Please add Random Dungeon Finder in Wotlk Classic

Big difference between lazy and efficient.


Nope, it’s called being lazy. You don’t want to look for your own group or have a group of friends/guildies to run with. You’re being lazy.


Ok, lol. Nice to see you have such a low level of intelligence.


Funny coming from a lazy person. RDF = Laziness… LFD = Efficient. When you have something that straight up does something for you without you putting any effort into it, you’re lazy… simple as that.

the most efficient option would be a vendor in town that sells all BiS items for 1g each
maybe efficiency isn’t the metric we should be using for game design
but if you really like efficiency, you can go play retail.

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These are the same things - why put two different names?


I agree, Bolongnapony (love the name btw), it’s almost not worth keeping the fourm post and topic open. Such hateful behavior, seldom followed with any kind of rational agruement. It’s the exact part of the community players do not want to interact with. It would almost be worth deleting the post to not have to put up with the behavior of such people. But since that would silent the voices of those of us that would like to see the return of RDF I wont. And it does seem to get under their skin, which… isn’t a bad thing from my prospective.


No, they are not… RDF = Random Dungeon Finder, LFD = Looking for Dungeon. RDF is you click a button and the system randomly matches you with 4 other people and teleports you into the dungeon. LFD is you list yourself or a group with roles and you pick and choose who you want to come while still having some form of communication.

Most people would call that LFG. LFD (RDF as you put it) is usually referred to as “dungeon finder” for queueable dungeons (the Game finds you a group for the/a dungeon).

LFG encompasses finding groups yourself whether it be raids, dungeons, PvP, or world content.

You might have your own definitions but just know you are arguing semantics with many other people who differentiate LFG and LFD.


many valid arguements, you simply refuse to acknowledge them.

No, lol. At this point I just think you’re a bot.


I been playing wotlk beta and it’s been really nice being able to tailor my group to how I want it. With the RDF, I’m stuck with whatever random class the finder gives me. Sure I can still build a group if RDF exists, but the pool of players to choose from would be smaller. I like that everyone must use the LFG tool, so that I have more players to choose from to tailor my group how I want: specific classes and armor types.

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It is a nice option sure but look on the other side of things and see how toxic it can get when everyone is curtailing the group and people are constantly left out or forced to join groups with ressed items. Nothing is a perfect option but at least with RDF being an optional tool with LFG still an option for people who don’t like RDF seems like the best of both worlds.


This is the valid argument? Cause this is all any of you ever reply with.


RDF makes a ton of sense for long term playability.

Faction changes and race changes also make a ton of sense for returning and existing players.

Announcing an expansion pack that people know and love, while simultaneously telling us all the things you’re removing from it is a hilarious way to kill hype before it even starts. That doesn’t make sense.


Talk to that nice guy in ya discord about it.

RDF, faction changes, and race changes are all retail crap.
Next you’re gonna ask for personal loot :expressionless:

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I’m mostly interested in hearing the opinions of the marketing strategist. All the videos/thread’s made in the weeks following wotlk announcement were angry. Tbc announcement was nothing like that. The way it was presented it almost seems like they thought they were going to be applauded for removing key features that were originally in the game. They released that weird philosophical statement that was so vague to explain these choices. When in reality the people that support them are like the goofball above me, people who don’t even play the current progression servers. That somehow think anything they don’t like is a retail feature. But also have no idea what the current state of lfg or the game is.


That would be delightful and I will be happy to accept the challenge.
I don’t need “tailored to my liking” groups to do dungeons.


Why? It was there when Wrath was there!?!? If we are keeping with a theme then why not let those who want LFG have LFG. Either that or it’s not Wrath. It’s a recreation of some version of Wrath and I want Wrath!