Please add Random Dungeon Finder in Wotlk Classic

You mean the things that came with these expansions? If you want the “Classic” experience before these features that, once again, came with these expansions, stay in Vanilla.


BC not having RDF was probably the reason why I quit. I’m not young with all the free time in the world anymore, but I still want to enjoy the classic experience. Other players are too knit picky with who they want in their groups when some people just want to play the game. If you don’t play something other than a tank, healer or mage you could sit there LFG for hours and sometimes get no invite at all. Aint nobody got time for that.

I’m all for the classic experience, I’ve done it before. Against crap like LFR and all but these are just normal and heroic dungeons we’re talking about. It really isn’t a big deal.

Finding groups became too hard and nobody wanted to actually run dungeons. So gen z comes up with boosting. I’d rather play the game and run the dungeon thank you.


I am 30 years of age and still find time to make groups without dungeon finder. If you’re really that strapped for time maybe you should play retail or maybe don’t play an MMO at all.

No, they are not and I don’t know where everyone is getting this from. I’ve gone through all of TBC without being denied because I’m not a specific class or spec. You can easily set up groups by having friends/guildies, this is what an MMO is about. It’s not a solo game.

“It’s just normals and heroics” until you get 4 people sharing 1 brain cell that can’t do the content.

Boosting is pretty much being removed in wotlk with the huge cut down experience for having a person who is massively over leveled in your group. You’re not playing the game if you’re pressing 1 button to get instantly thrown into a group and instantly teleported to the dungeon. You want to play the game? Go find make a group or join a group yourself or quest.

and just for a note gen z didn’t come with boosting it was lazy millennials which is probably the group you’re part of just like I am.

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It didn’t come with WOTLK it came out in patch 3.3 (AKA the ICC patch). If they want to add it in by then… fine… sure.

You’re getting Wrath. You got Northrend, you got the classes and specs with the abilities they had and the dungeons and raids that were in Wrath.

This is an example of the lovely community you are enabling, Blizzard.


Not a bot. A bad actor.

The LFG tool we’re getting functions the same basic way as RDF if you want it to. You can list yourself for any number of dungeons and wait for someone to invite you. The only difference being an actual person has put together the group and has the choice of whether to invite you or someone else. Listing as a solo DPS might still be difficult to find groups but forming them yourself will be much easier.

I think once people actually get to use it they’ll realise it’s not too bad. Sure it’s not automatic, but it is miles ahead of what we have currently.

That would be the case if:

  • Enough people are online, AND,
  • Level range (or difficulty level), roles, and dungeon preferences match.

The first one is a big if for some realms, hence RDF.


Some don’t care there are some server the faction balance is so bad, it’s still considered a good population but one faction could not even man a 5 man at times. *before I uninstalled (waiting for sub to run out) it was nothing to not see 3 or 4 other hordes on Westfall within 10 levels of me.

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It appears most posts made by the pro-RDF crowd get more likes than the anti-RDF

Most people don’t have time to spend an extra hour to get a group ready, walk to dungeon, oh no wait enemy faction / random mob I died, oh great healer just dc time to get a new one…

Certain times of the day, there are at most 10 people within a level range, most of them afk or playing classes that can’t tank/heal like rogues or mages. Good luck getting a group together to run dire maul.

Traditional group forming worked back in day because people didn’t know the fastest way to level so they just messed around and that’s why there was more interaction.

In order to bring back the whole ‘immersion’ people keep pestering for, blizz would need to completely redo everything about wow, to make it fresh so people will actually have to explore themselves and not just min/max everything according to some guide online.

Bring RDF to wotlk asap - the majority wants it and the arguments against it are outdated


I hope you are right. My understanding is that it works similar to the retail tool(i havent gotten a beta invite so i cannot speak from experience). And hopefully it will work wonderfully. Hopefully, it will be enough. Im all for it working as they want it to. However, i think id prefer RDF still.

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No. Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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Remember that realms are being merged in August, so it’s possible that a lot of low pop realms that would struggle to fill groups will be merged into bigger realms, eliminating that problem. We can only hope Blizz does it right for the struggling realms.

They started working on it in patch 3.1, Clearly then knew the current dungeon system at the time was lacking. I would wager they had internal data showing only a minority of players even ran dungeons.

Now they’re catering to that small minority and leaving the vast majority of players out to dry.


The main failing of the system is its still a gatekeeping tool. Rejected for low gear score, rejected for wrong class, etc etc.

LFD is a elitism tool. Its there to ensure the “real, dedicated MMO players” dont have to group with those lower forms of life filthy casuals.


Apparently I’m toxic now because I don’t want to carry baddies? Imagine thinking you deserve gear for logging in.

Admission is your first step to recovery.

Said no one in this thread nor the vast majority of players using the random dungeon finder in Wrath.

Be better.


Would love to see the proof of when they started working on RDF. Even then RDF was solution at the time to help players on smaller servers get into content. Blizzard is doing a server overhaul in the beginning of August which will hopefully solve that issue.

Not admitting it because I’m not.

Y’all are just lazy AF and it shows.