Please add Random Dungeon Finder in Wotlk Classic

A problem I have currently with classic is the wait time for battle grounds. I think BG’s should absolutely be cross server and BG finder (like dungeon finder) for it. As for dungeons, maybe the better middle ground would be a dungeon finder that is not cross server. Because if you dont know a lot of people, creating a team and getting everyone there is very difficult for anything below max level. And one more thing, Dual spec is a must! Thanks for reading!


Tanking isn’t overly complicated. Just make sure you have the enemies attention and apply debuffs where possible.

Right? Bringing rdf would only be a positive


As someone who is probably considered a “really sweaty player with no life” in your book. Why should I be forced to play with and carry casual players through content? This is why an LFD tool is WAY better than a RDF. I don’t want to be forced to group with a “filthy casual”. I put in time and effort and I want to play with people who have also put in time and effort. You want me to carry you. Why should I be forced to do that. If you don’t like that then Classic probably just isn’t for you, just keep playing retail where blizzard will hold your hand through all the content.

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BG’s are already cross realm, there are battlegroups just like in retail

It wont and you know it.

So join a guild with other jobless basement dwellers and dont use the tool. Leave everyone else alone to run dungeons so they can also put in the work to gear up.


bookmarking this to come back in 2 years and laugh at everyone who thought blizz was gonna add RDF to wrath

lmao even


If you care about who you doing a dungeon with, you are not a “sweaty player”

We the actual sweaty players, want dungeons over before we even start them… Do not call yourself something you are not… because Dungeons do not matter, we need them for Rep and maybe some Pre-Bis and then they are dead to us.

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A quick peak at your logs tells me you are the furthest from a “sweaty player”. Like I said, if you’re so keen to have things handed to you, retail is definitely your alley, stay away from classic, its not made for dads who can only play 2 hours a week.

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dont forget the can you please summon me I am finishing this quest lol

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Quick peak at my logs eh, Mr. Detective over here thinks he found something.

(fyi this rogue will be my WOTLK main, have you ever tried grouping as a rogue in TBCC… not possible)

But yes I would say I am 100% on the low-end of Sweaty first group of 70 in TBC raided first lockout, and every lockout since. I 100% do not care about dungeons, I had to run them at certain points to get attuned/rep… so glad I could stop.

Maybe they should just remove the dungeons all together and just put in vendors where you can buy all the dungeon loot for free.

This “buying for free” is an interesting concept, I would like to know more.

Ok and if they added this who cares? Dungeon loot… lol… OMG DUNGEON LOOT! Watch out… lol.

I mean while theyre at it, raids get really boring and repetitive, might aswell add vendors for raid loot that unlock after youve done it 2 or 3 times that way you dont have to keep running it for that trinket that never drops, you can just buy it for free. I mean why even have any gameplay. Just make it so you create your character pick his gear pieces and then you can just run in circles on the orgrimmar bank


Nobody is going that far kiddo.

Dungeons do not matter. You have to run them 100’s of times on EACH of your characters… You don’t need to run to the dungeon 500 times for emersion. You don’t need to talk to a random person on your 20k population server 500 times to only forget about them.

Dungeons do not matter. The end-game for WoW is Raiding, and Instanced PVP (arena, bgs) .

Dungeons do not matter. But spending an hour trying to find a group to run something as trivial as a dungeon DOES MATTER.

Stop with your trolling and straw-man arguments. Get a real opinion or get out.


oh I guess you won’t miss RDF then :expressionless:

Dungeon finder was the beginning of Blizzard automating all of the things in wow that made it meaningful. Some level of friction is OKAY in a game. Oh no poor little bolognapony has to talk to and interact with other people to get his pre-bis. RDF was the first step on a long road of world of warcraft becoming automated. It was the first step on a road to making achievement meaningless in wow. It’s a small step but retrospectively it was in the wrong direction. I dont want blizzard taking that step again when recreating the old experience.

And maybe you dont care at all about achievement, thats fine, go play retail. Stop trying to ruin my version of wow by wanting it to be automated.

I haven’t had the chance to try it out in BETA but will once available. I have no issue keeping it all on one realm and traveling myself to the dungeon. If it’s anything like the LFG tool in retail I’ll be fine with it.