Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

We sure do get some good views from high-up though. Launch yourself from a Darkmoon Cannon on top of the highest points in Perdition Hold or the Tremaculum, or Torghast’s chains, then pop a goblin glider. There is nothing at all that indicates the zone itself was built without flying in mind.

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You can fly in 3 of those.

These are examples of zones that they added flying to later on.

I suppose? I didn’t know you could fly in Tanaan, now, but the other three were always intended to have flight. It wasn’t retroactive, it was just gated.

Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

Agree, but only because it doesnt affect me…I dont go there much.
But if I did, I kinda think Id like no flight there, personally…though Id never want to have my way over the desire of the masses on the matter. I CAN just choose to ground hoof it.

Reason being the ONE place in this game that still feels ‘dangerous’ is the Maw.
Literally the ONLY reason I go there when I do, just to feel that threat of being mawed to death, lol

O M G…zombie thread has risen from the dead, lmao

Not really. It’s been going on for a while.

Just reviving this thread now with the pre-patch for The War Within, as I am back in Shadowlands farming Covenant gear, and thinking about how nice it would be to fly in these two zones!


First off, holy necro.

Second off, IT’S NOT HAPPENING. EVER. And that’s because neither zone were designed to ever BE flyable. Exactly like Argus (which you’ll note never got flying ever, either) the zone is designed with visual tricks and optical illusions to give it the look it has. The moment you’re able to freely fly in it all those crumble and you’ll see what the zone actually looks like, which would be a broken mess. The only “flying” you can do is the FP between the two and that’s a carefully-controlled path over empty space.

Asking repeatedly for this is a waste of your time. It’s not going to happen.


Its wonderful to play a class that can run though mobs on ground mount while dragging mobs with them and once they stop the Feign death and drop all the aggro…LOL the life of a Good Hunter…

You go queen :wine_glass:

signed and make oribos a fly zone too and remove the dismounts from Oribos.


No, you would be ruining immersion, how dare you.

Wonderful suggestion regarding Oribos!

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Wow OP is so cute and smart +1 to this awesome idea

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What up beans and babies, I still agree :disguised_face::disguised_face::disguised_face:


Rita no, put the necromancy tome down!