Hello, I’d just like to start off by saying how great of a time I have had in World of Warcraft:Retail, Classic, and TBC Classic. I was a late comer to the game, so Classic was like a whole new expansion to me, and I was never able to experience TBC end game. So, Classic WoW has been a wonderful experience.
What I really cut my teeth on was Wrath of the Lich King. My first raid was Wrath Nax, and my first piece of raid loot was Armageddon. Quite an amazing experience.
But one of my favorite parts of Wrath, didnt come until later. The Random Dungeon Finder. I was able to pump up alts, I leveled a paladin for the first time, tanking dungeons until Outlands. It was so much fun. Finding dungeons groups were so easy, even for DPS classes. It helped bring in some extra gold and badges, excellent when farming or knocking out dailies, and responsible for some of my best times during WotLK.
I realize RDF wasnt released at launch, and that isnt what I asking for. And im sure there is plently of room for some compromise: say treat heroics like Mythic/M+ in Retail and use the Group Finder, with leveling dungeons in the RDF. Just as a for instance.
But please
Add RDF in Wrath of the Lich Classic, there are so many of us that feel it was part of the core experience of WotLK.
Thank you for reading.
Nope we don’t want DF. Keep it away.
I enjoyed it. It gave me the opportunity to collect and try tank gear and tanking without having the PTSD of having your server reputation ruined before you even had a chance to figure it out.
The overwhelming positive likes and community that wants RDF is blatant on these forums and all over social media.
In every thread for and against you can see nothing but toxicity from the anti-RDF crowd.
Blizzard is clearly showing what they are all about if they don’t KEEP RDF in Classic WOTLK.
There really is no valid argument against LFR/RDF and it SHOULD be included as it was originally.
Because…you know what? It is not mandatory. Players that do not want to use it can simply not use it.
but guys you will miss on the AWESOME social interractions like ‘‘summon me please’’ and ‘’ on flight path’’ or ‘‘buying water’’
Don’t forget my favorite, “Couple more minutes trying to get this quest item” 20 minutes later, “it just wont drop, I’m coming”
People on this forum believing “social interaction” is found in this game explains a lot about what’s going on in the world today.
well it’s never too late to admit you were wrong
It’s cute how you think your opinion means anything at all.
my opinion matters just as much as yours.
and I say: No RDF today. No RDF tomorrow. No RDF forever.
Soooo don’t use it? Why should everyone be given no option in 2022? Especially when it was a core feature in WOTLK. Sounds like bad business to not keep something literally 70% of your players want.
No opinion matters here. Blizzard doesn’t listen to opinions.
it was not. it was a tacked on feature in the latter half of the expansion
already been stated several times it was announced at the end of TBC, and it was a there a majority of WOTLK. You trolls aint even good anymore.
I suspect the decision was made because retail is missing its players.
No. I got beta access today and the game feels good without it. You don’t need RDF, you just want to be lazy.