Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

While we’re at it, I would also like if they added flying to Aargus.

i think one of the reasons cited for why they didn’t add it was because they used a lot of 2D assets to “fake out” the zone and make it look bigger. I don’t think this applies to the Maw though, Ion really wanted to make a point for how the Maw was supposed to feel punishing.

I’d say he succeeded on that front lol


That’s a feature that might be totally useless for me, because I enter the Maw and Koritha as little as humanly possible. But even still, I agree with this proposal. People should be able to speed through those places.


What is up bumble bees :honeybee: I am a gnome and I would really like to be able to FLY with my honey bee wings in the maw and korthia! :beers: :beers: :vampire:


I think not being able to fly adds to the charm of those places, with the grapple, rifts, etc. Flying everywhere can get boring at times, no environment to navigate. I’d be happy if they kept it as ground mounts only.

I’d be happy if they allowed flying and you just used a ground mount there!

I’m not sure why my inconvenience makes you happy. A ground mount is always an option.


There reaches a point where things can be too accessible, and completely defeat the whole purpose of a zone. The zone was specifically designed with land-bound mobility in mind, and has (unlockable) features that allows easier navigation, or access to previously restricted zones. No reason to change something that works, and is unique from the rest of the game, just to be able to farm mounts / rares / etc faster.

I kind of wish the campaign didn’t remove the eye of the jailer, either. They introduce some really cool and unique systems, and then scrap them. They need more zones like the Maw IMO.

You know what else defeats the purpose of a zone? Outleveling it and all of its rewards, in terms of actual usefulness beyond being completionist or farming for transmogs.

Old raids get damage boosters to allow folks to one-shot everything, what’s the difference? Doesn’t that make those raids “too accessible”?


If people are still farming the rewards, then there’s still a demand, and having some small hoops to jump through for them is healthy for a game. Otherwise, the game would be mindless.

Doubt much will be done about power scaling, but it would be nice to see some old content that still requires effort to obtain rewards.

The only reason I see to allow flying in the Maw is to make it easier for farming - isn’t the power scaling already enough?

A bit, yeah.

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You do realize that folks still have to farm the reps, and tokens, and dailies, and do ALL that other stuff. The only difference flying makes is not having to stop and fight meaningless trash on a regular basis.

Back when this content was fresh that trash served a purpose, by increasing difficulty. Now it simply increases tedium. Not really the same hurdle. It’s not effort, it’s busywork. The effort is in doing all of the quests, and getting the tokens, and increasing the reps, etc. If you think the ‘effort’ is in the tedium of the equivalent of high level mob ‘daze’ then i’m glad you don’t design video games.


Unsure why you felt the need to end your post on an insult.

Regardless, I was referring to some of the other things, not specifically dailies. Some parkour challenges, such as the steps needed for Nilganihmaht. The achievements for the Maw assaults. The Venari upgrades that currently have purpose, such as the grapple or teleports (or even the dousing grind). Even some steps for the campaign, for new players.

A lot of the content and systems would be simplified by adding flying to the Maw, since it was intended for land-bound navigation. By adding in flying, most of the Maw-based upgrades would be useless and void - in which some already are, with the removal of the Eye. If they decide to add it, then they’ll add it - but I don’t think it would make the Maw a more fun experience.

Korthia, The city of secrets. Sure seems like we are missing a few secrets. If you face where Reliwik lands and look to your right you can see a big floating island I cant seem to get to. You can goblin glide to some of them just not that one.

One thing I noticed, if you visit Archavist Bag-full as I like to call him, while you are in the rift, he’s not there, but you can still turn in rep items by clicking on them.

And that portal, I think maybe once its unlocked it takes you to that floating island.

The same could be said for pre-flying Stormheim in the Broken Isles during Legion. However, adding flight to those zones significantly improved the QOL as legacy content, IMO.

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What up babes it’s your homie Gnomie and I want to fly in the Maw and Korthia! Watching ashes of alar run it’s little blob bird body on the ground is funny but I’d prefer it to be flying.

Flying won’t help, still gotta camp the spawn locations. Have fun.

Hey all hunky funkys, what’s good? I’m tasting cheese and thinking about the joys of flight in the maw and Korthia!

Ooh, yes, what a beautiful idea. Let’s do it

Yes please.

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I imagine since it hasn’t been implemented post Shadowlands that they designed the zones without flight in mind, similar to why we don’t have flight in Quel’thalas or the Draenei zones.

Just my wild guess. If it’s wrong then yes please, flight. No reason to not have it. Can we also have it for the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle?

I would like flying in the maw and korthia :sparkles:

My priest gets a glimpse with levitate and now I am HOOKED on the idea :hook: