Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

As the title states, please consider adding flying to Korthia & The Maw in 9.2. Getting to some of the rare spawns (specifically Konthrogz, Venthyr Event & Reliwik) is very difficult-near impossible to get to in time if you aren’t straight up camping near the spawn locations.

This would also help with the Fallen Charger, as it is almost impossible to get this mount solo without being a member of the Secret Finding Discord nowadays.


I already got most of those mounts from those two areas and I only started 3 months ago. I am doubtful they will change this but to do this just so people can get mounts isn’t really necessary.

So remove me from your signature.

So, just because you were able to get every single item in 3 months (which I can not verify is correct, by the way, as your profile is hidden) means what exactly? Why would flying in Korthia affect you so negatively, especially if you have no reason to ever go there again, based on your post?


I haven’t been able to get every single one and I never claimed I did - hence the ‘most of those mounts’ comment. It just hasn’t been a hardship to get them just travelling on the ground. So I basically object to you claiming to speak on behalf of all mount and pet collectors.

Oh, I see you edited your opening post now…


Oh, they just wanted to insert their “You don’t speak for me” statement in there somehow, just disregard. Some people prefer to be a snarky contrarian.

With the exception of Mechagon and Nazjatar, most zones they added towards the end of the expansion never got flying. I am thinking ToT, Argus, Timeless Isle, etc. etc.

So if history is an indicator, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. But you never know!


We will be able to unlock flight in the new zone.

Yeah - their history of adding flying to patch content is rather spotty. Including Tanaan Jungle, Mechagon & Nazjatar, and now Zereth Mortis, it is about 50/50.

I consider the Maw (& Korthia, since it is attached) more akin to The Broken Shore from Legion. The Maw was available at launch with barely any content, and was added on to in a middle content patch. The Broken Shore was the exact same, and flying was eventually allowed here.


It’s not, though. Tanaan was about the only exception to the “can’t fly in the last patch zone” until Zereth Mortis (and I think that was just because it wasn’t originally intended to be the last one). But being grounded in the final zone has been par for the course since Quel’Danas in TBC.

Well…I guess you could count Uldum and the Vale in 8.3 as exceptions too, but those weren’t exactly new zones.

But it isn’t the final zone, Zerith Mortis is (and we will get flying there).
Like they said it’s more akin to Broken Shore and that did get flying.

I have been thinking that rift walking should be implemented into the entire game. Doesn't necessarily have to have enemies everywhere but maybe a lot of secrets. Who knows what's hidden in the rift of all the other places. I was first intrigued about it when we experienced it with the quest events in drustvar.

it can be the WoW Ways. Paths long forgotten
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It’s funny how people keep insisting that flying is bad and not necessary, despite being proven wrong every single time.


I’d break it up differently between xpacs that allowed flight to be purchased on launch day (BC-MoP) and those with delayed flight (WoD and beyond). That’s a significant change that drastically reduced the length of time that flight was available in current content. I remove BC-MoP from consideration in this particular case because flight was handled differently than it is today. That leaves WoD-SL.

If flight was delayed, then 3/4 xpacs have flight in the final zone of the xpac (yes, I do count Uldum and the Vale) - WoD and BfA we could fly everywhere and SL we can fly in the main zones and Zereth Mortis. Legion is the exception and it needs to remain the only exception. The trend has changed in recent xpacs, thank goodness, and I am glad that Zereth Mortis will have flight.

Sign me up for flying in Korthia & the Maw! Why? Because it makes my game more fun, pure & simple. Speaking only for myself of course :hugs:


The Maw and Korthia aren’t last patch zones.

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I don’t agree with turning on easy mode for current content. If they do enable flying, it should be when it’s no longer the best zone to go to for gear and currency.

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Flying doesn’t change the difficulty of the content. Mobs still hit the same. And it’s not current once 9.2 is out.


No one is this delusional, right? You’re trolling.

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Korthia is like timless isles / argus and co. That won’t be happening. It’s a lootpinata zone with lots of rarespawns.

I see you went straight to insults, while cherry picking my post, ignoring the explanation and the major point that OP asked for this to be added in 9.2., which makes it not current content.



Nah. Some people actually don’t like people feeling the need to say “We” when people create threads. Why do you need to say “We” when it is you (or in this case the OP) making the thread? Can you guys not speak for yourselves? Is it supposed to make Blues read your thread because you said “we”?