Please Add Flying to Korthia & The Maw

I would love flying added to the maw and korthia


I think adding flying to the Maw would ruin the context of that zone. To be fair I liked how it was originally set up as wow hell. With only a bit of time that can be spent there each day. However ground mounts should have been a thing from day one. Or perhaps Vanari should have aloud ease of transportation as you ranked up with her. Giving more teleportation hubs and allowing more time in the zone as you get better at hiding your presents. The zone it self was not rewarding enough to warrant difficulty level as well which took away from what they where going for.

Korthia should just have flying. That whole zone is a bad joke compared to what it could have been. Story beats into the jailers motivations, background and planning should have been added to each rank up with the faction. Giving you more insight into the jailer as you progress the zone.


I’m one of the most avid pro-flying long-time posters on this forum, but I really don’t think flying is needed in the Maw or Korthia since they’re both extremely small zones.

Both also have built-in travel methods already. The Maw has multiple teleporters and the grappling hook system. You can also get almost anywhere super fast by teleporting up to Dartanos’ area and gliding down. I’ve intercepted the Charger many times, this way.

In Korthia, the Silver Shardhide Whistle is your best friend. It WAS annoying getting to the southern island before they added the grappling hooks in a patch, but with those in place there’s plenty of time to get to the Venthyr event from east or west sides of the zone.

(Gunshoes also work in Korthia, btw.)

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The ability to travel around there is very convoluted and backwards.

And if Kyrian and Mawsworn can do it, I don’t see why I can’t, too!

I personally don’t want weord ways to “get around faster,” I just want to fly and see that perspective.


I did not mention Korthia, the Maw, the Broken Shore, Nazjatar and/or Mechagon; I do agree they are not last patch zones.

:thinking: IRONY :thinking:


Flying is largely irrelevant for the maw since that zone is basically deprecated except for the maw assaults. Korthia is too small to make flying even meaningful.

I want to thank the OP for posting this topic. Speaking only for myself :sunglasses: my experience in the Maw & Korthia will be much enhanced when/if flying is possible. Being able to ride really opened up the region for me, yet just getting from point A to point B still feels like I am running a gauntlet.


… there is a flight point that takes you all of 10 seconds from Reliwik. If we are talking about convenience Reliwik is far from the worst rare -in SL alone- there is to get to or catch.

Flying isn’t going to make it so you stop missing rare spawns. I’ve missed Mystic Raindowhorn flying straight from Heart of the Forest.

Much like Dungeons and BGs don’t need flying no content in these zones needs flying.
By adding flying to the maw you actively detract from the other methods of travel and transportation it offers you like grapples and riftstone points. In Korthia’s case a lot of the treasure collecting would turn into little less than a chain of dive bombs from the sky.

As has been talked about to death already, while flying is convenient for just mounting up wherever and avoiding the things that get in your way so you can travel in a straight line far above the world … it’s a feature that heavily limits the type of content that can be create and present. In the case of Korthia, it actively detracts from things like jumping puzzles or questing; to be able to lift off the ground at will.

“Maw Walker, we need to find a way to cross this chasm and reach the Vault of Secrets!” mounts up and flys over to meet the NPC on the other side “Great work!”

Is a silly exchange to think about but that’s exactly what flying does. Putting in a chasm, wall, tower, mobs, or any form of content you can use flying to circumvent without a thought is silly. Quite a predicament for a fundamentally ground based game.

Flying isn’t a need. It’s part of this game and should be integrated into it, not fought against. And the transportation methods in the Maw are extremely stupid and illogical.

It isn’t at all. It opens up exploration and should be part of the content like it was in BC.

Bastion and Warlords says, “who cares?” Also: it doesn’t detract from questing. It adds a new layer of moving from one question to another. And there’s enough Mawsworn around to make it quite dangerous to fly. That’s called immersion.

And therein lies the issue: when flying was introduced, it was made into part of end game content. And then Cata continued making the content something that has flying as part of it. Blizzard fights against it by trying to force us onto the ground. They need to stop. Flying is part of this game and needs to be treated as such again.


Correct, flying is not going to make anyone stop missing rare spawns.

What it could do, however, is make it significantly easier to access these rares. This will also help the extremely unlucky ones who are still farming these rares when the content is irrelevant, and whether it is challenging to navigate the zone is null. At this point, the long navigation is more of a frustration to collectors than “fun”. This is why I think adding flying in 9.2 to these zones is a good idea.

Also, the flight point to Reliwik is extremely slow from the Korthia base. You could entirely miss both rares once the events are started and called out in the zone, as the flight takes so long. They could just make it an instant portal, or better yet have a teleportation system added to Korthia in all corners of the zone, if they dont want to bother with flying. But I think flying would be more beneficial in the long run.

Annoying ≠= Difficult

Having a bunch of trash mobs between you and a quest objective is nothing but annoying. When you can’t take five steps without aggroing a mob, or better yet, someone else fighting a mob puts you in combat like what happens in Korthia all the time, that’s an annoyance, not difficulty.

If your complaint about flying is because you think people use it to finish content too quickly, then complain about not having anything else to do, then what you should really want is more content. However, from TBC to MoP we’ve had flying at level cap, which was given after hoofing it across every zone and uncovering every area of the map along with doing a specific number of quests in each zone.

After hitting level cap, what is the reason to not have flying? Travel to a destination is NOT content. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a dungeon, raid, world quest, or farming.

The best option, in my opinion, is to require every quest in the different zones be finished, which would give you the explorer achievement and uncover all areas of the map. Doing all those quests should put you at level cap. You can even buy flying for each alt you want, with a hefty price-tag; say 10,000 gold, while at the same time having a fast-track leveling for alts. Alts could subsequently level the same way as the first character, and get flying for free just by getting the achievement. A lot of this is similar to how it was done in the past, albeit there wasn’t fast-track leveling.

And as much as it has been said when one of you masochists chime in with the anti-flying talk, I’ll reiterate; you don’t have to fly if you don’t want to.


Just ignore players like erandis, they take everything as you speaking for them. Literally could say something completely general that somehow applies to them, like you did with this post. Then make up some argument about why your infringing on them and blah blah blah. People need to understand that not everything is entirely about them, when it’s a generally shared opinion it’s a bit different. Along with your not naming them directly either so there’s no need to get wrapped up about it or say anything.

As for your post personally I would like to be able to fly. I do understand and feel the pain when it comes to getting to rares and the like in the maw. As it’s a very big 3D zone, similar to revendreth. To where it takes a long time to get anywhere and everywhere due to the cliffs and zones that just work against you the best it can. I would like to be able to fly honestly, we can already mount, don’t see much harm in flying in the maw.

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Adds a new layer of … * Checks Notes * moving from one quest(?) to another… like a grappling hook or riftstones? Or… Argus waypoints?

The point you are trying to make is completely ridiculous. Flying doesn’t offer greater exploration or “New layers” of moving (whatever fancy words you want to dress it up with) flying is efficient and convenient travel. That’s plainly what it is. Trying to argue otherwise is just denying the truth.

TBC didn’t have a darn thing like that.

I largely don’t consider things like requiring flying mounts in order to reach the instance entrances as “made into part of end game content”. A flight point would have equally sufficed. (the lack of flight points to certain locations is a questionable design choice. )

Across all the expansions I think Wrath is probably the only one to successfully implement any form of non grounded gameplay and the way they were able to do so was through the use of vehicles and not flying mounts. Cata had vashjir which was an effort to make WoW combat work in a 3d space but it was just largely busted in a lot of respects and players overwhelmingly hated the experience.

Reliwik is literally 10 seconds away from a flight point.

None of the examples are difficult to reach. The issue that was laid out was Rare spawns > Player not near spawn > doesn’t make it to rare before it’s killed.

Flying doesn’t solve that, you are still going to show up to rares after they are already dead if they spawn when you are far away. The reason players miss spawns isn’t due to the “difficulty” of getting there but rather their distance from the rare at the time it spawns.

When it comes to difficulty Zelnithop should be top of the list… but it’s not there, is it? It’s not about the difficulty of reaching these locations. None of the ones listed are hard to reach. Konthrogz shares spawns with with Consumption & Worldcracker for Thrall’s sake… “difficult” is an over dramatization.

What a bold faced lie!? Flight paths are 430% move speed… it’s faster than a flying mount. This particular one even goes in a straight line… just… just… why would you lie about this?

Then make a case for them?
If that’s what you want you should be asking for that. What you’ve said thus far just comes out as ’ I want even faster travel" without plainly saying it.

I’m a fan of the way point approach. The flightmaster whistle functionality is something I really miss when outside of Legion/BFA content to be able to waypoint around. But I’m of the mind that a zone as small as Korthia isn’t in need of additional flight points.

And yet I’ve discovered so many new areas and seen so many new perspectives while flying. Not to mention all of the different levels, heights, mountains, valleys, hidden areas, layers of Nazjatar, etc.

To some yes. To others it’s more than that. Instead of being insulting, perhaps you should learn how to open up your mind to how others play.

Then I suppose you didn’t play in BC, Cata or Mists.

That’s not flying. Nor has anything to do with this.

Netherwing dailies needed flying. Skyguard wasn’t accessible without flying. Nor was Ogri’la. We had immersion through dangerous flying areas, as well.

If all you want to do is be condescending and insulting— apparently like many people from your server recently— then please do so with someone else. Thank you.

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You should read the rest of that sentence before you attack me for something I never said.

First of all, the rest of your sentence also has nothing to do with flying. Secondly, no one attacked you.

No. They aren’t big zones, you can unlock portals in the maw to the top and bottom zones. North is extremely small

Ride your horse

This is an amazing topic, it started out with the OP stating their opinion & preference, asking for flying to be added to the Maw & Korthia. Many opinions have been expressed both for & against flying. One very wise contributor stated an almost zen comment “if you don’t want to fly, don’t fly.” (Sorry I forgot your name, will edit if I can find it.)

When/if flying comes to the Maw, those who prefer to walk or ride will have the option of choice. Not a fan of flying? So walk or ride. Easy peasy.

Now this quote . . .

If I understand the contributor is TELLING the person they quoted how to PLAY THEIR GAME. Triple checks to be sure I did not misunderstand

I love horses, was fortunate to have them for many years, love to ride. But I do NOT want to ride through the Maw. I prefer to fly, and will rejoice the day that is possible, just as I did when I finally took to the air in Shadowlands.

Meanwhile . . . you do you in the Maw, have fun riding. :racehorse: :racehorse: :racehorse: :racehorse:

Hopefully someday I can do the same there, doing me, having fun flying. :dragon: :dragon: :dragon: :dragon:

As much as i am for flying, i do not think either place should have it. The OP claims flying would make it easier to reach rares faster before they are killed ?, Well , as someone who played through both area’s, OP, if you do not know where the rares spawn by now ?, then i do not know what to tell you. Be like most other players do…and park on the spawn points ( yes…i know a couple of them are random spots ), but flying will not change it.