Please add Random Dungeon Finder in Wotlk Classic

RDF in WOTLK Classic will not change that RDF was in WOTLK Retail. It will not undo Cata, Mop, Legion, and I lost count after that.

Retail WoW went off the deep-end and none of it had to do with RDF - Free Legendarys, Water-down Classes/Talent Trees, RAid Finder, Instanced housing, and a Slew of dailies dailies dailies are what killed WoW… but apparently no so much if they just sold 3 million copies of craplands.

With RDF or without RDF I will have the same dungeon experience I’ve had since 2004… none of it changes that… what it does change is my “MO FO” time I have to spend doing it… I literally do not log on TBCC right now because trying to find a group to do heroics as a rogue is a longer process than running the dungeon… there is 0 point… If RDF was in, I would be logging my usual 10+ hours a day.

HAs any of this sank into your head yet?


LFG Tool doesn’t function at all in the same way as RDF. ADding a human element to forming something leads to exclusion - EG: I have had bad experiences with hunters, I will never invite a hunter to my group, or I play a pally and I want WF so I will pick Shammys, or I don’t want to compete with other plate wearers so I will not invite them…

LFG and manually created groups promote exclusion…PERIOD… if this isn’t the definition of toxic gameplay I don’t know what is.

RDF Promotes inclusion and also makes forming a group 10x faster… thus you spend less time doing nothing sitting still, and more time playing the game… how is this even a debate anymore.


Your argument is valid, Heroics are in a sh*t state right now for sure, for a lot of reasons, one thing that blizzard has said is that they are going to implement some features to try to keep heroics relevant late game. Hopefully that solves the issue. Im hard stanced on not wanting to add RDF because I want to resist the first changes that started to bring wow down. RDF on its own I dont think is much of an issue, and actually Id be benefitted with it because im going to be gearing up multiple characters and its sure to be a rough time. But I dont know where blizzard goes after Wrath, I dont want it to be cata but if it is and we get RDF now we are going to get raid finder. I dont want to submit to walking down the same road we went before. That road lead to me quitting after Cata.
Im willing to accept having to have more friction finding groups for heroics in exchange for assurance we are not following the same path as before.


sounds like someone needs a safe space -.-

Blizzard are not in touch with the community “Random Dungeon Finder” is not the reason why people hate Retail in fact it’s one of the best features in Retail the fact that you can quickly get your character up, This feature not being in WOTLK classic is going hurt the Alt experienced of what made this expansion so great so many classes are good. Alt leveling/dungeon grinding on some servers will be dead within weeks, months without this features, in TBC right now it on my server even with 50% xp buff is almost impossible to find dungeon groups… I have to wait for rested & just quest it’s so frustrating.

I really hope people make enough noise & it gets added.


Please provide empirical data that shows these statements to be true. I’ll wait…

What happened to all your friends and your guild? Build your group with them if you want to be fussy about who you queue with.
A lot of people in this forum answer requests for RDF with “make friends” or “get a guild”. So, is that a valid answer or not?


Give us back RDF so I can actually enjoy Wotlk the way I remember it. Met a ton of friends through RDF. Its ‘lack of social interaction’ is a massive generalization, and is just completely untrue, for many.


2 Classic expansions with no RDF have proven “Muh Community” is a bunk argument.

2022 we want RDF, and need RDF.

Dungeons do not matter, and their rewards/loot do not matter.

The only people hurt by no RDF are casual players.


we don’t want a game where the pool of players to pick from is 10% of what it should be because the vast majority of people are using RDF.
simple as that. if you want RDF, there is already a version of WoW that is using it. it’s called
R :clown_face: E :clown_face: T :clown_face: A :clown_face: I :clown_face: L


I talked to more people and socialized with more players in the last year of Wrath than I did the six years of WoW before it. That’s what accessibility and convenience create.

Blizz talks about ‘social proximity’ in their pillars and then removes the system that creates the most social interactions in the game.


I like that people are forced to use the LFG tool so that I can cherry pick my group members on my alts when guildies are done running dungeons. With RDF you’re stuck with whatever class and spec combination they give you.

RDF only benefits alts and players who haven’t made friends yet. If they have made friends, clearly they haven’t made the right friends if said friends don’t want/need dungeons. 1. The community > alts 2. L2 make the right friends

I’m also glad that without RDF I won’t be able to boost myself through low lvl dungeons and I can throw money at Blizzard for instant boost.

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None of what you said makes any sense or even holds logic


To be honest just play call of duty it’s literally instant que

It’s 2022 and Blizzard games don’t have instant ques like this is an oudated game don’t even bother playing it you’re not missing anytime

you’ll have more fun playing cod, better rewards (the weapon skins look better than anything in this game) and better social interactions at least there you have to communicate to win unlike this toxic cesspool

I like having the RDF tool for when guildies and friends are done running dungeons, are not online etc. it’s very useful.

RDF benefits my main, I like meeting random people and making new acquaintances.

So, you’re too fragile to mix with the unwashed masses, and since you don’t want to deal with them, no one should have that feature. Even though you can still manually make groups and either queue or fly. OMG the horror if you have to invite a stranger to your group and their Ilvl is 2 points too low!!!
I used RDF extensively in Wrath, mainly tanking and had a blast. It was very rare to get a disruptive or completely clueless person. Most people were friendly and did their best. Most groups were helpful when we encountered a player who was new to the game/dungeon.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill.


I hope you know… The way that things are going on the beta with the amount of bugs they have to fix with the tool, features that they need to fix, not to mention a lot general bugs with the game itself could push back release of the game.

Prepatch should be starting in a couple of weeks but they don’t have the game in a state where it’s playable.

There could always be a moment where they put RDF back in the game out of the blue. I just want you to remember that. For everyone laughing and carrying on to the RDF crowd about how its not the the game, it easily could be.

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lol ok bro. keep livin in that hopium dreamworld

The funny thing is, it could become a copium nightmare for you. So I would just relax on being so smug.


Yeah we understand you want to keep discriminating against people with lower gear check than you and other crap like that


Nope, we don’t want Dungeon Finder.

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