens so you can stay caught up with people (you’re already way behind) it just feels like a kicking down the ladder situation.


I have a totally different experience.

My 4k gs alts are getting into groups fairly easy. Yes, not every group is instant invite and sometimes I’m looking for like 30mins but that’s fine for me.
When you’re below 4k you should really not be doing Beta dungeons (pugs) but that’s my opinion.

Form your own group or keep trying. Request groups and don’t even mention your gs at all. Don’t sit there and wait for RDF to drop.

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Thats what most people do when complaining. They press the list button and just wait and hope they get an invite. If they don’t, they come to the forums and complain.

You think you can find an alpha or a regular heroic? Ain’t no one queuing those so the freshly made 80s are turning to what they can only get into. It’s just the overly geared gatekeepers not wanting to group with them for various reasons which is what I think is stupid. If half your group is 5k and above and you don’t need the gear. Why not take someone’s alt? Yeah they’re not going to do high damage and blow down bosses, but they can at least use the items you were going to vendor or disenchant anyways. If you’re doing a H++ for badges, you only really need one person above 5k gs. Not a full group of decked out ulduar bis players just trying to get badges. One solid pumper is all you need and hell you don’t even really need that. You’ll be fine with a bunch of 4K gs players and one rando who’s still in boas.


You are right. Thats why I always just invite some random low 4ks (or people that dont mention gear)

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That’s the thing, I always form the group because I have to. Nobody wants a 4K GS mage so I have the make the group. Only to then get yelled at (putting it lightly) or made fun of and always told “It’s always the bads expecting a carry…”

If they don’t leave after seeing GS they just insult the whole time.

It’s like, Nobody does Naxx anymore so my options are what? Do content that awards Uld 10 gear and daily tokens or do content that awards Uld 25 so I can run content that drops Uld 10?

It’s so backwards.


Its so odd because in my experience nobody is even talking. Not with my 5.6k gs mage, nor with my 4k alts. They just rush through and boss and it dies

Don’t let those toxic players stop your glow up bro. We were all at some point in full blues and greens before we got to 5k+ GS. Those people making fun of you are probably doing green parses in togc right now. Acting like they’re the best players in the world when they’re just like us. When you have high expectations in players. I hope you get mediocre results. At the end of the day. It’s just an H++. If you’re there for just badges. Why do you care if someone has full blues or has a 4k gear score? You too gold to carry the group and get through it? Sometimes it’s like that you know? I don’t mind being the only 5k+ gearscore player in a group because I at least know that I’m helping someone get what they need and in the end they’re helping me get what I need, so I look at it as a win win situation. These gatekeepers got WoW messed up.


This is by design to “remove clutter” from the UI. There’s an addon that removes this horrible design decision, or was at any rate.

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I’m shocked, the daily heroic isn’t hard to find a group for at the start of a new phase when they even went and added a new currency too?

Shocked I tells ya, shocked.

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Just how it is currently. I am not some kind of fortune-teller like most of you.

You don’t need to be a fortune teller to learn from the past.

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Or you simply live in the now and be happy.

Oh yes, wanting the game you pay to play to be the best it can be is certainly a sign that I don’t live in the now.


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