I would prefer no dungeon finder. IMO these tools do not belong in an MMORPG period.
Sometimes availability means taking less than optimal specs… but I can still choose between 2 players based on some criteria without the choice being completely random with the random dungeon finder. It just seems like a better system of creating groups.
My friends all quit and most people already have their cliques. Ew, the thought of retail makes me nauseous. I’ve been playing MMO’s all my life, but thanks for the terrible suggestion of me not playing at all.
I’m speaking from my own experience. Coming home from work and not getting any groups. Nobody even bothered giving me a chance most of the time.
How do you even know that? you’re all about stop being lazy make friends but that one underdog you didn’t want to invite might surprise you. You never know.
Back in classic wrath, I played a tank and my wife was a healer. Finding groups was easy. The dungeons were easy. we didn’t care who we invited, we knew it would be faceroll.
I agree with you. I’m fine adding it by the ICC patch. It doesn’t need to be in right away, but it should be done eventually like it was done in WOTLK.
Then play Vanilla or TBC. The Classic cycle was not intended to be a remake of the originals.
There is a 0% chance they don’t cave and add it back in later. Still, all of the arguments for convenience features are somehow missing that Retail has it all, which is something the Classic community wanted to move away from. You are essentially demanding that both versions cater to only one of two audiences instead of just letting each version cater to a different experience.
As am I.
I will probably not need to use that tool as my guild and friends are going to be my go to for groups. But I don’t see why my preferences should dictate others experiences so I do support those that want to see it in Wrath as it was.
Anyone that for some weird reason doesn’t want dungeon finder is probably just a tank trying to exploit people for finanical gain. I don’t take any of them seriously.
Blizzard is just being incredibly lazy, taking the easiest path for an expansion release. Their team isn’t huge, and they’re working on the assumption that people ONLY wanted Classic because of things like the dungeon finder “destroying communities.” The only thing that’s destroyed communities in this iteration is the players themselves. Rampant GDKPs, tanks literally wanting all greens/blues and anything else they can get just to run a dungeon.
I’m personally of the opinion that GDKP’s should be banned entirely, all it does is allow classic to essentially be another RMT game. Dungeon finder should also simply be in the game BECAUSE of the community.
Gatekeepers are happy right now because of Blizzard just being lazy, doing everything they can to not see where the community currently stands.
Boy ain’t this the truth!
None of these people have made life long friends by spamming LFG or LFM in chat but meh - they are liars so what can ya do.
It won’t happen (at least right now). Blizzard has listened to the vocal minority (as usual) and those who yell the loudest get their way (it is the way of the world).
Blizzard has stated that the gold sellers, gold bots, gold boosters, etc are a better social interaction.
Starting with no random dungeon finder shouldn’t hurt, since it was not around at first originally. If not having it becomes a problem, a solution can be made… in the last patch/phase of the game like boons were in classic.
“The pool of players I have to choose from would be smaller if the game didn’t force them to be available to me.”
I’m thinking you haven’t thought why that might not actually be good for the game.
They do not intend to put it back even if the expansion fails. And it will be far less successful than it would have been before all those people changed their mind about playing after its removal.
No. They did this because they wanted to do this. There was very little demand for this change. It’s a part of this being their last chance to prove that they could fix everything wrong about the game by removing quality of life changes they now have decided players don’t deserve.
Most of the forum supporters of removal of RFD from wrath classic weren’t planning on playing that game, and still aren’t. Most who were opposed have changed their minds about playing it.
I can’t say I 100% agree but I also can’t say I 100% disagree either.
While I’m ok with the RDF removal… it is concerning that the decline of retail is blamed on a system like RDF instead of looking at game design choices such as time waster systems and an increase in content revolving around dailies/world quests.
There are plenty of old-timey veterans who are blaming the introduction of the group finder for the decline of “community”, when in fact the decline was a result of falling populations - as their friends and many they had never known left - and an unwillingness to accept new players, who they blame for not being perfect replacements for their friends.
It seems to standard for the first people to play a game to think they are superior to later comers, and wanting nothing to do with those “noobs”.
Yeah I’m beginning to believe this is the case which is extremely unfortunate and sadly comical that they are busting out this dog and pony show about community to justify it.
Figure this is relevant information
newsflash: dungeon spamming with RDF is NOT the classic experience
you should make a main thread with this, dang that is bad lol, but to be expected
As if classic WoW and BC haven’t been tampered with enough already who cares? There will be no harm done with a quality of life change like this. Whether it’s your own group or RDF it makes no difference.
The “classic” way of inviting will still remain. You could knit pick all you like. Do you remember classic wrath Voa? needing X gearscore + achievement to get in the group? That’s all fair game.