Please Add Breeding Centers

If you could see them right now, they’d be laughing at you…

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I swear Humanbeak’s posts just get weirder and weider…


Is quarantine affecting you that acutely? I think you need to find yourself a girlfriend. Then again, maybe that’s not a good idea.

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describing pokemon red and blue is just “weirder and weirder…”

I actually just googled it and it was 2nd generation pokemon not 1st that had breeding but I only played the first 2 generations so it’s all the same to me in memory. 2nd generation pokemon is so close to red and blue that the idea of someone suggesting pet breeding should not even raise an eyebrow anywhere.

This is either fake outrage or trolling. We all played pokemon and breeding pokemon was very much a thing and they gave you an egg that hatched into a new pokemon. Everything they are saying is true and there is nothing weird about it if you know pokemon, which you do, you just want to outrage and troll.

Maybe we can get a Monster Rancher feature instead!
For every Acti-Blizz title you register to your you get to summon a new pet!
Prime Gaming? New pet!
Link your Youtube account? New Pet!
Got two boring old pets? Merge em and see what you get!
Pop in that 90’s CD? New pet!

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That is not only an assumption but incorrect one. And yes, I find it a wield request but the title was just poorly worded and I be fair I think it was intentionally so. Hell the OP has another thread about having children in game…

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Op, go get laid. This is creepy territory.


It is a very justified assumption. Pokemon was by far the most popular and successful video game/tv show franchise ever made. In history. Nobody came close to it at the time. Everyone knew pokemon and we still do today. So when I see a post on the forums asking for a pokemon game feature and everyone starts concern trolling and report abusing the post I obviously want to speak out.

Pokemon breeding was very much a thing and kids had no problem with it and adults playing wow pretending to have a problem with it are literally trolling.

Yeah that was a bit weird, my suggestion on that post was even worse.

imagine flagging this post and not the dumb forum discord posts here.

I can’t wait to see a hybrid between a wretched servant and a literal ball of arcane energy!

Y’all need to touch grass.

I have judged your imagination and found it lacking.

Think more unstoppable force meeting an immoveable object.

Go touch grass and play pokemon gold and silver. You clearly are too young to understand this thread or you are just lacking a good childhood.

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Sounds like something a suspicious degenerate would say.

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shinryu theme starts playing…
what the?

You’re looking dapper.

Sounds like something a naive person would say. you seen this community?

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Like the entire pet battle system… you’re part of a infinitesimally small minority.